Chapter 173 Encounter in the Forest!

After getting the badge of Manjin Guild Hall, Xiao Luo waited in Manjin City for another two days before Bangira fully recovered.But because the side effects of the dark elf ball were too powerful, Bangira also left with an irreparable injury-cough.

This made Xiao Luo regretful and at the same time increased his hatred for the Flames.

The three of Xiaozhi set off for Yuanzhu City the day before.Little Luo couldn't stay in Manjin City any longer. As soon as Bangira got well, he took Bangira and Ke Er Miaomiao and set off for Yuanzhu City...


"Miaomiao, where is this?" Xiao Luoxu wiped the sweat from his forehead, and asked Miaomiao, "Didn't you say that you can go from Zimangjin City to Yuanzhu City in three days?"It's been five days now, why haven't I even seen the shadow of a city. "

"This..." Miao Miao miraculously took out a map and looked at it, "I don't know, Miao, maybe we got lost, Miao~"

"Lost?" Xiao Luo asked in surprise, "You can get lost too?"

"Of course meow~ If I wasn't omnipotent!"

"But I've been treating you like a jingle cat?"

"What's the matter Jingle cat?" Meow asked curiously.

"Stupid, Jingdong cat is a cat with Jingdong!" Cole interjected beside him.

Xiao Luo looked at Ke Er with wide-eyed eyes, and thought to herself: This girl is so "smart"!


"So that's the case, but I didn't wear jingle bells either, meow~"

Xiao Luo looked at Miaomiao, nodded repeatedly and said, "Enen, let Cole customize one for you some other day, pure gold."

"Okay, okay, I'll make you a big one and hang it around your neck."

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Miaomiao's head, and said, "I think it's better to forget meow~"

After finishing speaking, Miaomiao continued to look at the map and said: "This forest is not marked on the map at all, meow, if Kuailong takes me to the sky to have a look, I should be able to determine the direction."

"Forget it, let's eat first, and fly over on the fast dragon after eating, I've had enough of camping."

"I agree with this method, meow~"

"I agree too!" Cole said happily, raising his little hand.

The two of them found a relatively flat place, spread out the carpet, and began to prepare for something to eat.

All of Xiao Luo's elves were released, and even Celebi gave up her invisibility and came out to eat the elves that Xiao Luo specially prepared for her.

While Xiao Luo and the others were enjoying this rare moment of ease, a discordant voice came from not far away.

"Kami Turtle, use the water gun..."

"Damn it, Kami Turtle, spin at high speed..."


"There are still people in this forest, meow~"

Xiao Luo swallowed the compressed biscuit hard in his mouth. This feeling made him miss Xia Yi who is far away in Zhenxin Town!

"Come on, let's go and see!"

Xiao Luo greeted with a meow and walked quickly towards the direction of the sound.

Seeing that Xiao Luo didn't bring any elves, Geng Gui was a little worried, but he couldn't let go of the food in front of him, so he stretched out his hand to touch the fire-breathing dragon: "You, let's go together!"


The fire-breathing dragon was swallowing the food of the elves, and when it saw Geng Gui appointing itself, it let out a grievance.

"Hurry up, don't smear the ink, and eat when you come back."

The fire-breathing dragon took a pitiful look at the elves, and found that except for Benjira who had just joined the group, who looked at it with pity, the other elves looked like they had nothing to do with themselves.

The fire-breathing dragon wanted to attack, but when he thought about Geng Gui's method, he gave up, fluttered his wings, and followed Xiao Luo.

It didn't take long for Xiao Luo to find the source of the voice. A girl in hot pants and short sleeves was directing a cammy turtle to fight a group of needle bees.Kamigui already has many scars on his body, and there are several large needle bees lying on the ground.

Miao Miao looked a little surprised: "Who is this, Miao, who dares to enter such a big forest alone."

"Another self-righteous rookie trainer. This kind of person doesn't know how many people are killed and injured every year. The education system in this world still needs to be improved."


After the big needle bee swarm charged again, the Kami turtle lost the ability to fight and lay on the ground.

"Damn it, come back Kami Turtle!" Looking at the swarm of big needle bees, the girl was obviously a little nervous.

The girl reached into her pouch on the side, took out another elf ball and threw it out: "Go, fire-breathing dragon!"

Xiao Luo froze for a moment, the girl didn't use all her strength for her feelings.

It's just that before the elf ball was opened, the girl ran away, but the elf ball thrown was empty.

Does this work too?
Xiao Luo secretly admired the girl's wit, and this really stunned the big needle bee, allowing the girl to escape temporarily.

"She's running towards us meow~"

"Help her, Charizard!"

After hearing Xiao Luo's command, the fire-breathing dragon flapped its wings and flew up, blocking between the girl and the big needle bee.


A roar resounded through the entire forest, and the fire-breathing dragon roared out all the anger it had received from Geng Gui at the big needle bees.

A faint coercion and powerful breath rippled out.The swarm of big needle bees froze for an instant, and dispersed in a herd, never daring to continue chasing the girl.

"Good... so amazing!" The girl turned around and stared at the fire-breathing dragon in a daze.


The fire-breathing dragon let out two snorts, and was very indifferent to the performance just now.

"Hey! How did you come to such a place alone?" Xiao Luo stepped forward and asked.

"Come out for a trip!" The girl came back to her senses, looked at Xiao Luo who came out, and knew that he was the trainer of the fire-breathing dragon. She stretched out her hand and said, "Hello, my name is Axuan, and I'm from Shuidu!"

"Xiao Luo!" Xiao Luo stretched out his hand and shook her.

Wait... Where did she come from?

"You said you're from Shuidu?" Xiao Luo couldn't help clenching her hand when she got excited.


A Xuan blushed, and said, "Without me, I'm from the capital of water—Arutomure (Australian governor Marley)"

"What you said is true?" Xiao Luo said excitedly.

Ah Xuan nodded, blushing and said: "Well... can you let go of your hand first."

It was only then that Xiao Luo remembered that she was still holding his little hand, her face blushed, she let go and said, "I'm sorry, I got a little excited."

"It's okay..." Ah Xuan's voice was a little weak, he looked at Xiao Luo carefully, and thought: This young man looks really good-looking, if he really treats himself...

Thinking of this, Ah Xuan felt a little hot on his face.

Xiao Luo smiled awkwardly and said, "Let's go, get out of here first, my elf and I are resting not far from here, and we can talk there."


When he came to Xiao Luo's resting place, Ah Xuan was completely shocked.God, what kind of trainer is this? There are Kuailong, Benjila, and Geng Gui. The hardest thing for Ah Xuan to believe is that she actually saw a Celebi, yes, it was a Celebi.

"Is that Celebi your spirit too?" Ashuan asked in shock.

Xiao Luo explained: "It's not, and the Geng Ghost is not my elf either. They are my traveling companions."

"Partner?" Ah Xuan asked, "Can elves also be travel companions?"

"Why not? Do elves have to be vassals of humans?" Geng Gui floated in front of Ah Xuan and said.

Ah Xuan was surprised: " can talk?"

"I can do it too, meow?" Miaomiao suddenly said as she stood beside Ah Xuan.


A Xuan was startled, ran to Xiao Luo's side, and grabbed his arm tightly.These elves are too scary!

"Hmph!" Cole looked dissatisfied with Ah Xuan's actions, "Let go of my brother Luo!"

Xiao Luo: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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