Chapter 179 Bully newcomers!

After reaching an agreement, the two opened up a distance to make way for a large enough place to start the elf battle.

"Hmph, Little Brother Luo is really bad!" Cole curled his lips next to him and said, "Kole has money, so why must he lie to that bad guy for his money?"

"Ah! Lie?" Ah Xuan couldn't keep up with his train of thought.

"It's just to lie to that villain." Cole said, "Brother Xiao Luo, I know best, as long as his eyes roll, someone must be in trouble."

A Xuan was speechless for a moment.

She didn't believe Cole's words. She didn't know much about Xiao Luo's strength, but judging from Xiao Luo's elves, she knew that Xiao Luo must be very powerful.

But she knew Xiaoyu very well, Xiaoyu was much stronger than him, and now Xiaoluo actually wanted to use the fire-breathing dragon against six, this kind of style of play obviously made her not have much confidence in Xiaoluo.

"You're wrong, Cole!" Miaomiao explained, "Your money is Xiao Luo's money, and Xiao Luo doesn't treat you as an outsider. But Xiao Yu is different. He has money in his family, but his character is not very good. Good. So Xiao Luo can feel at ease by flicking his money. And it can help Ah Xuan vent his anger, isn't it great!"

"Really? Brother Xiao Luo didn't treat me as an outsider?" Kele automatically ignored the other words, and only remembered this sentence.

"Of course it's true!"

"Will brother Luo marry Cole from now on?"

"Boom" "Boom"

Ah Xuan and Miao Miao fell to the ground by the thunder.


"Come out, fire-breathing dragon!" Xiao Luo took out the fire-breathing dragon's elf ball and threw it out.


With an imposing roar, the fire-breathing dragon made its debut.

The scarred eyes stared, and Xiaoyu's sharp eyes swept over Xiaoyu, which immediately gave Xiaoyu a chill.

"Okay! That's how it should be!" Xiaoyu trembled a little, he didn't know whether he was scared or excited: "If you beat you, you will be mine!"

"Come out, bay leaf!" Xiaoyu threw out the poke ball vigorously.White light flashed, and a huge bay leaf appeared opposite the fire-breathing dragon.


The fire-breathing dragon stretched its neck and roared at the bay leaf. A gust of dry wind blew the bay leaf, and the powerful breath filled the air, making the bay leaf show fear.

Xiaoyu didn't notice the state of the bay leaf, and commanded self-righteously: "Bay leaf, use the flying leaf knife."


As soon as Xiaoyu's voice fell, he spewed fire, and before the bay leaf could move, a scorching jet of flame burst out instantly.The fire came out like a dragon and devoured the bay leaf whole.

After spraying the flames, bay leaves breathed out a mouthful of black smoke, and gorgeously fell to the ground without making a move.


Xiaoyu was dumbfounded, a little unable to recover.

"How could this happen!" Xiaoyu took back the bay leaf, took out the elf ball and threw it out again: "Come out, octopus bucket."

The poke ball is opened, and an octopus-like pokemon appears on the field.

"Octopus bucket, use the water gun!"


A spiral water gun shot out from the mouth of the octopus barrel in an instant, hitting the fire-breathing dragon.


The fire-breathing dragon spewed out another jet of flame, meeting the water gun of the octopus barrel.

Although water can overcome fire, fire can also evaporate water.

The moment the water and fire intersected, white steam spewed out, the water gun was evaporated, and the fire remained still, roaring and wrapping the octopus barrel in it.

After a scream, the octopus barrel went back to the bay leaf road.


Xiaoyu's face was ugly.

Xiaoyu took back the octopus barrel and sent out the fourth elf, an agile Abby Lang!
"Abby Lang, use the Sonic Fist!"


With his glowing fist, Abby Lang rushed forward quickly, and punched the fire-breathing dragon's belly with white fluff with all his strength, and put his fist there.

The fire-breathing dragon's belly sank, but its expression didn't change.In order to cooperate with Abi Lang's attack, the fire-breathing dragon took a long breath, and its stomach became more and more sunken.

