Chapter 189 The Arrival of the Creation God

Kuailong watched Xiaoluo jump off the fire-breathing dragon's back, and thought he was trying to escape into the sea to avoid his own attack.So he showed a sarcasm smile, in its view, it was absolutely sure to deal with Xiao Luo before he fell into the water.

Listening to the whistling wind in his ears, and seeing Yuan Kuailong's approaching figure, Xiao Luo slowly closed his eyes.

Just die, but, I didn't expect to be a human being in two lives, and I will still be a little virgin until I die.Thinking of this, Xiao Luo couldn't help but see Xia Yi's face in her mind, imagining Xia Yi's appearance when she grew up, a gentle smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Luo's mouth.

Yuanyuan Kuailong raised his fist, and with one punch, it could completely solve Xiao Luo's hidden danger.It couldn't help but want to laugh, to meet Arceus, to ridicule it, to laugh at it.


A destructive and deadly ray of lightning struck down directly, and the original fast dragon was knocked down in the sea water.

Xiao Luo felt something grabbing his arms, he opened his eyes, and saw a fat smiling face.

"Kuailong!?" Xiao Luo yelled with some doubts. He couldn't figure out why Kuailong rushed out again.

"Xiao Luo, this is not like your character, how could you just give up like that!" Xiaozhi poked his head out from Kuailong's back, showing a sunny smile.

"Pikapi~" Pikachu poked his head out from Xiaozhi's back, and looked at Xiaoluo who was being held by Kuailong with a smile.

"That is, if you die and Cole asks us to ask for someone, how do you want us to deal with it!" Xiaoxia also smiled and glanced at Xiaoluo.

"How can you jump out so casually!" Xiao Luo said anxiously, "This elf is simply beyond our ability to deal with. Didn't you see that the God of the Sea and Chaomeng were easily defeated by it!"

"I know!" Xiaozhi nodded and said, "So what, we have so many people here, there is no need to be afraid of it."

"Exactly!" A young man riding an armored bird flew over and said, "You are the great hero who saved Shuidu. If we just watched you get killed, we would be stabbed in the back by the people of Shuidu. Things we can't do!"

"That's right, maybe we're powerless in the big waves ahead, but fighting is a routine for our trainers!" Another boy riding a toucan flew over.

"Isn't it just a Kuailong? There's nothing to be afraid of. The Kuailong I defeated was eighty if not a hundred!" A boy riding on a bidiao flew up and said, "There are so many people here, and each of them drools. could drown it."

Xiao Luo shook his head and said, "You guys don't understand! This time I'm in big trouble."


Yuanyuan Kuailong rushed out of the sea.

"Let's attack together! Blue crocodile, use water cannon, Pikachu, use [-] volts!"

"Sea star, gem starfish, horned goldfish, use the water gun, sun coral, use the coral cannon!"

"Tyrannosaurus, use Destruction Death Light!"

"Crocodile, use the water cannon!"

As soon as Yuanyuan Kuailong rushed out of the water, a wave of tricks hit it.Although the original fast dragon is powerful, it still can't resist so many joint attacks of unique moves. It is beaten back and forth, and there are some minor scars on its body.


The original fast dragon roared, and a blue energy circle spread from its body.Wherever it went, all the elves were knocked away by the energy circle.


Kuailong opened his mouth, and a spiral of destructive death light spewed out instantly, and the target was Xiao Luo!

Ladias rushed forward and opened his mouth to respond with a clean gleam.However, this is of no use, and only slows down the speed of the destruction of the dead light.


The recovered Ladios also rushed over, standing side by side with Ladias, the same clean luster sprayed out, working together to resist the destructive death light of the original fast dragon.The speed of destroying the dead light was slowed down again, but it still pushed forward with unmatched momentum.

Xiao Luo gritted her teeth and commanded angrily: "Kuailong, destroy the dead light! Fire-breathing dragon, spray flames!"

"Hoo" "Hoo"

A beam of golden energy shot out of the fast dragon's mouth. At the same time, a crimson jet flame also shot out of the fire-breathing dragon's mouth. The target was the original fast dragon's destructive death light.


With so much energy gathered, the original fast dragon's destructive death light was finally detonated, but the Ladios brothers and sisters were too close to the explosion range, and were hit by the shock wave, injured again, and fell into the sea.


The original fast dragon roared again, and the energy of the dragon system gushed out, forming a huge blue dragon shadow around its body.


The sound of the dragon chant sounded, and Yuanyuan Kuailong rushed to kill him.

"It's over, this time it's really over!" Xiao Luo watched the Dragon Charge charge towards him with absent-minded eyes, and gave up her resistance.Only Xiao Zhi continued to command Pikachu to use [-] volts. However, the charge of [-] volts against the dragon was like a stone thrown into the sea, without causing any ripples.


Yuanyuan Kuailong's eyes were scarlet and he roared.


Just when Xiaozhi and Pikachu gave up completely, the space above suddenly shook, and a huge space channel was formed.Chuangshi Shen poked out a head, and a spiral of thick and thin destructive death light instantly shot out, hitting Yuanyuan Kuailong's body.

The original fast dragon's dragon charge was shattered, and the destructive death light hit the original fast dragon, like a powerful palm, pressing it towards the sea.

After a long time, there was a faint booming sound from the bottom of the sea, and the sea water boiled.

The God of Creation floated out slowly, standing majestically above Xiao Luo and the others, staring at the sea.

"Boss Chuangshi, you are finally here, if you don't come, I will lose my life!" Seeing the Chuangshi God, Xiao Luo finally let out a long sigh of relief.Secretly, this little life was finally saved.

Chuangshi Shen said softly: "This is my mistake, and this situation will not happen next time."

Xiao Luo: "..."

Still damn it, next time, and next time you will say that the young master Potian won't do it anymore!

The surface of the sea exploded, and Yuanyuan Kuailong appeared on the surface of the sea again.However, at this moment, there was faint green smoke from its back, and it was obvious that it had been seriously injured by the blow just now.

"You shouldn't have this kind of power!" Arceus looked at the original fast dragon and said lightly.

"You shouldn't have such power!" Kuailong glanced at Arceus cautiously.

"You merged?" "You devoured?"

After a long silence, the two elves spoke out at the same time.

"I see!" the two elves said in unison.

Kuailong took a look at Xiao Luo, and said to Chuangshi Shen: "It seems that I can't kill that kid today, but you can't guard him forever, and one day I will kill him."

"Do you think you can still get away today?" The Chuangshi God said in a cold voice, and a powerful coercion waved.

"Huh!" Kuailong snorted coldly, and his appearance began to change like a monster. In just a moment, a living Kuailong turned into a tall and mighty Lucario.

"You want to keep me? You might as well give it a try!" Lucario's voice remained unchanged.

"Fighting!" Chuangshishen's expression was still calm, but the shrinking pupils completely betrayed his mood at the moment.

After pondering for a while, Chuangshishen sighed and said, "Go! I will settle this account with you myself in the future."

Lucario ignored the God of Creation, but took another deep look at Xiao Luo, and then turned and left without any nostalgia!

 Because I checked it on my phone just now, it seems that Chapter 2 was not sent successfully, so I sent it again.Repeat, repeat, better than nothing! !
(End of this chapter)

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