Chapter 172 Mage Evolution is Still Overwhelming!
"Come out, my trump card!" Ji Zheng threw out the poke ball vigorously.


White light flashed, and a burly fire-breathing dragon appeared on the field.The size of this fire-breathing dragon is only one size smaller than Xiao Luo's fire-breathing dragon, but its arms are thicker than Xiao Luo's fire-breathing dragon, and its expression looks extremely confident.

To Xiao Luo's surprise, this fire-breathing dragon actually had a mage evolution stone on its neck.

"Could it be..."

Xiao Luo looked intently at Ji Zheng's wrist.

Sure enough, Xiao Luo discovered that Jizheng's wrist was carrying a stone that was identical to the stone of mage.

"Hehe, so this is your trump card?" Xiao Luo said with a smile, "You can get the mage evolution stone of the charizard, it must have taken you a lot of effort and energy!"

"You really know about mage evolution!" Ji Zheng smiled and said, "You must also know the power of mage evolution. Although your fire-breathing dragon can also mage evolution, but its physical strength is not much left, it is not my opponent at all. The remaining elves I I don't think you will have any powerful elves except that Geng Gui. I may not lose this game!"

Xiao Luo shook her head and smiled, "You're wrong, my charizard can't mage evolve at all. It's an elf I just subdued, and the two of us haven't reached the point where we can connect with each other."

"Then there is nothing to be afraid of! It seems that it is a bit difficult for you to get this badge."

"I don't think so! Geng Gui!" Xiao Luo originally wanted to send Kuailong to play, but Jizheng's last elf was beyond Xiao Luo's expectations.It just happened to be handed over to Geng Gui to experiment how much stronger it is after mage evolution than other mage evolution elves.

"Hey... this game is interesting!" Geng Gui stuck out his tongue excitedly and licked his lips.

Off the court, Xiaozhi and the others were a little confused when they heard their conversation, and didn't understand what they said at all.That's why Xiaoqian understands a little bit.Xiaoqian knew that Jizheng had a mage evolutionary stone, but she never expected that Xiaoluo also had such a thing.

You know, this kind of thing almost just appeared in the Cassius area, and many people have never heard of it.

"Sure enough, you used this Geng ghost, but it is definitely not the opponent of the mage fire-breathing dragon! Fire-breathing dragon, mage evolution!" Ji Zheng said, and stretched out two fingers to press the mage stone on his wrist.


The fire-breathing dragon also roared at the same time, and the two mage stones emitted four rope-like energy lines to connect one by one in the air. Immediately afterwards, the fire-breathing dragon was bathed in the light of evolution and began to change.


After the light of evolution, the fire-breathing dragon has become a black elf with a dark blue abdomen, two blue flames on both sides of the mouth, and blue flames on the tail. In addition, the wings have also become blue. Jagged, looks very fierce.

"OK! Mage Charizard!"


A huge roar resounded throughout the venue, and a faint coercion rippled.The fire-breathing dragon looked up at Geng Gui, his eyes were full of confidence.

"Hmph! Geng Gui, let them see it too!"

"Geng Gui~"

With Geng Gui's long cry, the light of evolution burst out, and Geng Gui's form also began to change.

After the light dissipated, a strange elf with a red lower body and a black upper body appeared in front of everyone.Geng Gui's hands were in the shape of horseshoes, and his legs disappeared, leaving only a fish-like tail, straight up, with thorny back hair, red eyes, and a yellow eye mark between his eyebrows.


Geng Gui's series of sinister smiles made people feel chills all over.

"This... what is this?"

Xiaozhi and the others were so surprised that they could hardly speak. Xiaozhi took out the illustration book to investigate, but did not find any relevant information.

"How is this possible! Geng Ghost can also mage evolve, and it doesn't need to be induced!" Ji Zheng was completely dumbfounded.Even his fire-breathing dragon was full of shock, the confidence in his eyes was gone, replaced by alertness and solemnity.

"I don't believe it. It must be a lie. The fire-breathing dragon uses jet flames!" Ji Zheng obviously couldn't bear the blow, and directed the fire-breathing dragon to attack.

"Roar" "Whoo"

After a roar, the fire-breathing dragon spit out a bright red light, and hit Geng Gui with a strong sound of piercing the air.

Geng Gui pulled his hands together, and a huge shadow formed, flinging it towards the flames of the fire-breathing dragon.


As soon as the two big tricks intersected, they exploded, the air waves billowed, and the smoke and dust billowed.

" strong...too powerful..."

Xiao Luo and the others stretched out their hands to block the blowing smoke and dust, and couldn't help admiring.

"Damn it, fire-breathing dragon, use the dragon claw!"


The fire-breathing dragon's hands glowed green, forming two huge claws. With a flap of its wings, it charged towards Geng Gui.


Just when the fire-breathing dragon raised its claws to slap Geng Gui, Geng Gui's eyes glowed blue, and he bound the fire-breathing dragon.


The fire-breathing dragon struggled hard, trying to break free from the shackles of the illusion.


There was another soft sound, the restraint of the illusion technique became stronger and stronger, the super power overflowed, the whole field seemed to tremble slightly, and the broken stones on the field slowly floated up.

"Go away, pussy!"

With Geng Gui's roar, an invisible energy hit the fire-breathing dragon's chest, and the fire-breathing dragon couldn't stop flying upside down until it hit the wall of the guild hall.

"It's impossible, how could it be like this... Impossible... I don't believe it... I don't believe it..." Ji Zheng looked at everything on the field with his eyes lost, his previous confidence and high spirits had disappeared.


On the field, without waiting for the fire-breathing dragon to react, Geng Gui threw out a series of oversized shadow balls like machine guns.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of explosions continued, and a big hole was blown out of the entire wall, and the fire-breathing dragon was shot out of the room.


After the shadow ball stopped, the Charizard shook off the gravel and stood up again.

"call out"

Geng Gui rushed to it in an instant, and under the surprised eyes of the fire-breathing dragon, he hit it hard on the chin with a hard hit.


The fire-breathing dragon fell to the ground again.


The fire-breathing dragon lay on the ground, roaring intermittently.

Seeing that Geng Gui was about to pull out another huge shadow ball, Xiao Luo stopped it in time with a sound.

"Ji Zheng, you have already lost!" Xiao Luo said to Ji Zheng with a blank face.

"Did you lose? Lost..." Ji Zheng said with a dull expression.

Seeing him like this, Xiao Luo looked at the referee Xiao Qian.

Xiaoqian understood, and announced loudly: "The fire-breathing dragon lost the ability to fight, and Geng Gui won, so the winner is the challenger Xiaoluo!"

As soon as Xiaoqian's voice fell, the charizard released the mage evolution and lay on the ground panting.Geng Gui also released the evolution immediately after, and became invisible.

Xiao Luo glanced at Ji Zheng again, sighed softly, and walked in front of Xiao Qian: "Give us the badge! You can enlighten him well, this time I went too far. I hope he can restrain his temper in the future. "

Xiao Luo deliberately said us, Xiao Qian naturally understood what he meant.So, Xiaoqian took out two badges and said to Xiaoluo: "You should give it to Xiaozhi, I know he still wants to challenge Jizheng, but you have seen Jizheng's current state..."

"Xiaozhi has the strength to get this badge, and tell him that Jizheng will participate in the Chengdu League Conference!"

After Xiao Luo heard Xiao Qian's words, she understood what she meant.Smiling and nodding.

Afterwards, Xiao Luo greeted Xiao Zhi and the three to leave the hall.

Xiaoqian stood there, looking at the dilapidated battle field, and after sighing, she walked to Jizheng's side...

(End of this chapter)

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