Chapter 188 Invincible!

"So... is it all right?" Xiaozhi said in a daze, "Why does it feel like a dream!"

"Great, it's finally all right! Shuidu...all right!"

"That's... Rogia, the god of the sea? Did it come to save the city of water?"

"From now on, there will be another patron saint in the city of water."


"Who are you?" Rogia looked at the pure blue fast dragon and asked, "Why did you do this?"

"Lugia, the god of the sea, only you can prevent the destruction of the city of water. Otherwise, even if Arceus came, it would be impossible."

The blue fast dragon glanced at Xiao Luo, and said: "That kid called you over, right! He is a variable, and he is always against us!"

As Kuailong said, his face became fierce and murderous!
"What do you want to do?" Rogia's eyes narrowed, and his figure moved, blocking his gaze from looking at Xiao Luo.

"He is a variable, and he does not belong to this world. For the sake of the world of faith and hope, I can only kill him!"

Kuailong looked at Rogia with scorching eyes and asked, "You want to stop me?"

Rogia shook his head and said, "You can't kill him, he belongs to Lord Chuangshishen."

"Hmph! Arceus just wants to use him to sabotage our plan! No one can stop me, he must die today!"

As he said that, the blue fast dragon flapped its wings and slammed into Lugia with a whimper.

Rogia also moved, and his huge body accelerated instantly, facing him.


There was a huge sound accompanied by a strong air wave.

As soon as Kuailong appeared, Xiao Luo's origin bracelet flickered extremely quickly: "It's origin! Celebi, Geng Gui, Chaomeng, you also go to help!"

"Geng Gui~"

As soon as Geng Gui heard the source, he immediately activated the power of the mage stone to complete the mage evolution.

It has played against the source many times, and it is too clear about the strength of the source.


In just this moment, Kuailong and Rogia fought five times.After only five times, Rogia showed embarrassment and trembled slightly.

This fast dragon is too powerful!
Two shadow balls and an energy ball smashed together like a fast dragon. The fast dragon was defenseless, and all his skills hit.

After three explosions, Kuailong flew up unscathed, looking down at Chaomeng, mage Genggui and Celebi.

"Looking for death!" Kuailong shouted angrily, and rushed up extremely fast.


Chaomeng unfolded the shield and was knocked far away.


Hitting Chaomeng, Kuailong instantly hit the nearest Celebi with a super dragon wave.

Celebi's shield unfolded to resist the wave of the dragon barking its teeth and claws.

It's just that just after the skill passed and the shield disappeared, Kuailong's angry face appeared in front of Celebi.


Kuailong punched Celebi, who screamed, flew upside down, and fell towards the sea.

Geng Gui took the opportunity to hit a shadow ball, but was shattered by Kuailong's turn and roar.


Kuailong raised his head to the sky and roared, his invincible posture shocked the audience.

"Celebi!" Xiao Luo called out distressedly, and drove the fire-breathing dragon into her arms.


Seeing Xiao Luo, Kuailong abandoned Geng Gui and rushed over.

"Xiao Luo, it's dangerous!" Xiao Zhi saw clearly and reminded loudly.The fast dragon under him rushed over uncontrollably.

When Xiao Luo found Yuanyuan Kuailong rushing over, he was so frightened that he stood there in a daze, forgetting to even run away.


The fire-breathing dragon shot out a jet of flame, trying to stop Kuailong, but Kuailong didn't care about its attack, and rushed up against the jet of flame.


Lugia arrived in time and knocked Kuailong aside.

"His target is you, stay away!" Lugia reminded Xiao Luo.

It was only then that Xiao Luo came to her senses, hugged Celebi and ran away from it.

"You can't stop me!" Kuailong was furious, and fought Rogia again.


After a hit, Rogia's face was ugly.


After the second impact, Rogia trembled slightly.


After three hits, Rogia staggered back.

Rogia couldn't bear it anymore, and opened his mouth to shoot out a burst of dying light.Kuailong also opened his mouth and shot out the death light.

One is golden and shining at an extremely fast speed, and the other is in a spiral shape, with energy overflowing around it.


Kuailong's destructive death light was even more powerful, smashing Lugia's destructive death light all the way and hitting it.

After a violent explosion, Rogia fell straight into the sea.

"call out"

When a shadow ball hit, Kuailong turned his head to avoid it, staring at Chaomeng sharply.

"I don't remember that we ever created an elf like you, who are you?"

Chaomeng said lightly: "My name is Chaomeng, and I was created by human beings."

"Humans?" Kuailong was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "You see, human beings like to break the rules and break the balance so much. There should be no human beings in this world!"

"Master Arceus said that without humans, elves will cease to exist!"

"Stupid thoughts, your minds are already dirty. We will wipe you all from this world, and then recreate a new world, with new creatures, without humans!"

Chaomeng stared at Kuailong sharply, put on a fighting posture, and said, "I'm afraid you can't do it!"


The dragon moved quickly, and appeared in front of Chaomeng like a teleportation, knocking it into the air.

"call out"

Not far away, Geng Gui once again hit a shadow ball.

Kuailong didn't even look at it, and flicked his tail on the shadow ball, and the shadow ball hit Geng Gui faster than when it came.


Geng Gui couldn't dodge in time, and was hit by the returned shadow ball, and he was in a panic.


Chaomeng rushed up with the shield on.


Kuailong roared, and surging dragon energy spewed out around his body. The energy was wanton, and Chaomeng was bounced away again.

A huge energy dragon shadow formed around Kuailong.


The dragon is about to move, and the huge roar of the dragon resounds throughout the space.

The dragon's charge is launched, and the target is Mewtwo!

After a flash of dazzling white light, there was a deafening explosion.Chaomeng's shield was broken, and Chaomeng's body was covered with scars. Chaomeng fell into the sea and never flew up again...

Geng Gui's pupils constricted as he watched, and Geng Gui was frightened, so he turned around and ran away.


Kuailong snorted coldly, and the dragon's charge was launched again.

"Ghost, run to my side." Xiao Luo shouted loudly.

Geng Gui believed Xiao Luo very much, and immediately fled in Xiao Luo's direction, with Dragon's Charge following closely behind.

At the same time, Xiao Luo directed the fire-breathing dragon to approach Geng Gui.Celebi was already injured, and he didn't want Geng Gui to continue to be injured.This origin is extremely powerful, and the shot is heavy, which is not something ordinary elves can bear.

Seeing that Dragon Charge was about to hit Geng Gui, Xiao Luo immediately took out an empty poke ball and threw it over: "Master Gui, I've wronged you for staying in the poke ball for a while!"

Geng Gui, a thief and a thief, understood Xiao Luo's intentions in an instant, and before the poke ball flew to him, he slammed into it.When the poke ball came, Geng Gui turned into a ball of red light and was taken in.

Because Geng Gui was subdued voluntarily, after a symbolic shake of the poke ball, it scattered red lights and disappeared in midair.

The elves on Xiao Luo's body were full, and Geng Gui was automatically teleported home.

Kuailong's Dragon's Charge rushed to nothing, but he was not angry.In its view, Geng Gui is just a dispensable little character.Its main target is Xiao Luo.

Kuai Long looked at Xiao Luo with serious eyes, flapped his wings, and rushed forward.

Knowing that he was doomed, Xiao Luo put Celebi on the back of the fire-breathing dragon and said, "Give it to Cole!"

After speaking, he resolutely jumped off the fire-breathing dragon.

If you want to die, you must die yourself, and you can't drag the elves!
(End of this chapter)

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