Chapter 177

"It hurts, it hurts to death!" In the end, Xiao Luo still felt that the injury on his face was more painful than the pain, so he gave up his chest, covered his face with his hands, and looked ashamed to see others.

"Xiao Luo, you're awake!" Geng Gui also floated over, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Ghost, you're a little immoral." Xiao Luoqing gasped as he touched the wound on his face.

"How can you give Ladios a second chance to attack!" Xiao Luo looked at Geng Gui strangely, a little dissatisfied.

"What?" Geng Gui was a little confused, what was Ladios' second attack?He had blocked Xiao Luo early, if this allowed Ladios to attack Xiao Luo, then he might as well hit the wall and die.

"Look at my face, look at my face!" Xiao Luo stretched her neck and sent her bloodstained face towards Geng Gui. "Let it hit me once, but how can you let it hit my face. It's the iron law that you don't hit someone in the face. I will have to rely on my face in the future."

Geng Gui: "..."


Celebi nodded Xiao Luo's arm beside him. Although Celebi couldn't speak, it didn't affect his expression.

It nodded at Xiao Luo's face, and then pointed at Meow Miao who was running away quietly.


Xiao Luo is not stupid, so she naturally understood what Celebi meant, so she jumped up, pointed at Meow Meow and said angrily, "So it's you!"

Miaomiao showed a terrified expression, and waved her hands again and again: "It's not me, it's not me... I didn't mean it, meow~"

Flame Chicken and Kuailong look at me and I look at you, they were stunned for a moment, not intending to make a move.

"Why are you still standing there, why don't you do anything!" Xiao Luo glared at them fiercely, and Kuailong and Flame Chicken realized that Xiao Luo was not joking.

So, the two elites rushed forward, pressed Miaomiao to the ground, punched and kicked.

"No... Meow... Help... Meow..."

Hearing Miaomiao's cry of pain, Xiao Luo felt a little more balanced.Damn, if you don't educate you, you won't know who is the boss in the future.


Fangtooth Lusha moved closer to Xiao Luo, gently rubbing his face on Xiao Luo's body.

"Fangtooth Shark?!" Xiao Luo discovered the evolved Fangtooth Shark, and said pleasantly, "You have evolved, that's great!"

Xiao Luo reached out and stroked Fangtooth Shark's head for a while, before asking Geng Gui, "Where's Ladios?"


Before Geng Gui could speak, Fangtooth Shark pointed in the direction of Ladios and Canon.

Xiao Luo saw that Ladios and Ladias were there, and Canon was beside them, his face changed slightly, and he became a little unnatural.After all, the deeds he did were not very bright, and Xiao Luo felt a little guilty when the real master appeared.

"Who are you, how did you come here, why did you allow your elves to hurt Ladios, do you know that Ladios and Ladias are the patron saints of this city!" Kanon said with a bad look Staring at Xiao Luo, she completely forgot the fear that Xiao Luo's spirit brought her.

"This..." Xiao Luo looked away, not daring to meet Kanon's beautiful big eyes.

"Hmph, you're a thug, you're not a good person at first glance. If you don't explain the purpose of coming here, I'll arrest you and marry Miss Junsha."

Xiao Luo: "..."


Hearing that Canon threatened Xiao Luo, Fang Lusha's eyes widened, and he uttered a threatening call to Canon.

Canon was a little scared: "What do you want to do?"

"Tooth land shark!"

Xiao Luo yelled reproachfully, which made Fang Lu Sha quiet down, and looked at Xiao Luo innocently.

Xiao Luo smiled and reached out to stroke its head for comfort.Then, he said to Canon, "I'm here...I'm save this city!"

The lie had already been told, little Luo Suo straightened his chest, and said loudly: "That's right, I'm here to save Shuidu and Ladios."

"What are you talking about?" Kanon was a little confused.

"In the near future, there will be a huge disaster in the water capital. If you want to save this city, Ladios must sacrifice." Little Laurent said: "And I came here just to prevent this from happening. here."

"A huge disaster? The sacrifice of Ladios? How is that possible!" Canon obviously didn't believe Xiao Luo's words.

Xiao Luo snorted coldly, and said: "As soon as possible, the news of the heart of the water droplet has been exposed..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Luo deliberately paused, and glanced at the only fountain in the manor.Xiao Luo remembered that the heart of the water drop was there.

"Moreover, some people are already thinking about the heart of the water drop and the water defense device." Xiao Luo said lightly: "Someone has already seen a corner of the future, the heart of the water drop is broken, and the water is in a huge disaster. Another drop of heart can resolve the disaster."

Xiao Luo's glance at the fountain already made Canon's little heart beat violently for a while, and she couldn't understand that the heart of the water drop was in the center of that fountain.

And Xiao Luo's follow-up words made Kanon's mouth wide open in surprise, speechless.At this moment, she really believed what Xiao Luo said.

"What you it true?" Kanon asked with difficulty.

"You will know in the future! I was just entrusted to protect the safety of Ladios and Ladias. Whether you believe it or not, I will wait for things to happen and ensure the safety of the heart of the water drop."

The more Xiao Luo talked, the more slippery he became. Although his purpose was impure, what he said was true, so there was no hopelessness.

Xiao Luo put away the elves one by one, and said again: "I'm sorry for Ladios' injury. Because it attacked me first, my elves counterattacked strongly. It's not me I can stop it, because at that time... I passed out from the pain!"

Xiao Luo was a little hard to tell about the fact that he was beaten unconscious.

"Okay, I'll go first. If you believe me, you can go to Ah Xuan's house to find me. I'm currently staying at her house. Of course, even if you don't find me, I will help if something happens. After Xiao Luo finished speaking, she took Miao Miao and Geng Gui and left here.

Kanon wanted to keep Xiao Luo, but she didn't know how to speak. Although she believed what Xiao Luo said, it was not her decision.Therefore, for Xiao Luo's departure, she did not make any reservations.She planned to wait for Grandpa to come back in the evening, talk to him about this matter, and let him decide.


"Xiao Luo, your ability to fool you is really nothing to say!" On the way, Geng Gui joked with a smile: "If I don't know the truth, I will be deceived by you."

"Yeah~" Meow said: "This plan is much more perfect than mine. As long as they believe in this, then we will have enough time and opportunity to capture Ladios and Ladias." Meow~"

"Hmph, do you really think I'm lying to her?"

"Is not it?"

"What I said is real!"

Geng Gui: "Blow..."

Meow Meow: "Cow..."

Xiao Luo: "Meow, you want to die again..."


(Okay, I’m typing desperately. Don’t mourn for me. I’m young, my wife just got married, and my beautiful life is just beginning. It’s a pity to die! At least I have to live to 99!)
(End of this chapter)

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