This made the attacking Abilang overjoyed, thinking that his sonic punch was about to work.

"boom" "boom"

The fire-breathing dragon let out a breath suddenly, and its stomach reset instantly. Abby Lang was rebounded by this force, and flew out with a scream.

If Abby fell to the ground twice, the fire-breathing dragon spit out a ball of flames, engulfing Abby Lang...

The fire-breathing dragon looked at Abilang who was covered in black contemptuously, and felt that it was a wise move for him not to waste his energy by spraying flames.

Xiaoyu's face turned red, like a boiled crab.

"Damn it, I don't believe it! Ladybug Ann, Charmander, and Nighthawk, you all go together"

Xiaoyu threw the three elf balls that were born in one breath. As soon as the three elves came out, they rushed towards the fire-breathing dragon with their teeth and claws.


Seeing the three elves rushing forward, the fire-breathing dragon opened its mouth and let out a roar, and the wind gusts made the three elves stunned.


The fire-breathing dragon punched the ladybug An in the front.


One tail pulled off the owl.

There was only one duck-billed fire dragon left, and it looked up at the fire-breathing dragon in fear, its body trembling involuntarily.

"Damn it, duck-billed fire dragon, don't be afraid, use jet flame!"

The duck-billed fire dragon stabilized its emotions, and a jet of flame spewed out from its mouth, hitting the fire-breathing dragon.

The fire-breathing dragon opened its mouth wide and greeted it with jet flames.All the flames shot into the mouth of the fire-breathing dragon.

After the trick stopped, the fire-breathing dragon burped, spit out a black eye circle, and looked at the duck-billed fire dragon with contempt.

"Actually... ate it!" Xiaoyu's jaw dropped to the ground in surprise.

The fire-breathing dragon stretched out a finger claw, and tapped it between the eyebrows of the duck-billed fire-breathing dragon, and the duck-billed fire-breathing dragon stared closely at the only claw extended by the fire-breathing dragon because of fear.

The fire-breathing dragon began to draw circles slowly, and the head of the duck-billed fire-breathing dragon shook with its fingers and claws.

After a dozen circles, the fire-breathing dragon pressed its finger to the ground, and the duck-billed fire dragon fell down with its eyes spiraling.

Xiaoyu's face turned from red to blue, from blue to purple, from purple to black...

It was the first day in the water capital to train the master. The six elves didn't hurt him in the slightest, and they even thought about exchanging other people's elves.

Xiaoyu wants to die!

Xiao Yu wanted Xiao Luo to die even more!
"Oh, no, I can't bear to change to the fire-breathing dragon!" After the game, Xiao Luo walked in front of Xiao Yu with a sad face.

"You..." Xiaoyu panted heavily.

"You did it on purpose, right!" Xiao Yu asked Xiao Luo, "You know that I'm not your opponent, right?"

"How is this possible! I really like your duck-billed fire dragon!"

Xiao Yu looked at Xiao Luo seriously, and Xiao Luo looked frank.

Horse eggs, can't see anything.

Xiaoyu angrily took out the only 3 yuan he had on him, and took out a gray elf with green patterns on it from his bag, and gave it to Xiaoluo.

"I'm really sorry Xiaoyu, the elf egg is a good thing, I have to accept it!"

Xiaoyu gouged him out angrily, wanting to kill him with his eyes.

Xiao Luo smiled shyly, and said: "Don't be angry, or else, I still have a few elves that are similar to fire-breathing dragons. If you like them, I'll give them to you if you win!"

Xiaoyu suddenly felt a rush of air from his chest, wanting to come out of his mouth.

Xiaoyu finally stopped looking at Xiao Luo and left here quickly, probably he never wanted to see Xiao Luo again.

(I know I owe you five chapters, I remember it!! You remember it too!! Please let me make it up slowly, my eyes are almost swollen, let me go for a while!!)
(End of this chapter)

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