Chapter 176 The round land shark evolves!
As soon as Ladios' figure appeared, Xiao Luo's elves rushed forward as if they had found a vent.

Kuailong was the first to attack.As one of the fastest flying elves, Kuailong took the lead and rushed above Ladios, his fat fists were full of lightning, and crackled towards Ladios.


Ladios' speed was no less than Kuailong's, and he dodged Kuailong's attack with a tilt of his body.


The flame chicken rose from the ground, its right leg was burning with flames, and it kicked Ladios who had avoided the fast dragon's attack.

Ladios adjusted his body again, and rushed straight down to the ground, avoiding the flame chicken's attack.

"Hoo" "Hoo"

A jet of flames and a pure golden destructive death light intersected, sealing Ladios' escape route again.


Ladios stopped the charge in time, and after dodging the attack of spraying the destructive death light, a clean gloss sprayed out from his mouth, counteracting the attack of spraying flames.


Before Ladios could react, a light blue fluorescent light appeared on his body.

King Hippo launched an illusion technique, binding him in mid-air.


Ladios was shocked and struggled violently. The strength was so great that the hippopotamus king instantly turned pale.


Seeing that Ladios was restrained, the round land shark opened its mouth and a dragon wave spewed out. The majestic dragon energy formed a giant dragon with teeth and claws, and rushed towards Ladios.


Although Ladios broke free from the shackles of the Hippo King, he had no extra time to avoid the round land shark's attack. The wave of the dragon hit it perfectly, and after a bang, it was drowned in thick smoke.


An angry roar sounded in the smoke, and a purple laser-like energy beam shot out from the smoke quickly, hitting the round land shark.

Yuan Lusha had no time to react and was sent flying.

"Wow~" "Roar~" "Roar"...

Xiao Luo's elf became even more angry, and in an instant, spraying flames, destroying death rays, freezing rays... all kinds of tricks interweaved in the air like machine guns to form a big net, surrounding Ladias in it.

"This guy has some strength!" Geng Gui looked eagerly, ready to strike, and give Ladios a fatal blow.


At this moment, another tweet sounded, and Ladias saw that his brother was about to lose his hold in all kinds of tricks, so he planned to go up to support him.

"Huh?" After glancing at Radias' movements from the corner of Geng Gui's eyes, he activated the illusion in time to freeze Radias in mid-air.Geng Gui's illusion technique is naturally not comparable to Hippo King, and Ladias is not Ladios.Therefore, it could only twist, struggle, and scream in Geng Gui's bondage, but it was helpless.

Geng Gui glanced at it contemptuously and said: "Seeing that your nature is not bad, just stay honest and don't go up to die!"

Under the interweaving attack of numerous firepower, Ladios was extremely embarrassed to avoid.Although he occasionally sent out a clean radiance to counterattack, Xiao Luo's elves were not just easy-going, and the clean radiance under random changes did not hit once.

After a while, Ladios became a little tired, and was hit by Bangira's destructive death light due to an oversight, and flew out backwards.The rest of the tricks followed closely at this moment.

After a burst of explosions, Ladios fell straight to the ground.


At this moment, the Yuanlu Shark, who was attacked last time, also came to life. Thinking of being seen by many elves in his embarrassing state, he jumped up angrily.As it jumped, the body glowed with white light, flashing out dazzling white light beams...

The body of the round land shark keeps getting taller and stronger in the white light...


The white light dissipated, and a sharp-toothed land shark appeared in front of the elves, with unusually thick legs, two thin claws with two triangular fins, and only one big finger claw at the end of the claws.There is a large fin on the back with notches on the fins.


Looking at the falling Ladios, the claws of the fangtooth shark glowed with green fluorescence, forming two huge claws, rushed up quickly, and hit Ladios with a dragon's claws crossed.

A mournful cry sounded, and Ladios was hit hard on the ground, unable to fly again.


The Sharptooth Land Shark stepped on Ladios' neck, raised its right paw, and the green fluorescent light appeared again, slashing towards Ladios' head...


An abrupt girl sounded behind Fang Lusha.The elves looked up, only to find that this girl was the same as the one that Ladias had transformed into before.

Canon ran up quickly, pushed the round land shark off Ladios, and stopped in front of Ladios with open hands, saying: "What do you want to do, who allows you to treat Ladios like this? ?”

Fangtooth Shark was a little confused. The reason why it stopped was the instinct of obedience to humans. After all, it was an elf with a trainer.However, now it is discovered that this girl actually wants to protect the guy who hurt her trainer, this is absolutely unforgivable.


Fang Lu Sha came up with a fierce look on his face, and at the same time, all the elves of Xiao Luo surrounded him, surrounding Kanon, all with unfriendly faces.


Kanon swallowed hard, she was really scared.

"Sha~" "Wow~" "Roar~"...

Xiao Luo's elves all let out threatening calls.

"Human, you'd better not meddle in your own business!"

Geng Gui gave up control of Ladias, floated above Kanon, and spoke badly.

"You can talk?" Canon said in surprise: "Why did you attack Ladios? Also, how did you get in?"

"Damn it, get out of the way if you don't want to die."


Ladias ran to Kanon, looked at the injured Ladios with teary eyes, and then yelled at Xiaoluo's elf.It seems to be asking them to let their brother go.

However, Xiao Luo's elves shook their heads firmly, showing no signs of compromise.

"This is a big trouble meow~ Xiao Luo, Xiao Luo, wake up quickly!" Miao Miao knew that Xiao Luo was the only one who could stop this, so she shook Xiao Luo desperately, trying to wake her up.

"Rabbi ~ Rabbi ~"

Celebi also shook Xiao Luo.

"I can't help it, I can only use a unique move!" Miao Miao stretched out her claws, and with a sound of "Zheng", all the fingers and claws popped out.

"Wake me up!"

"Puchi" "Puchi"

Five blood marks crossed and appeared on Xiao Luo's face.

Seeing Meow Meow's movements, Celebi opened her small mouth in surprise and widened her eyes, looking extremely cute.

" hurts me to death..." Xiao Luo rubbed her face and chest again, feeling the burning pain in both places.

As soon as Xiao Luo's elves heard Xiao Luo's voice, they immediately showed surprise expressions, abandoned Canon and Ladios one after another, and surrounded Xiao Luo, screaming non-stop.

(I'm going to break my promise again, I can only code this chapter today! There are a lot of things, and I will spend another day with my cousin.)

(End of this chapter)

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