Chapter 178 Continue to fool!

Xiao Luo originally wanted to take Miao Miao directly back to Ah Xuan's house, but in the labyrinthine city of Shuidu, Xiao Luo, who had no sense of direction, had to face the fact that she was lost.

"Meow, do you remember the way back?"

"I don't remember, if I didn't take that part of the waterway, I might have found it, now..."

"You're really useless!" Xiao Luo hated, "I don't even know why I want you!"

Meow meow:"……"

"How about... you send me back to the Rockets?" Meow asked tentatively.

Xiao Luo glanced at it and said, "If you want to die, just say so!"

Meow Meow immediately closed her mouth.

After walking for a while, they still couldn't find Ah Xuan's house. Xiao Luo and Miao Miao were a little tired.

Xiao Luo stopped and said, "I have no choice but to use a unique move!"

"What trick?"

"Show off!"

Miaomiao was taken aback, and asked, "What do you mean?"

Xiao Luo chuckled, took out a poke ball and threw it out: "Come out, fire-breathing dragon!"

With a flash of white light, the tall body of the fire-breathing dragon appeared in front of Xiao Luo.

"Charizard, can you still find Ah Xuan's family?"

The fire-breathing dragon was taken aback, and after thinking for a while, he nodded.

"Then take us there, we're lost!"

A few black lines hung down from the fire-breathing faucet, and he looked at Xiao Luo speechlessly.


The fire-breathing dragon flew Xiaoluo and Miaomiao in the sky, and the huge body of the fire-breathing dragon naturally attracted the attention of many people.

"Oh, what a huge charizard!"

"I really envy this kind of trainer, who can soar in the sky."

"Hmph, you must be a rookie trainer by showing off."



Not long after, the fire-breathing dragon discovered Ah Xuan's house and began to descend slowly.

Xiao Luo found that Axuan and Ke Er were standing at the door, and beside them, there was a handsome young man in a suit who was talking sarcastically.Ah Xuan looked aggrieved, while Cole looked unhappy.


The fire-breathing dragon roared again, and the three of them noticed the fire-breathing dragon above their heads.

"Brother Luo, you're back!" Cole naturally recognized Xiao Luo's fire-breathing dragon, and exclaimed happily.

A Xuan also showed a surprised expression.

And the boy in the suit looked at the slowly descending fire-breathing dragon with a look of surprise on his face.

"What's the matter with you, you are all unhappy, haven't you had a good time yet?" Xiao Luo jumped off the fire-breathing dragon's back and asked aloud.


Cole snorted in dissatisfaction, pointed at the boy in the suit and said, "Brother Luo, this person is a villain who bullies sister Axuan! He also said that sister Axuan is not suitable to be an elf trainer."

Xiao Luo glanced at the boy in the suit blankly, then asked Ah Xuan: "What's going on?"

"'s okay!" Ah Xuan blushed slightly.

"Obviously something will happen!" Cole was very dissatisfied with Ah Xuan's attitude, "Sister Ah Xuan, don't be afraid, let Brother Xiao Luo help you teach him a lesson."

In Cole's mind, Little Brother Luo is an invincible existence, and he can teach anyone he wants to teach.

Xiao Luo glanced at Cole speechlessly, and said, "Since your elder sister Ah Xuan doesn't want to talk about it, then you can tell me about it."

"Let me tell you!" The young man in a suit straightened his clothes and said, "It's just that Axuan lost to me again! Her strength really damages the reputation of our Water City elf trainers, and she is too weak." hit."

Xiao Luo looked at the boy in the suit with great interest, and asked, "What's your name?"

"My name is Xiaoyu! I am the most talented trainer in the history of Water City." Xiaoyu said proudly.

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "Your family is rich!"

"Of course!" Xiaoyu didn't hide anything, "My father is the most successful entrepreneur in Shuidu!"

