Chapter 185 Fighting indiscriminately!
Sometimes, Xiao Luo wondered whether the elves under him learned from him or Geng Gui taught them to be bad.

Listen to this tone, what do you mean copying guys go with it, you are like the boss of the underworld.Copy what guy, what guy?Damn, aren't there just a few elves?Treating elves as guys, isn't it obviously scolding those elves?

Xiao Luo believed that if the flame chickens could react, Geng Gui would be severely beaten, even if he knew it was Geng Gui.

Xiaozhi asked: "What's going on? I'll follow too!"

Xiao Gang: "I'm going too!"

Xiaoxia: "And me!"

Kanon also ran up like the crowd at this time, saying: "I will go too!"

Xiao Luo rolled her eyes and didn't speak.Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, and Xiaoxia are all trainers, and they could have been useful in the past. You said that you are a vase, so what is the use if you go there?Do you want to be an evolutionary oil bottle?
"Canon, don't go, we'll just wait here for them to come back!" Fortunately, Ben Geleiming is mature and sensible.

Xiao Luo also persuaded: "I think so too! Canon, you can stay here. In case someone comes here while we are not here, you can also inform us."

"This... well, I'll just stay here!"

"Hey, it's fun now, there are four of us here. Hey..." Geng Gui said with a smile, and took the lead to go out.Xiao Luo and Xiao Zhi followed closely.

Geng Gui shuttled through this labyrinthine road with ease.This is also thanks to Ladias, if it weren't for him pulling Xiao Luo around here every day, Geng Gui would never be so familiar with the roads here.

Not long after, Geng Gui stopped in front of a very ordinary house.

"It's here!" Geng Gui said, pulling his hands together, a shadow ball appeared instantly and hit the door.


The wooden door shattered and sunlight shone in, revealing four surprised faces inside.

"It's you guys!" Xiao Luo exclaimed in surprise when she saw the thin man and the eyebrowless woman.In an instant, Xiao Luo understood everything.

Saqi's face changed again and again, and he sighed dejectedly, and said, "I try to overestimate you every time, but it turns out that I still underestimate you."

Xiao Luo didn't answer her, and snorted coldly: "You Rocket Team has fallen, and you actually cooperate with this kind of thieves who don't know how to do it! Don't you also have the intention of coveting the heart of the water drop?"

"What? They're Team Rocket!" Xiao Zhi was surprised when he heard it.

Saqi glanced at Xiaozhi, and said: "Our team, Waterdrop Heart, has no idea! Our goal is you, but it seems that this task is obviously impossible to complete! I'm curious, how did you find us?"

Xiao Luo didn't answer her, but Geng Gui floated forward and said, "Hehe, I happened to see you, so I kept an eye out and followed you all the time."

"So it is!"

After saying this, Sage fell silent.As soon as Sachi was silent, Chakra and the Phantom Thief sisters, led by her, also fell silent.

Xiao Luo didn't speak, and Xiao Zhi and the other three didn't speak either. The oppressive atmosphere spread, and they couldn't help but took out the poke ball and held it in their hands.

After a long time, Xiao Luo sighed and said, "You can't escape, surrender!"

Sach smiled bitterly: "I think so too, but we absolutely can't surrender if we want to."

"Then let's fight!" Xiao Luo took out the poke ball first and threw it out. "Come out, Hippo King!"

A white light flashed, and the hippo appeared beside Xiao Luo.

Xiaozhi immediately threw out the elf ball: "Come out, Blue Crocodile!"

"Come out, Jewel Starfish!"

"Come out, Forretos!"


On the opposite side, Saqi sent the cat boss, Chakra and Xiaogang also used Fritos, and the Phantom Thief sisters used Alidos and Sun Elf.

The room was not that big, but after releasing the eight elves, it seemed a little crowded, not suitable for fighting at all.

However, Xiao Luo didn't care about these things, and took the initiative to direct Hippo King to face the cat boss, Xiao Zhi to face Sanna's Alidos, and Xiao Xia to face Lian's sun elf.

"Hippo King, Illusion!"

"Hmph, Boss Cat, make a fake move!"

The Hippo King couldn't activate the illusion technique, Mao Laoshi's figure flashed, suddenly appeared in front of the Hippo King, and slapped him away.

"Hippo King, Phantom Light!"

The Hippo King slid a short distance to the ground and stopped steadily, his eyes shot out a colorful light, and he zigzagged back at the cat boss.

"Cat boss, use the high-speed star after avoiding it!"

The cat boss was terrifyingly agile, jumped up high at the moment when the phantom light hit, opened his mouth, and a large piece of golden stars flew out in a swirl, and hit the hippopotamus king.



King Hippo stretched out his hands, and the green protective cover came out in response.After the high-altitude stars hit the shield and bounced around, they dissipated into the void.

"Illusion strikes back!"


As soon as the cat boss landed, the hippo king's eyes glowed blue, and he activated illusion to restrain him.

"Boss cat, break away quickly." Saqi was a little anxious.


The cat boss struggled hard, the hippo king's eyes opened wide, and the restraining force became several times stronger in an instant.After the cat boss screamed in pain, he gave up.

A sinister smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Luo's mouth, and he commanded: "Smash it at Foretos."

After hearing Xiao Luo's command, the Hippo King controlled the cat boss to throw it at the closest to Chakra, Fritos.


Chakra was trying hard to deal with Xiao Gang's attack, how could he have expected Xiao Luo to do something like this, caught off guard, Fritos was knocked to the ground by the cat boss, and the two elves became a bunch of gourds.

"It's now, Geng Gui, Shadow Ball!"


A huge shadow ball fell from the sky, and immediately hit the cat boss. After a loud explosion, the two elves fainted to the ground at the same time.

"You're cheating!" Sarge blushed angrily.

Xiao Luo cast her a glance, and said lightly, "You fucker!"

"Damn it!" Sachi was annoyed, and took out two poke balls and wanted to throw them out.

"King Hippopotamus, keep it under control."


Sach kept his angry appearance and was restrained by the Hippo King.

Chakra also wanted to take out the Poké Ball, but was hit by Xiao Gang's Fritos directly against the wall, and was already in a daze when it slid down.

The Phantom Thief sisters were taken aback by this situation, and at the same time directed their elves to attack Xiao Luo and Xiao Xia herself.The two took the opportunity to rush out of the house.

Just as he started to run, a layer of light blue fluorescent light floated on his body, and he was tightly restrained in mid-air.

"Hey... want to run, have you got the ghost master's consent!"

(End of this chapter)

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