Chapter 186 Disaster!

The battle started abruptly and ended quickly.Under Xiao Luo's shameless battle plan, Sa Qi and the others were easily captured by Xiao Luo.

Xiao Gang found a bundle of ropes, tied the four of them together, and prepared to send them to the police station in Shuidu.

"Little Luo, you are shameless, shameless, and do not abide by the rules of battle. You are a disgrace to the trainer..." Saqi yelled at Xiao Luo.

"You stupid, you are a notorious villain, I am the messenger of justice. I will tell you the rules of the ass, those rules are for trainers. Are you a trainer? Are you? Are you ……"

"Even if you were, did I compete with you? Do we have a referee? We can at best be considered a fight. You expect both parties in the fight to abide by the rules. Are you out of your mind?"

Sa Qi stared at Xiao Luo with wide eyes, and suddenly felt that what he said was right, because these words made her speechless.

"Nothing to say, right!?" Xiao Luo said triumphantly, "Be quiet if you have nothing to say, and I'll send you to the 'rats'."

"Boss, quickly think of a way. If we really enter the police station, we will be in big trouble. Even if the boss comes in person, he may not be able to save us." Chakra, who was following Saqi, whispered.

"It's all your fault, it caused our sisters to be unlucky with you." Sanna was very angry because she thought she was going to die.

"Don't worry, let's run again when we find a chance!" Sach comforted.

"However, our elf balls have been taken away by them, and we have no capital to fight against them."

"Why do we have to fight them, even if the Poké Ball is not taken away, do you think we can fight them?"

The three of Chakra fell silent. Even if the Poké Ball hadn't been taken away by them, they were far from opponents of Luo and his party.Xiao Luo's strength is far higher than theirs, even the three of Xiao Zhi are not comparable to ordinary trainers.

Saqi continued: "Play by ear, even if we pass the police station, it's not like we don't have a chance to escape."

"Okay, don't think about escaping, you have no chance. I will watch you enter the cell." Xiao Luo looked at them muttering and sneered.


Just as Xiao Luo was preparing to go to the police station with the four of them, the originally sunny weather suddenly changed.Dark clouds covered the sun, lightning fell one after another, and thunder bursts.In an instant, there was a strong wind and heavy rain.The raindrops hit his face, which hurt.

"What's going on, the weather will change no matter how you say it."

"It's rare to see it in thousands of years, and there has never been such a situation in Shuidu."

"Things are abnormal, something must be happening."


People who were walking on the road looked for shelter from the rain one after another, discussing this strange phenomenon.

"What's going on here?" Xiao Zhi asked, seeing Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia shaking their heads one after another, he looked at Xiao Luo.

Could it be that Xiao Luo's complexion has reached its peak, because at this moment, the original bracelet is flickering rapidly.This proves that the source is nearby, and very close.

Logically speaking, after getting close to the source for a certain distance, the source bracelet should flicker on and off.This time it was very unusual, when it found the source, it flickered rapidly.Well, there are only two reasons.Either this source has a way to evade the detection of the source bracelet, or the source is sprinting over at a high speed.Let the origin bracelet not have enough time to react.

It is obviously impossible to avoid the detection of the original bracelet, after all, they belong to the same body.Then, there is only the second possibility.

But what makes Xiao Luo puzzled is what is the purpose of Benyuan coming here so quickly.

"God, look, what the hell is this!"

"Natural disaster... this is to destroy the city of water, run for your life!"


Xiao Luo followed everyone's gaze, and found that there was a huge wave on the sea, whistling and thinking that the city of Shuidu was rushing towards him.

Xiao Luo's face changed drastically, and he immediately took out two elf balls and threw them out: "Come out, fire-breathing dragon, fast dragon."

"Roar~" "Wow~"

As soon as the two elves came out, they discovered the monstrous waves, and they were also frightened into a cold sweat.They know that such water waves are definitely not something they can handle.

Xiao Luo turned over and climbed onto the back of the fire-breathing dragon, and shouted to Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia at the same time: "You two, dare to go over with me, hurry up."

"Ah? Oh!"

The two of them recovered from their horror when they heard Xiao Luo's cry, and hurriedly climbed onto Kuailong.

Xiao Luo said to Xiao Gang again: "Xiao Gang, watch them, don't let them run away. Send them back to the police station when we come back!"

"Relax... don't worry... I will definitely take care of them." Xiao Gang was so frightened that he spoke awkwardly.

At the same time, Xiao Luo raised his head and shouted into the air: "Celebi, go and tell Ladios and Ladias to come over!"


Although Celebi didn't show his figure, the cry was heard by everyone.When Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia heard Xiaoluo call out two divine beasts, their faces looked a little better.The patron saint of the city of water is here, so it should be able to handle all this well.

However, Xiao Luo didn't think so. He patted the fire-breathing dragon's neck, signaling it to fly towards the waves, with a stern expression on his face.

After the fire-breathing dragon and the fast dragon reached the surface of the sea, they watched the surging waves up close and felt the vast momentum. The three of them were also pale and pale.

Without hesitation, Xiao Luo rubbed Bangira's elf ball, hoping that God of Creation would come over quickly.All this has been out of the scope of what he can handle.

Little Luo didn't stop until the elf ball emitted a soft radiance.However, he didn't stop there, waiting passively.Instead, he opened the backpack and carefully took out a silver feather from inside.

This is the feather of Rogia, the god of the sea. Rogia personally gave it to him, and told Xiao Luo that he can call it from any sea surface through this feather.

Little Luo held up the feather in the air with suspicion, and shouted at it: "Lukia, Lukia, Lukia..."


After shouting a few times, the feathers trembled slightly, exuding a faint brilliance...

This surprised Xiao Luo, knowing that Rogia should have felt his call.

After finishing all this, Xiao Luo said to Xiao Xia and Xiao Zhi: "You will send out all the elves who can use surfing. I have tried my best to ask for help. If they don't arrive in time, then we can only rely on ourselves. It must be useful!"

Looking at Xiao Luo with a bitter face, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Xia felt uncomfortable.

"Okay! It's up to us!" Xiaozhi gritted his teeth hard, took out the blue crocodile's elf ball and threw it out: "Please, blue crocodile!"


"Megatooth and Hippo King come out too!"

"He Xie~" "Ladu~"

"Starfish, horned goldfish, gem starfish, sun coral, come out together."


Seven elves lined up in the water.Perhaps because they were accompanied by trainers, their faces were determined, without any expression of fear.

(This is a supplementary chapter. In this way, I still owe four chapters!! I'm so sleepy, I'm going to bed, and the code word update will start after ten o'clock tomorrow!)

(End of this chapter)

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