Chapter 174 Target Water City!Set off

Because of Ah Xuan's arrival, Xiao Luo started the stove himself and stewed a pot of delicious thick soup, which made Xiao Luo's elves feast on their mouths.

After the meal, Xiao Luo asked Ah Xuan about the situation in Shuidu.

"Are you a rookie trainer?" Xiao Luo asked.

"Well, I just set off from Shuidu to travel!"

"Is the water far from here?"

"It's not very far, it can be reached in three days."

Xiao Luo asked: "Then can you take me to Shuidu?"

"Ah?" Ah Xuan asked curiously, "Why do you go to the water?"

"Uh..." Xiao Luo thought for a while and said, "I heard that Shuidu is a very beautiful city, so I really want to visit it, but the map I bought can't find Shuidu at all."

"Impossible!" Ah Xuan said in surprise, "What kind of map, there is no water!"

Xiao Luo called Miao Miao next to him, found out the map, and handed it to Ah Xuan: "This is the one, it doesn't mark the location of Shuidu at all."

After looking at it for a while, Ah Xuan pointed to a small island and said, "Isn't this the capital of water?"

"Ah?!" Xiao Luo looked at the place where Ah Xuan pointed, and saw that the name of the island was "Arutomare"

"This is Water City?" Xiao Luo asked.

"You really don't know?" Seeing Xiao Luo's puzzled face, Ah Xuan explained: "Water is another name for this island, because this city is full of canals and surrounded by the sea, and the houses are built on the river. Therefore, it is called the capital of water. Its real name is Arutomare"

"Ah! So that's the case, I really don't know!" Xiao Luo scratched her head in embarrassment.

"Then will you go back with us?" Xiao Luo asked.

"I..." Ah Xuan hesitated for a moment, and said, "I've been out for a long time, so it's good to go back and have a look."

"Well, let's go together, let's set off now, we should be able to reach Shuidu after dark!"

"Ah? It's getting dark? This..." Ah Xuan couldn't react.

Xiao Luo chuckled and packed up all the things and elves, leaving only the fast dragon and the fire-breathing dragon outside.

"Choose one!" Xiao Luo pointed to Kuai Long and Huo Huo and said to Ah Xuan.

Ah Xuan was taken aback for a moment, but then he came to his senses and said excitedly: "You said we'll fly over with them."

"Bingguo! That's right!"

"I want to ride a fire-breathing dragon. It's great. I didn't expect that I would be able to soar in the blue sky so soon."

"Hehe, then I'll take the fast dragon!"

Xiao Luo took Cole and Miao Miao to ride the fast dragon, and Ah Xuan climbed onto the back of the fire-breathing dragon.At first, the fire-breathing dragon was a little reluctant to carry Ah Xuan, but after being taught a few words by Xiao Luo, he calmed down.

As the fast dragon and the fire-breathing dragon took off, Xiao Luo's mood began to surge...

Water City, Ladios and Ladias, the first divine beast that truly belonged to them, landed here.Thinking about it, Xiao Luo trembled with excitement.

Although Celebi also reached out, and Geng Gui also has the strength beyond ordinary beasts, but they are not their own elves after all, and the feeling is completely different.


In the evening of that day, after a five-hour flight, Xiao Luo and the others finally arrived at the sky above the water capital.It could have been faster, but it was the first time for Ah Xuan to ride the fire-breathing dragon, and Xiao Luo didn't dare to let the fire-breathing dragon fly too fast.

"It's so fast! I got home so soon, it feels like a dream." Ah Xuan was still a little excited.

Xiao Luo smiled understandingly: "Let's land at the gate of the Elf Center, we may have to rest there at night."

"Why do you go to the Elf Center? This is the city of water, my home! Let's go, I'll take you to my home and let you taste my mother's cooking." Ah Xuan showed a nostalgic expression: "I haven't eaten my mother's roasted rice for a long time. My mouth is watering now just thinking about it.”

After finishing speaking, Ah Xuan patted the fire-breathing dragon and directed it to fly towards his home.

"Fuck! Why did you forget this, hurry up, Kuailong!"

"huh" "huh"

Two huge elves shuttled over the water very quickly.

"It's right here, fire-breathing dragon, come down!" Ah Xuan pointed to a small house along the river, and shouted excitedly.


The fire-breathing dragon let out a roar, and rushed straight down. When it knew it was about to hit the ground, it slowed down, and then landed steadily.Xiao Luo also drove the fast dragon and landed next to the fire-breathing dragon.

The movements of the two elves naturally caught the attention of Ah Xuan's parents.

As soon as they landed here, Ah Xuan, his parents, walked out of the room to check the situation.

"Dad, Mom!" Ah Xuan put his arms around the fire-breathing dragon's neck and changed happily.

"Ah Xuan, it's you!" Ah Xuan's mother was very surprised.

"Hey, of course it's me!" The fire-breathing dragon lowered its body, Ah Xuan jumped down, hugged her mother and said coquettishly: "Mom, I miss you to death!"

"You child!" Ah Xuan's mother fondled Ah Xuan's hair.

Ah Xuan's father smiled happily: "Hehe, your mother misses you too, just now she was talking about you, saying she didn't know where you were."


Little Luo pulled Cole and stood quietly aside, not disturbing their joy of reunion.

Xiao Luo is very envious of such a scene!The love of his parents and the joy of reunion seem to be far away from him...

"These two are..."

It was Ah Xuan's father who first thought of Xiao Luo and the two of them.This moved Xiao Luo very much, man!Still a man is enough...

"Oh! By the way, these are the friends I met on the road, Xiaoluo, Cole, and Meow~"

After Xiao Luo put away the fire-breathing dragon and Kuailong, he and Cole greeted Ah Xuan's parents very politely.Cole was even more loved by Ah Xuan's mother, who held her in her arms and loved her non-stop.

In the evening, Xiao Luo and Cole were naturally warmly received by Ah Xuan's parents.Ah Xuan's mother's cooking skills are really good, and Xiao Luo and Ah Xuan, who are sleeping in the wind and sleeping in the open air, are very satisfied with the food. Cole, a glutton, eats himself half to death.

That night, Xiao Luo and Cole spent the night at Ah Xuan's house, planning to start looking for Ladios and Ladias the next day.

Early the next morning, Xiao Luo got up early, and after eating the hearty breakfast prepared by A Xuan's mother, A Xuan took her with her and began to wander around the water capital.

Water Capital is a very beautiful city, and there are many people who come here to travel here.There are rivers everywhere here, and there are a lot of boats moored in the rivers, and many people choose to take a boat to see the city.Various water spirits are active in the river, and there are also many spirits playing with their trainers on the river bank.There are also a large number of clean bird elves in the air here!

Ah Xuan led Xiao Luo to form here, and people greeted Ah Xuan everywhere, looking very popular.

There was even a young man who, after seeing Ah Xuan, invited him, Xiao Luo, and Cole to take a boat trip.

Naturally, Little Luo and Cole would not refuse such a request, and boarded the boat very happily.Along the way, Cole was so excited that he ran to the bow of the boat and then to the stern as happy as a bird. Even Poker ignored him and was abandoned by her to Xiaoluo.

Not long after, when Xiao Luo was admiring the customs and customs here, a figure flashed into Xiao Luo's eyelids.

Xiao Luo focused her eyes, showing an excited expression. She never expected to meet her so easily...

(End of this chapter)

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