Chapter 181 Fishing at Sea!

"Then let's go, I'll take you out to play!" Xiao Luo waved her small hand very generously.

After finishing speaking, he took Cole, Axuan, Miaomiao, and Ladias and walked out.


Ladios flew over, stood in front of everyone, and yelled at Ladios a few times, looking a little angry.

"It won't let Ladias out, meow~"

Xiao Luo nodded and said to Ladios: "Don't worry, I will protect it. I have the strength."


Ladios shook his head, apparently not believing Xiao Luo.


Ladias let out a pleading cry.

Ladios hesitated, but finally shook his head to stop.

"You bastard, be a coward yourself, don't let your sister be a coward like you!" Geng Gui showed his figure, looked at Ladios with an unfriendly expression, and seemed to start fighting if he disagreed with him.

It has always been brooding about Ladios hurting Xiao Luo.It's not how central it is, or how much it likes Xiaoluo.Rather, as Xiao Luo's strength is NO. 1 elf, if Arceus knows that Xiao Luo is still injured under his protection, then he will definitely have no good fruit to eat.

Don't look at Arceus being kind to Xiao Luo, Geng Gui doesn't believe that it will treat him in the same way.

"Rabbi~Rabbi~" Celebi rarely came out to persuade him.

After some hesitation, Ladios yelled a few words at Meow Mew for it to translate.

"It said, it doesn't worry about Ladias, so it will follow meow~"

"Go ahead, but you also need to be able to change form."

Ladios didn't speak, and after a flash of light, Ladios turned into a boy about ten years old, standing beside Xiao Luo.

Ladias was overjoyed, and turned into Canon, grabbed Xiao Luo's arm, and ran out with him.

A group of people left this magical manor in this way, and wandered around in the water.

Because Xiao Luo and Ladios were there, Ladias seemed very relaxed, looking at this for a while, and looking at that for a while.Xiao Luo is also very generous, buying everything Ladias likes.Anyway, I just earned [-] yuan, and I don't feel bad when I spend it for nothing.

Ladios followed closely behind the crowd with a serious face, looking cautious.

Little Luo bought double servings of food for Ladias, and Ladias handed them to Ladios.Although Ladios was old, he still couldn't resist such a temptation, so he took it after a bit of tweaking.

At the end of the day, the relationship between Xiaoluo and Ladios quickly heated up, and even Ladios no longer rejected Xiaoluo and showed his face.After all, they are still young, and their mentality changes quickly. They will kiss whoever treats them well.

In this way, Xiao Luo took the two beasts to play in the water every day. After playing for more than ten days in a row, the whole water was visited by them.After more than ten days of getting along, Ladias was inseparable from Xiao Luo, and liked her very much.After getting acquainted with Xiao Luo, Ladios also followed Xiao Luo's elves to train himself under the guidance of Geng Gui or Xiao Luo.

Little Luo's elf strength, Ladios is very clear, as it is a divine beast, it is not sure that it can win against any one.Therefore, it will train with them and want to make itself stronger.

And Xiao Luo is also waiting for the arrival of Xiao Zhi and his party, waiting for the start of the water competition, and waiting for the sisters of the Phantom Thieves.

Thinking of water sports, Xiao Luo's mind became active again. The water spirits in its hands include Gyarados, Water Spirit and Hippo King.But he didn't want the three elves to take part in the competition.He wanted to capture a pure water elf to participate in the competition.

On this day, Xiao Luo went out early to buy a fishing rod and bait, took a fast dragon, and flew towards the sea with Ladios.

Finding a relatively calm place, Xiao Luo started the great action of fishing for water-type elves.

After a few minutes, the fish started to take the bait.

"Here we come!" Xiao Luo pulled the hook quickly, "Madan, run away, how cunning."

Ten minutes later, the fish charm started to move again.

"It's coming again! It's coming again!"

"Damn it! Carp King, if you want something to do, get out!"

"Iron barrel fish, useless!"

"The agate jellyfish also took the bait? Don't!"


Until more than an hour later, little Lola came up with a sun coral.

"Damn it, I want it, fast dragon, come on, use jet flame."

Kuailong almost followed beside him, and only realized after hearing Xiaoluo's cry. Just as he was about to use the flame jet, the Sun Coral twisted his head and jumped back into the sea.

Xiao Luo: "..."

"What are you doing! Can't you hit a little attention? Do you want to beat me again @#¥......"

Kuailong looked aggrieved and lowered his head to endure.

Ladias covered his mouth and smirked beside him.

Angrily, Xiao Luo threw the hook down again, and the fish charm sank as soon as it got off.

"Big fellow!" Xiao Luo's eyes lit up, and he began to reel in the thread. The water elf's strength was so great that Xiao Luo couldn't control it. He staggered from side to side and almost fell when he was pulled.

"Kuailong, Kuailong, hurry up and help!" Xiao Luo hugged the hook pole tightly in his arms and called for help.


Kuailong strode up, and the divine beast hooked the pole, roared, and swung it vigorously, a big blue fish soared into the air and flew towards the shore.


The elf took advantage of the situation and used the rocket head hammer to charge towards the fast dragon.

Kuailong couldn't react in time, and was hit and rolled out.


Kuailong got up quickly, roared angrily, and shot towards the big fish instantly with a jet of flame.


A spiral water gun sprayed out from its mouth, meeting it with a strong sound of piercing through the air.


The steam filled instantly, and the water and fire dissipated at the same time.

"This is..." Xiao Luo looked carefully at the side. The fish was about the same size as a shark, with a dark blue back, a dorsal fin, and two large gaps on the fin, as well as a fin on its abdomen.The eyes are red, and there is a yellow five-pointed star on the forehead.

"Nimma, isn't this a megalodon! Why did it appear here?" Xiao Luo was very surprised.This kind of elf is rare in the Chengdu area, and generally appears in the Fengyuan area.


Kuailong flew up, and after using its wings to disperse the steam, its body swooped down, and the dragon energy surged out majesticly, forming a huge dragon shadow around it, with bursts of dragon chant, it charged towards the megalodon shark Come.


With a flick of the Megalodon's tail, its body was covered in thick white light, and the rocket head hammer was launched again to meet it.


The air wave churned, and the megalodon shark turned into a black line and fell towards the ground as if struck by lightning, smashing the ground into a big hole.Kuailong was also uncomfortable, and stopped in embarrassment after rolling several times.


Yellow lightning flashed from the two horns of Kuailong, and a thick yellow lightning rushed out from the two horns, hitting the megalodon in a zigzag way.

The megalodon could not dodge, and after a scream, it waded in the pit in pitch black.


Kuailong snorted, very disdainful.

"You are amazing!" Xiao Luo stretched out her thumb and gave a "praise".Then he took out the elf ball and threw it at the giant tooth shark.

The poke ball opened, and a red light gushed out, wrapping the megalodon shark into the poke ball.After shaking the poke ball twice, it made a crisp sound of "Bo".This also indicates that the megalodon was subdued.

Xiao Luo went up to pick up the elf, and said with a chuckle, "I'll use you to participate in the water competition!"

(Just these two chapters first, I have to go to work later! There are two more chapters after 12 o'clock in the evening! There will be three chapters in the daytime tomorrow, and two chapters after 12 o'clock in the evening, so that I can slowly make up for what I owed last week up)

(End of this chapter)

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