Chapter 182 Water Sports
After subduing a fairly good megalodon, Xiao Luo successfully completed today's mission, and drove Kuailong back to the manor again.

For the remaining ten days or so, Xiao Luo settled down, guiding and supervising his elf training, and occasionally sending a certain elf to have a friendly exchange with Latios.Although Latios was young, he was still a beast after all, and Xiao Luo also lost more than he won in the battle. This made Xiao Luo feel unbalanced, and he worked harder to train his elves, making Flame Chicken and the others miserable.

In his spare time, Xiao Luo would take Ke Erxuan and La Dias to play in the water city, and his life was infinitely more comfortable than when traveling.

Finally, the day of water sports has finally arrived...

Xiao Luo brought Cole and Ah Xuan to the starting point of the competition early.Just when Xiao Luo and Ah Xuan were about to sign up, Xiao Luo finally saw those three familiar figures.

"Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, Xiaoxia!" Xiao Luo shouted from afar.

"Xiao Luo!" The three of them didn't expect to meet Xiao Luo here, and they were obviously very happy.

"You guys are finally here. I've been waiting for you here for a long time!" Xiao Luo walked to the three of them and said happily.

"Could it be that you also came here for water sports?" Xiaoxia spoke first.

"Hehe, well, I knew you would definitely not miss such a game."

"It's Xiaoxia's clamoring to come, so I don't want to come!" Xiaozhi said against his will.

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "You don't have to participate in the competition to come here. Shuidu is a very beautiful city, and visiting here is also a very good choice."

"By the way, let me introduce a friend to you." Xiao Luo pointed to Ah Xuan and said, "She is Ah Xuan, a native of Shuidu, and she was the one who brought me to Shuidu."

Ah Xuan was very polite and the three of Xiao Luo greeted each other.

It's just that Ah Xuan's good-looking face aroused Xiao Gang's nature, which made Ah Xuan embarrassed for a while. From time to time, he peeked at Xiao Luo's reaction out of the corner of his eye.

Xiao Luo naturally wouldn't have a big reaction to this, but it was Xiao Xia who almost slapped Xiao Gang to the ground.He reprimanded loudly with a fierce expression.This made Xiao Luo very suspicious, it was resenting Xiao Gang, resenting that he didn't have that kind of nympho reaction when he saw her for the first time.

"Have you signed up?" Xiao Luo asked aloud after a few people chatted.

Xiaozhi replied: "I'm planning to go!"

"Then let's go together, this time, we will probably become rivals again!"

"I will definitely win you this time!" Xiao Luo was very confident.

"That's not necessarily true!" The corner of Xiao Luo's mouth curled into a beautiful arc, "I have a secret weapon!"

"What secret weapon?" Xiaoxia asked suspiciously.

"You'll know then!"

A few people came to the registration office. To register, you only need to write your name and the elf you want to participate in the competition.

Xiaozhi used the blue crocodile, Xiaoxia wrote the sun coral, and Ah Xuan used the kami turtle.Xiaogang didn't participate in the competition because he didn't have a water-type elf. Cole was too young to resolutely ignore him.

When it was Xiao Luo's turn, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Xia were watching him closely, wanting to see what kind of elf he was going to use.

This made Xiao Luo very speechless. Originally, he wanted to surprise them again on the field, but it seemed that there was no hope.

In desperation, Xiao Luo could only write his name and the three big characters "Megatooth Shark" under the scorching eyes of the two.

"Megatooth? What kind of elf is this?" Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia were unfamiliar with this name.

"Megalodon!? Little Luo, you actually use Megalodon?" Xiao Gang was a little surprised when he heard the name.

Xiao Luo glanced at Xiao Gang, and thought to himself, as expected of Xiao Gang, his knowledge is not comparable to that of Xiao Zhi and Xiao Xia, two rookies.

"That's right, it happened to be subdued a few days ago!"

Xiao Gang said with a smile: "In this case, you are a big enemy!"

"Xiao Gang, what kind of elf is Megalodon?" Xiaoxia asked aloud.

"Megatooth... Doesn't Xiaozhi have a picture book, you can look it up yourself!"

Xiaozhi decisively took out the illustrated book and checked the information of the megalodon.

"Megalodon, a ferocious Pokémon. It has sharp teeth that can bite even steel plates, and can swim at a speed of 120 kilometers per hour. It is also called 'Sea Rogue'."

"It's amazing!" Hearing the introduction of the illustrated book, Xiao Luo and Xiao Xia couldn't help exclaiming.

The two looked at each other, both feeling strong pressure.

This little Luo is really lucky, he can meet such a powerful elf casually.

An hour later, the registration ended and the competition officially started.

The trainers participating in the competition began to step on small floating boats, pulled by the elves, and lined up one by one on the wide river.

Since there are many trainers participating in the competition, and there is no knockout competition, the distance from the starting point to the back is more than ten meters.

At this time, as the protagonist and heroine, Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia burst out with unparalleled luck.Although the three of them signed up together, the two of them were in the first row.And Xiao Luo was far behind in the penultimate row, more than ten meters away from Xiao Zhi and Xiao Xia.This gave Xiao Luo the urge to scold her mother.

"Megalodon, the game is up to you, you must not lose, you know that!"


Megalodon looked confident.

"Okay, the Odomare water competition that everyone has been waiting for is about to begin, and I will get the medal for winning the Odomare Cup, let's wait and see!"

As soon as the commentator's voice fell, the audience by the canal burst into cheers.

The natural finches next to the starting point start counting down...


"GO! Megalodon, charge me forward!" Xiao Luo shouted excitedly.


The giant tooth shark let out an imposing cry, and jumped out with a whooping sound. The violent start made Xiao Luo stagger, almost falling into the water.

The whistling of the wind passed by the ear, the speed of the megalodon was really unbelievable, it rushed forward all the way, and soon surpassed many opponents in the front row of Xiaoluo.Occasionally, an elf blocking the way was also violently knocked away by the megalodon.

"Ho rest ho rest~"

The megalodon screamed again and again and accelerated again, and the trainers were overtaken by Xiao Luo one by one.After a while, Xiao Luo saw Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia and a yellow-haired boy in front of him.

"Hey, Megalodon caught up in one go!"

At a turning, Xiao Luo overtook more than a dozen people again, occupied the inner lane, and chased towards the front row.

After passing the wide river, Xiao Luo couldn't help being excited: "Come on, come on, Megalodon! Catch up with Xiaozhi and the others!"

Infected by Xiao Luo, the megalodon speeded up again and chased after him. More and more people were overtaken by Xiao Luo. After a while, Xiao Zhi and the others were left in front of Xiao Luo.

"Oh, oh, look, what a powerful dark horse, player Xiao Luo surpassed all the way, and soon caught up with the three leaders in the lead, and followed closely behind."

"Quick, faster!" Xiao Luo urged.


The megalodon slowly approached the three of Xiaozhi...

(End of this chapter)

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