Chapter 175 Tracking!

"Geng Gui, look at that girl!" Xiao Luo looked up and whispered into the air.

"En?" Geng Gui was a little puzzled and appeared.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Geng Gui's appearance, Ah Xuan asked with some doubts.

Xiao Luo smiled slightly and said, "It's nothing, I found some interesting things."

"Hey, interesting, really interesting!" Geng Gui's voice sounded.

"How is it?" Xiao Luo asked a little nervously.

"That girl...hehe..." Geng Gui didn't say anything, but Xiao Luo understood what it meant.

"Axuan, help me take care of Pokobi!" Xiao Luo handed Pokopi to Axuan, and said, "You play with Cole first, and I will go to do some things first. Meow, you go with me .”

"What are you going to do, meow~" Meow Meow asked.

"Why do you ask so many questions? You'll know when you go." Xiao Luo gave Meow Miao a look, "Geng Gui took us there."


Blue energy emerged, and Geng Gui took Xiao Luo and Miao Miao ashore.

"Brother Xiao Luo, what are you going to do!" Cole became a little anxious when he saw Xiao Luo go ashore.

"You play with Sister Axuan first, I will go to do some things, and I will go to Sister Axuan's house to find you at night!"

"Oh! Come back soon, Cole will miss you."

Xiao Luo: "..."

Seeing the girl turn the corner, Xiao Luo ran over and hung far behind it.

"Geng Gui, that's an elf, right!" Without Ah Xuan around, Xiao Luo had no scruples in speaking.

"That's right, it's an elf, and it can feel the unique pressure. It should be the same beast as Celebi! I just don't understand why it can turn into a human."

"Divine beasts have different abilities, we can't figure it out." Xiao Luo said with a smile: "In short, follow up and have a look, I'm here for them."

"You already knew there was a beast here?"

"Hey...otherwise who would come here!"

"You want to subdue it?" Geng Gui immediately guessed Xiao Luo's purpose.

"What is subjugation!" Xiao Luo glanced at it and said, "I mean sincerely inviting it to complete Arceus' great cause of protecting the world!"

Geng Gui: "It's pretty sweet to say, but the result is still subdued!"

Xiao Luo: "..."

"Ahem, do you think I should discuss with Arceus to accept you too!"

"Ahem... it turned again!"

"Then hurry up and keep up, don't be discovered by it!"

"Leave it to me, you won't be able to escape it!"

Geng Gui had already followed, and Xiao Luo was also happy and relaxed, walking slowly with Meow Miao.

Not long after, Geng Gui came back: "I found it, come with me!"

"Meow, hurry up and follow!" Xiao Luo greeted, and ran over with Geng Gui.

After a while, Geng Gui brought Xiao Luo to a wall, and said, "It's inside! This wall is the entrance, and this is a simple illusion."

"Come on, let's go in and have a look!" Xiao Luo said as he was about to go in.

"Wait!" Geng Gui stopped him and said, "How are you going to subdue it? If it is subdued violently, I have the ability to deal with it. However, I always feel that it is not easy."

"En?" Xiao Luo was a little surprised and asked, "How do you say?"

Geng Gui said: "I just went in and looked at it. It is almost a big manor with beautiful scenery. It is obviously a place for human habitation."

"If it is a human elf, then it is definitely impossible for you to subdue it. If it has not been subdued, then it is obviously closely related to that human being to be able to live in a human mansion. We have entered it so rashly. Something is wrong."

Xiao Luo thought about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case.

"Then what should we do?" Xiao Luo asked.

Geng Gui shrugged: "I can't help it, don't ask me, our elves' brains are not as useful as yours."


"In my opinion, this is not a problem at all, meow~" Meow said to himself beside me.


Xiao Luo and Geng Gui looked at Miao Miao at the same time, and asked, "What should I do?"

"Ahem, let's just go in and tell the beast that Arceus needs its help. Little Luo already has the aura of Arceus on him, so he must feel it. Even if it is already a human elf, we It can also be confiscated in the name of Arceus!"

Geng Gui and Xiao Luo looked at each other, why didn't he think of such a simple method.

With the backing of Arceus, there is nothing to be afraid of the beast.

Xiao Luo smiled and slapped Miao Miao to the ground: "As expected of the former Rockets, there are a lot of bad ideas."

Miaomiao was lying on the ground wanting to cry without tears.

"Come on, let's go in!" Xiao Luo waved her small hand and walked towards the wall.


As soon as the space changed, the eyes suddenly opened up, and a beautiful manor appeared in front of Xiao Luo, with swaying young trees, green lawns, well-trimmed grasses, and a clear artificial small lake...

The green-clothed girl that Xiao Luo was following - Kanon, was standing on the swing, shaking back and forth.

Xiao Luo found it, and it naturally also found Xiao Luo, but it was not afraid, but ran up quickly, smiled and looked at Xiao Luo.

Little Luo knew it was Ladias, so he smiled and said, "You are Ladias!"

"Canon" changed his face, showing a scared expression, and began to back away slowly.

"You don't have to be afraid, I won't hurt you..." Xiao Luo was afraid of scaring it, her voice became very gentle.

But the effect was not great. After Xiao Luo revealed its identity, it became wary of Xiao Luo.

"You..." Xiao Luo thought for a while, then stopped talking, but raised her head and called out: "Xiaoxue!"


Celebi touched invisibility and appeared in front of Xiao Luo.

"Xiaoxue, help me, tell it that I am a good person!" Xiao Luo begged.


After covering her mouth and laughing for a while, Celebi flew to the conversation between "Canon" and "Rabbi Rabbi".

Seeing the wariness in the eyes of "Canon" gradually disappear, Xiao Luo smiled happily.

But at this moment, there was a bang from the artificial lake in the distance, the lake water exploded, and a strong wind blew.

Xiao Luo's face changed, and he suddenly remembered that there was not only Ladios here, but also a Ladios with a bad temper.


Xiao Luo only had time to say a word when she felt Fangfo hit her chest hard with a sledgehammer, and her body flew up involuntarily.


Xiao Luo flew more than ten meters away before barely coming to a stop, her eyes closed tightly, lying on the ground motionless.

Geng Gui and Celebi were taken aback by the sudden attack. Seeing Xiao Luo being knocked to the ground, the expressions of the two elves changed.

"Brat! You've got a big deal, you've got a big deal!" Geng Gui took the lead and stood in front of Xiao Luo.

Celebi flew to Xiao Luo with teary eyes to check on his situation.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

In an instant, all the elf balls on Xiao Luo's body were automatically opened: Yuanlu Shark, Hippo King, Flaming Chicken, Kuailong, Charizard, and Bangira all ran out, roaring angrily, and surrounded Xiao Luo in the middle .


Hippo King's eyes glowed white, and an invisible energy spread out. After being scanned by the energy, Ladias transformed into his body, and Ladios' invisibility was also broken.


(Hey, Xiao Luo's elf is about to go berserk...)
(End of this chapter)

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