Xiao Luo's big eyes rolled around, revealing a malicious smile.However, before Xiao Luo started to play tricks, Xiao Yu took the initiative to ask: "Is that fire-breathing dragon just now yours?"

Xiao Luo was stunned for a moment and then understood Xiao Yu's thoughts.

Xiao Luo chuckled and said, "That's right, it is the most powerful elf in my hands!"

"Sell it to me, you make a price!" Xiaoyu said indifferently.

Xiao Luo shook her head like a rattle: "No, no, how can the elves be sold! No, no!"

Xiaoyu frowned slightly, and Xiaoluo's answer made him very unhappy: "Then I will exchange with you!"

"What spirit do you exchange?"

Xiaoyu took out a poke ball and threw it out: "Come out, duck-billed fire dragon!"

White light flashed, and an outer duck-billed Charmander appeared in front of Xiao Luo.The duck-billed fire dragon is also an extremely rare elf.However, the duck-billed fire dragon in front of him is not big, and its eyes are not particularly sharp, it looks very ordinary.

Asshole, if you want to exchange an ordinary duck-billed Charizard for the Charizard that I dominate in Charizard Canyon, how dare you think about it.

Although Xiao Luo felt that Xiao Yu was a fool and rich second generation, he didn't dare to show it.after all……

"It's actually a duck-billed fire dragon!" Xiao Luo exclaimed in "surprise".

"How about it, I'll exchange it with you with a duck-billed fire dragon!" Seeing Xiao Luo's expression, Xiao Yu seemed very pleased.

"This..." Xiao Luo pretended to hesitate, and after a while, he slowly shook his head with difficulty and said, "No, your duck-billed fire dragon is not as powerful as my fire-breathing dragon. I won't change it."

"You..." Xiaoyu was very angry, and took out the elf ball to take the duck-billed fire dragon back.

"Wait a minute!" Xiao Luo stopped him, and hesitated again: "I still want this duck-billed fire dragon very much."

"Then you can change with me!" Xiaoyu was also a little impatient.

"But I can't bear it!" Xiao Luo looked sad!
Xiaoyu: "..."

"How about..." Xiao Luo gritted her teeth: "As long as you can defeat my fire-breathing dragon with all the elves in your hands, I will change with you."

"Why does it have to be like this?" Xiaoyu asked curiously.

Xiao Luo replied: "Because I will get angry with it, and once I get angry, I will be able to part with it."

"This... well, I will defeat it!"


"But what?" Xiaoyu asked.

Xiao Luo hesitated and said, "If you are undefeated..."

"How can it be invincible? I have six elves!"

"I'm just saying if!" Xiao Luo whispered, looking very confident.

Xiaoyu waved his hand: "If you are undefeated, I just don't want to change!"

"It seems that you are taking advantage of everything! Your father is so rich, do you have the nerve to take advantage of me, a poor kid?"

Xiaoyu thought about it, and it seemed to be the case, so he said, "Then what do you want?"

Xiao Luo chuckled, and said, "Well, if you lose, just give me a dozen or 20 flowers. In fact, raising elves is very expensive."


"I don't have that much money!" Xiaoyu was a little embarrassed.

"Oh! No, let's forget it, no more!" Xiao Luo's expression calmed down.You are a rich second generation without money, what are you pretending to be here.

Xiaoyu was obviously unwilling, because he thought he would not lose.Xiao Luo's figure of the fire-breathing dragon reappeared in his mind, that physique, that kind of domineering, definitely the king among fire-breathing dragons.

Xiaoyu hesitated for a moment, and then said: "How about this, I have thirty thousand and an elf egg here, if I lose, I will give them to you. If I win, you can exchange the fire-breathing dragon for me !"

"Elf egg!?" Xiao Luo suddenly smiled and said, "All right, all right! I really like your duck-billed charmander. If you defeat the charizard, it will be yours!"

(I just went to eat, this chapter is posted! I will continue to code another one!)

(End of this chapter)

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