Chapter 184 Traces
"Little ghost, do you know us?" the yellow-haired Sanna asked in surprise.

"Hey, the famous Phantom Thief sisters, I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Xiao Luo said against her will.

"What do you mean?" Sanna and Lian felt a little bad.

"Aren't you here for Ladios, Ladias, and the heart of the water drop? However, you can't get what you want. Now that you have come to the city of water, it is not easy to get out."

After Xiao Luo finished speaking, Xiao Luo's three elves burst out with a powerful momentum and pressed towards the two of them.


Alidos jumped to the front of the motorboat and stood in front of the two of them.

"Alidos, use the silk-spinning trick!"

Alidos opened his mouth and sprayed out a thick silk thread, shooting towards the front flame chicken.


Without Xiaolu's command, a jet of flame shot out of the flame chicken's mouth in an instant, burning the silk thread clean.


Kuailong turned around and rushed above Alidos. Before he could react, he slammed his tail on Alidos and beat him into the water again.

"Damn it, come back, Alidos!"

"Come back, Sun Elf!"

"Little devil, I'll let you go today, and I'll settle the score with you another day." After the two took back the poke ball, Sanna left a harsh word and prepared to escape in the motorboat.

"If you want to run, there is no door!"

"Roar", "Wow", "Roar"

The three elves followed closely.


Sanna looked at the chasing elf, snorted coldly, and threw a black spherical object with her backhand. The black ball spread out in mid-air, forming a colorful pentagonal net.Kuailong was caught by a negligence.The net seemed to be able to emit a strange energy, causing Kuailong to cry out in pain and fall straight into the water.

"Kuailong!" Xiao Luo yelled worriedly, then took out the poke ball and took Kuailong back.


The moment Xiao Luo put away the fast dragon, an extremely fast figure came in the water through the wind and waves, with a thick white light all over his body, rushing towards Sanna and Lian's motorboat like a rocket.

"Jump!" The two exclaimed, rushed onto the motorboat and jumped into the river.


With a bang, the motorboat was smashed to pieces, and Sanna and Lian did not appear again.

Of course, Xiao Luo didn't think that he was self-righteous and thought that they had been dealt with.Then he commanded the giant tooth shark that launched this attack: "In the water, go quickly, force them out, don't let them escape!"


Megalodon dived into the water, searching for the figures of the two.

And Xiao Luo, Flame Chicken, and Charizard waited anxiously on the shore.

After a long time, the megalodon appeared and shook his head at Xiao Luo with a disappointed expression.

"Ma Dan, this can make them run away, it's so unreasonable..."

After cursing a few words, Xiao Luo walked in front of Ladias, helped him tear off the spider silk sticking to his body, and blamed him, "Didn't I tell you not to come out, why are you disobedient?"

It was not suitable for Ladias to speak, he just smiled and tugged on Xiao Luo's arm, his tenderness made Xiao Luo unable to swear anymore.

"Don't do this next time. If I hadn't arrived in time, I would have no place to cry if you were taken away."

Ladias smiled and nodded, then dragged Xiao Luo to continue walking around, as if nothing had happened just now.This heart is really big enough.

"Hey, boss, they really failed!" In the distance, on the top floor of a house, a thin man said to a woman without eyebrows: "What should we do now, are we going to find them?"

"They're too weak. If it wasn't for similar purposes, I wouldn't be too lazy to cooperate with them." The eyebrowless woman shook her head and asked, "Can you find out where they are?"

"Don't worry, I installed trackers on them early in the morning, and it's easy to find them."

"Well, just contact them. Although their strength is not very good, they can still be used as cannon fodder."

"Boss, do you think we can complete the task this time?" the thin man asked out loud.

"Hehe, how can this kind of task be completed. The boss said, we just do our best, and it doesn't matter whether we succeed or not."

"That said, if we still fail, the boss will not be disappointed with us!"

"Who knows!" the eyebrowless woman sighed silently.

After a while, the thin man determined the location of Sanna and Lian on a computer.

"Boss, we found them!"

"Well, let's go find them."


What they don't know is that all their actions happen to be watched by a pair of deep eyes...

Xiao Luo walked around with Ladias for a while, and then returned to the manor.At this moment, the manor is very lively.Axuan came here with Xiaozhi and others, seeing Ladios, Xiaozhi and the others were unavoidably amazed.

Canon and Ben Grey also came back, because Xiao Luo said that this day is likely to be the day when the crisis emerges.They were very concerned about the safety of Ladios, so they came here early to guard him personally.

"Xiao Luo, you're back... Hey, this..." Xiao Zhi looked at Canon beside Xiao Luo, and then at Canon behind him, and was stunned for a while, unable to react.

"Hehe, this is Ladias!" Xiao Luo explained, and let Ladias show his original shape.

After a flash of light, Ladias' real figure appeared in front of Xiaozhi.

" so powerful, it can even transform into form!" Xiaozhi exclaimed.

"Well, it's just a talent of Ladias!" Xiao Luo explained casually, and then asked Xiao Zhi: "Xiao Zhi, how many badges have you got?"

"Six! Only two pieces will be able to join the Chengdu League!"

"Six coins, so fast!" Xiao Luo was a little surprised.

"It's okay, how about you? You should have more than me!"

"Uh... After I came out of Manjin City, I met Axuan, and then followed her to Shuidu. I have been here for almost a month!"

"So you still only have three badges?"

" seems...yes..." Xiao Luo was a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, anyway, your strength is much stronger than mine, and it is very easy to get the badge."

"Hehe..." Xiao Luo smiled and said nothing more.

"Is it because of them that you stayed in the water?" Xiaozhi asked, pointing to the Ladios siblings.

"Well, it's because of them! Because I learned that someone might be against them, so I stayed."

"Does anyone know?"

"Sisters of Phantom Thieves, a well-known group of thieves, I just met them today!"


Xiaozhi was a little surprised, and asked, "What about it, did you catch them?"

"No, they ran away." Xiao Luo shook her head and said, "I'm worried that they will come again, so I may have to stay here for a few more days."

"Okay, I'll stay and help too!"

Xiao Luo chuckled, patted Xiao Zhi on the shoulder and said, "Thank you then!"


At this moment, Geng Gui showed his figure and floated over: "It's interesting, it's fun now!"

"What's wrong?" Xiao Luo asked.

"Hey... let's go, dude, I'll take you to a place, and you'll know when we get there!"

(End of this chapter)

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