Chapter 183 The Phantom Thief Sisters
There is another bend ahead.Maybe the elves of the three people in front are not suitable for corners, or maybe the megalodon is very suitable for corners.In short, after this corner, Xiao Luo caught up with the three of them, and the four of them walked side by side.

"Hi! Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia!" Xiao Luo greeted the two with a smile.

"Xiao Luo!" Xiao Zhi was shocked, "Why are you so fast!"

"Hey, have you forgotten the speed of the Megalodon?" Xiao Luo was triumphant.

Xiaozhi snorted and said, "This kind of competition is interesting, and I won't lose to you! Blue Crocodile, speed up!"


The blue crocodile suddenly accelerated, passing the three people abreast.

"Hey, go, Megalodon, don't lose to him!"


The megalodon also accelerated and was side by side with the blue crocodile again.

"Sun coral, don't lose to them!"

Sun Coral also let out an imposing cry, and began to speed up to catch up.

The three of them rushed towards the finish line like this for a while, while the yellow-haired boy was biting behind them tightly.

"Okay, player Xiao Luo is the biggest dark horse in this competition. At this moment, player Xiao Luo has already started to compete with Xiao Zhi and Xiao Xia for the No.1 position! The competition is coming to the end, who will win this competition? What about the champion of the competition?"

"It's almost the end, Megalodon, speed up."

"Blue crocodile, sprint!"

"Sun coral, come on!"

The three spirits writhed like dragons in the water, and the talisman boats set off a high water curtain due to their high speed.


The megalodon has the fastest speed in the water, and it always maintains a body lead in the sprint after approaching the finish line.

"Blue Crocodile, hurry up and catch up." Xiaozhi urged.

Although the blue crocodile worked very hard, it was still not as fast as the megalodon shark, and the distance of one body was as difficult to surpass as a natural moat.As for Xiaoxia, she was one position behind Xiaozhi, so she was not at all dangerous to Xiaoluo.

"It's the finish line. Who is the champion? Can Xiaozhi surpass, can, can... Oh, it's a pity, Xiaozhi failed to surpass in the end. Congratulations to Xiaoluo for being the champion of this water competition !"

"Congratulations, Xiao Luo!" Xiao Zhi and Xiao Xia congratulated Xiao Luo at the same time.

"Hehe, this is an inevitable result!" Xiao Luo was very stinky.

Xiaoxia and Xiaozhi were speechless, how thick-skinned they were.

"Xiao Luo, congratulations!" After a while, Ah Xuan also came to congratulate Xiao Luo.

"Ah Xuan, why didn't I see you just now?" Xiao Luo asked Ah Xuan.

"I..." Ah Xuan's face was flushed: "I didn't stand firm, I was thrown into the water at the beginning, and then I fell to the last place."

Xiao Luo: "..."

The champion's medal is a transparent crystal with the images of Ladios and Ladias engraved on the crystal.

After Xiao Luo took a photo with the giant tooth shark by the river as a souvenir, he said to Xiao Zhi and the others: "Xiao Zhi, I have something to do, so I will leave first, and let Axuan and Ke Er take you in the water city." Let’s play for a while, it’s not in vain.”

Xiao Luo knew that the day of the water competition was the day when the Phantom Thieves sisters came.However, on the way here, Xiao Luo searched carefully, but did not find the two of them.Although Xiao Luo also asked Radias not to go out today, Xiao Luo was really not sure that Radias would listen to him and stay quietly in the manor.

"Ah? What's the matter, do you need help?" Xiaozhi asked.

Xiao Luo chuckled and said, "If I want to help, I will call you sooner."

Xiaozhi nodded and said, "Okay then, go and do your work."

After bidding farewell to Xiaozhi, Xiaoluo rushed all the way back to the manor, only to find that Ladias was really not here.Xiao Luo couldn't help showing a wry smile, the plot is really difficult to change.

"Come out, fire-breathing dragon, fast dragon, and flame chicken!" Xiao Luo threw out three elf balls, and the three elves appeared in front of Xiao Luo.

"Go and find Ladias quickly and keep it safe. It should transform into Canon." The reason Xiaoluo sent the elves to look for Ladias was because he was afraid that the plot would change slightly and that Xiaozhi won't show up in time.

After the three elves nodded, they rushed out, the fire-breathing dragon and the fast dragon were flying in the sky, and the flame chicken was jumping freely in the city, and the speed was no slower than the two of them.

After leaving the manor, Xiao Luo even sent Geng Gui out.Then put the megalodon into the canal and let him look for it in the water.

After the arrangements were made, Xiao Luo ran towards the place where the Phantom Thief sisters and Ladias met in his impression.

Just when Xiao Luo was worried about Ladias, Ladias was wandering leisurely in the water city, smiling, giving people a feeling of bathing in the spring breeze.

Just when Ladias was feeling the atmosphere of the water city and thinking about where to play with Xiao Luo tomorrow, a motorboat drove up on the river, and there were two beautiful young women in sexy dresses sitting on the motorboat.

"The clothes are beautiful, Ladias, where did you buy them?" The yellow-haired girl on the motorboat looked at Ladias with strange glasses and smiled.

Ladias was startled, turned and ran.

"Come out, Alidos, use silk spinning!" The girl threw out an elf ball, white light flashed, and a big red spider-like elf appeared on the river bank, and used the silk spinning trick on Ladias, Glued Ladias to the ground.

"Hmph, sun elf, use phantom light." Another girl also threw out an elf ball, and a sun elf appeared next, shooting a colorful light from both eyes, and zigzagging towards Ladias.


There was only an angry roar, and a red figure descended from the sky, blocking Ladias.The phantom light hit the huge figure and exploded, producing billowing thick smoke.

"what happened?"

The two girls on the motorboat were a little surprised.

"Roar~" "Wow~"

Two more angry shouts sounded.The Flaming Chicken jumped and rushed over, stepped on Alidos, and knocked him to the ground.I wanted to keep stepping on it like this, but Alidos was so powerful that he struggled out of the flame chicken's control.

The flame chicken frowned slightly, and kicked it into the river with a side kick.

Kuailong was even more domineering, sprinting in an instant, and knocked the sun elf away before he could react. The golden light in his mouth instantly condensed into shape, and a golden light followed closely, hitting the sun elf's thin body.The golden light exploded, the energy was wanton, and the sun elf gorgeously lost the ability to fight.

The three elves protected Ladias and confronted the two women on the motorboat.

After a while, Xiao Luo rushed over panting.

"Sure enough, it's you Sanna and Lian!" Xiao Luo took a long breath to relieve his fatigue, and smiled at the corner of his mouth, looking at the two of them.

(Originally this chapter was written yesterday, but my daughter-in-law said that I disturbed her sleep, and when she roared, I turned off the computer and went to sleep, and I woke up late today! Sin! Also, today I created a QQ group account 497937158, those who are interested or want to discuss the plot can join in!)

(End of this chapter)

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