Chapter 191 Winning
The opportunity has appeared, Xiao Luo naturally will not give up easily.

"Hippo King, Phantom Light."

The Hippo King stared, and a flash of colored light shot out towards the falling Ghost Stone.

"Ghost Stone, hurry up and avoid it." Xiao Song commanded urgently.


Ghost Stone opened his eyes in time, and his falling body suddenly flew up, avoiding the attack of phantom light.

Xiao Luo secretly thought it was a pity, but he didn't particularly care about it. The game has reached this point, and victory is only a matter of time.

Ghost Stone had some scars on his face, and looked at King Hippo with a scared expression.At this moment, the arrogance on its face was gone, replaced by a dignified expression.

"Ghoststone, curse the light."

Ghost Stone heard Komatsu's command, and his eyes released two dark rays of light towards Hippo King.

"Use illusion after dodging."

The Hippo King jumped to avoid the attack of the cursed light, his eyes glowed blue, and he looked at Ghost Stone.

"Disappear, continue to use the cursed light."


Ghost Stone disappeared into the field again and again with a sinister smile, in order to avoid the illusion attack of the Hippo King.

"Hippo King, force it out, the illusion burst!"


Before the Hippo King's illusion burst out, two black rays of light suddenly shot down from the sky, hitting the Hippo King, almost knocking him to the ground.

"La - all -"

The Hippo King uttered angrily, the illusion burst out, and the light blue fluorescence swept the audience again. Ghost Stone was swept by the blue light, screamed in pain, and appeared.

"It's now, Hippo King, the phantom light will solve it!"


A colored light quickly hit Ghost Stone.

"Ghoststone, use the curse!"


Ghost Stone's eyes glowed with a strange red light, and a phantom spread from Ghost Stone's body.Then, a layer of black fluorescent light wrapped the Hippo King before disappearing.

After using this trick, before the phantom light hit, Ghost Stone fell straight to the ground, losing his fighting ability.The hippopotamus king also uttered a cry of pain, gasping for breath.

Xiao Luo frowned, he didn't expect Xiao Song to keep such a trick.

Curse, lose a quarter of his physical strength every round, so even if the Hippo King does not lose his fighting ability at this time, the effect will end here.

"Ghost Stone is out of the fight, Hippo King wins."

Xiao Song calmly took back Ghost Stone.He was already very satisfied to be able to use a curse to abolish Little Luo's Hippo King at the last moment.

Xiao Luo's Hippo King put too much pressure on him, the powerful super power made the Hippo King a solid and thick castle, which made people feel like they had nowhere to attack.

"This is my last elf, go, Geng Gui!" Xiao Song threw out the elf ball heavily.

"Geng Gui~"

A cold breath rippling, Geng Gui with a big smile appeared on the field.Although it looks like he is smiling, it gives people a cold feeling.And the sharp eyes don't match the smiling face at all.

"Come back, Hippo King."


Just as Xiao Luo took out the poke ball again and wanted to throw it out, a series of familiar sinister laughter sounded on the field.

Another Geng Ghost quietly appeared on the field.

With the appearance of this Geng Ghost, Xiao Song's Geng Ghost's smiling face disappeared, and his body tensed up involuntarily, watching it nervously.

As its kind, it felt a strong threat.The Geng ghost on the opposite side was very strong, so strong that it gave him the idea of ​​​​running away.

"Geng Ghost!" Komatsu called out in disbelief, it was the first time he saw his Geng Ghost showing such a cautious and even fearful expression.

Just when Geng Gui was complacent about the shock brought by his appearance, a discordant voice came from behind.

"Master Gui, you'd better take away your supernatural powers and come back and just stay there." Xiao Luo glanced at Geng Gui and said helplessly.

"I can't bear it when I meet the same kind." Geng Gui said without turning his head, "Leave this round to me, let me teach this kid a lesson."

Xiao Luo curled her lips and said, "You are also good at bullying the weak. Why didn't I hear you say that when I was chased and beaten by that Kuailong a few days ago."


Geng Gui was speechless for a while.

Asshole, you don't hit someone in the face when you hit someone.Xiao Luo, if you do this, we don't even have to be friends.

"Come down quickly, such a game means nothing to you."

"Let me do it!" Geng Gui wanted to fight for it.

"Ma Dan, get off, or I will throw you to the boss of the creation world to discipline, it is not in a good mood recently!"


Geng Gui stopped talking, turned his head, and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Xiaosong said at this moment: "Xiao Luo, since your Geng Ghost has come out, let him fight my Geng Ghost. Presumably my Geng Ghost also wants to compete with it. Yes Right, Geng Gui?!"

Xiaosong's Geng Gui wanted to cry.The ghost wants to compete with it, and is it still necessary to compete? It is not of the same order of magnitude at all.

But my own trainer has said so, so I can only follow his will.

Xiaosong's Geng Guiqiang nodded with a high-spirited look.

Xiao Luo's complexion was a little unsightly.For Geng Gui, this kind of competition is really a little childish, and it is not beneficial at all.

Xiao Luo's original intention was to train the elves in his hands as soon as possible. The more opponents like this, the better for the fire-breathing dragons.But now that Xiao Song asked Geng Gui to play, it was hard for Xiao Luo to refuse categorically.

After some hesitation, Xiao Luo took back the poke ball, waved at Geng Gui, and said, "Forget it, go ahead! Be careful, don't strike too hard."

"Hey, don't worry, it won't happen." Geng Gui returned to the field again and waved to Xiaosong's Geng Gui. "Use whatever means you can and let me have a look."

"Hehe, since that's the case, Geng Gui, use the shadow ball!" Komatsu commanded.

"call out"

A shadow ball flew towards Geng Gui quickly, but Geng Gui just turned his head to avoid such an attack.

"Well, the power is not bad, but it is too slow."

"Gengar, use hypnotism!"

"Geng Gui~"

Geng Gui rushed forward, his figure disappeared in an instant, and then suddenly appeared in front of Master Ghost, just about to use hypnotism, but Master Ghost slapped him and sent him flying.

"Idiots dare to use such an attack in front of me, let you see how real hypnotism is used."

After finishing speaking, Master Ghost disappeared, and Geng Gui's unique sinister laughter sounded on the field, and the phantoms of Geng Gui flickered around Xiaosong's Geng Gui, just when Xiaosong's Geng Gui was nervous and hopeful. , Master Ghost's real body suddenly appeared in front of it, and his eyes released circles of lavender energy circles.Xiaosong's Geng Gui was easily controlled in this way, and gradually fell into a deep sleep.

Afterwards, Lord Ghost launched Dream Eater, and a huge phantom passed through Xiaosong's Geng Gui, which made Xiaosong's Geng Gui show an extremely painful expression, but there was still no sign of waking up.

At this moment, Xiao Song also understood the gap between the two Geng Gui, and could only smile wryly.He didn't try to wake up Geng Gui, because he knew that he had completely lost this match.

After eating the dream, Geng Gui casually shot a shadow ball and hit Xiaosong's Geng Gui. As a result, Xiaosong's Geng Gui completely lost the ability to fight.

"Look, it's that simple!" Geng Gui showed off to Xiao Luo in awe.

"Xiao Song's Geng Gui lost the ability to fight, and Xiao Luo's Geng Gui won. Therefore, the challenger in this match wins."

(End of this chapter)

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