Chapter 190 Yuanzhu City

Benyuan left, and Chuangshishen left with Xiao Luo and Chaomeng after a long silence.Rogia woke up when the Creator God arrived, and after the Creator God left, he also left here.After Xiaozhi and the others got Xiaoluo's instructions, they took the injured Celebi to the elf center and waited for him there.

Night had already fallen when Xiao Luo came back.After returning, Xiao Luo didn't have too many conversations with Xiao Zhi and others, but his expression was very serious.

Five days later, Xiao Luo brought Cole, Meow Meow, Celebi, Ladias, and Geng Gui, who was released by Xiao Luo, to Yuanzhu City.

Ladias was completely captured by Xiao Luo, not to mention her relationship with Xiao Luo, even her brother Latios strongly urged Ladias to come out with Xiao Luo.

It can see Xiao Luo's love for Radias, it can see Xiao Luo's strength, it can also see the relationship between Xiao Luo and various powerful beings...

Ladias followed Little Luo, it has one less burden, accepting Little Luo's training, maybe its future achievements will be higher than it, and it can be familiar with various supreme existences, these are naked temptations ...

Yuanzhu City is known as a historical and cultural name. There is the famous Lingling Pagoda. It is said that the most mysterious elf—Feng Wang inhabits the apex of the tower. It is said that the three gods and beasts Yandi, Sui Jun, and Lei Gong were created by Feng Wang in Ling Ling Pagoda. from.

Of course, Xiao Luo would not care about such legends. At this moment, he was standing at the gate of Yuanzhu City Gymnasium, planning to challenge the guild hall here.After spending too much time in Shuidu, what Chuangshishen said to him also gave him a sense of urgency. He must get the badge as soon as possible, leave Chengdu, and do some important things.


Xiao Luo pushed open the door of the guild hall
"Hello, are you here to challenge the guild hall?" Just as Xiao Luo entered the door, a boy who was about his size greeted him.

Xiao Luo nodded and said, "That's right, I'm here to challenge the guild hall, may Mr. Xiao Song be busy?"

"Please come with me!" After finishing speaking, the boy took Xiao Luo to Xiao Song who was giving a lecture to a group of trainers.

"Master, someone has come to challenge the guild hall again!"

Xiaosong's students' eyes lit up when they heard someone challenge the guild hall. In their opinion, oral education is not as exciting as actual combat after all.

Xiao Song took a look at Xiao Luo, and then introduced himself: "I am the trainer of Yuanzhu Gym—Xiao Song!"

"Xiao Luo, Zhenxin Town, please take care of me!"

Xiao Song nodded: "Come with me!"

The battle field is right next to it. After Xiao Song led Xiao Luo to stand in a good position, he said to the boy who led the way just now: "Yuan Lu, let you be the referee!"

"Good teacher!"

"Xiaoluo from Zhenxin Town, challenge the trainer Xiaosong from Yuanzhu Gym. The rules of the competition are three-on-three. On the way, only the challenger can change the elf. The competition begins!"

"Xiao Luo, all of my hands are ghost-type elves, so you have to be prepared in advance!" Xiao Song kindly reminded.

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "Thank you for the reminder, Master Komatsu, I will pay attention to it!"

Xiao Song smiled slightly, took out the poke ball and threw it out: "Guess, I'll leave it to you for the first game."


The poke ball was opened, and a spirited ghost appeared in midair.

Seeing Gui Si, Xiao Luo was not surprised at all, and quickly took out a poke ball and threw it out: "Hippo King, please."


The hippopotamus king still looks relaxed, as if everything is under its control.

"Hippo King, a rare elf. Use the super energy system to fight against the ghost system. It seems that you have known me in advance." Although Xiaosong saw the hippopotamus king, although he was a little surprised, he didn't take it too seriously. The master of the gymnasium, and he is good at ghosts, and there are not a few super elves to deal with.

"I know a little bit!"

"Let the challenger attack first!" Seeing that both of them had taken out the elves, the referee Yuanlu uttered again.

"Hippo King, Illusion."


The Hippo King's eyes glowed with blue fluorescence, and he looked towards Gui Si.

"Guisi, disappear." Xiaosong responded calmly.

As Xiaosong's voice fell, Gui Si disappeared and disappeared on the field.

"Hippo King, the illusion burst!"

"La - all -"

Following the powerful long cry of the Hippo King, a group of blue super powers burst out from its heavy body, sweeping the entire venue like a gust of wind.


Even if he was invisible, Gui Si couldn't dodge this kind of attack with no dead ends, and he showed his figure in embarrassment.

"It's now, freeze it!"


A layer of blue fluorescent light appeared on Guisi's body, and he was tightly restrained in mid-air.

"It's such a powerful super power, it can be used like this. Gui Si, break free quickly." Xiao Song was surprised by Xiao Xiao.

"Get rid of it and use the phantom light." Although he knew that Guisi would not be able to break free from the Hippo King's shackles, Xiao Luo didn't want to waste time.


As if a heavy hammer hit Gui Si, Gui Si flew and hit the wall of the guild hall.

Before Guisi could react, a zigzag colorful light followed and hit it.


After an explosion, Guisi screamed and lost his ability to fight.

"Ghost...Ghost loses the ability to fight, and King Hippo wins!" Yuanlu glanced at Xiao Luo in surprise, it was the first time he saw his master lose an elf so quickly.

Xiao Song gave a wry smile, retracted Guisi and said, "It's really amazing, I won't give it a chance!"

"Then, it's my second elf, go Ghoststone!" Xiao Song sent out the second elf.


As soon as Ghost Stone came on stage, he couldn't stop laughing, and looked at King Hippo with arrogance, obviously not a character easy to deal with.

"Ghost Stone, use hypnotism." This time, Xiao Song took the lead in launching the attack.

Ghost Stone extended his hands and shook them regularly in front of the Hippo King.

"Petrochemical skill!" Xiao Luo's command was concise and powerful.


The Hippo King looked at Ghost Stone with blue light in his eyes, and at the same time, a layer of blue light floated on Ghost Stone's body, and then disappeared.

However, with the disappearance of the blue light, Ghost Stone's hypnosis also stopped, and the hypnosis was sealed.

"In that case, Ghoststone, use tongue licking attack."


Ghost Stone stretched out its long snake head and licked it towards the Hippo King.

"Illusion, bounce back!"


The Hippo King casts illusion and binds Ghost Stone's protruding tongue.As it waved its hand, Ghost Stone's tongue hit Ghost Stone at an even faster speed.


Ghost Stone was beaten several times by his own snake head.

"It's really hard to deal with, Ghost Stone, Curse of the Night!"


Ghost Stone's eyes emitted two black energy rays, calling towards the Hippo King.

"Fantasy light!"

Hippo King's eyes shot out a beam of colored light to meet him, and the two tricks collided in mid-air, bursting apart, producing a puff of thick smoke.

"Now, Ghost Stone, capture King Hippo."


Ghost Stone's hands were separated from his body, and he grabbed the Hippo King through the thick smoke.Xiao Luo didn't command, Hippo King didn't make any reaction, and let Ghost Stone's hands grab him.

"Hmph, King Hippo, use the Mind Hammer!"


Hearing Xiao Luo's command, King Hippo immediately followed Ghost Stone's pulling force and used the mind hammer.A blue shield appeared on the head of the hippopotamus king, and rushed towards Ghost Stone.

"Ghost Stone, get out of the way!" Although Xiao Song tried his best to command, it was already too late.


Ghost Stone was hit by the hammer of the thought head, screamed, and fell straight to the ground.

Although Hippo King's force attack is not high, but the superpower system naturally restrains Ghost Stone, this time, it is enough for Ghost Stone to hurt for a while.

 Reissued! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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