Chapter 192 Kaji Town!
After successfully obtaining the Phantom Badge, Xiao Luo and the others rested for a day in Yuanzhu City.

Early the next morning, Xiao Luo and others got up early, and after learning that the nearest guild hall to Yuanzhu City was located in Kaji Town, Xiao Luo took Cole and Miao Miao to Kaji Town by fast dragon.

Kaji Town is the hometown of ninjas. Xiao Luo remembered that when he played games, this was another base of the Rockets.It's just that now, he's not sure if the Rockets are huddled in this small town.

And according to the manga, Liu Bo of Kaji Town Gymnasium is an extremely terrifying character. He once defeated King Feng with a small boar and successfully recovered him.In addition, Liu Bo is also a core member of the Rockets.It's just that everything is still uncertain now, and Xiao Luo dare not make a hasty conclusion.

After more than two hours of flight, Kuailong successfully arrived in Kaji Town with Xiao Luo and others, and landed at the gate of Liu Bo's house.

After hesitating at the door, Xiao Luo resolutely pushed open the door of Uncle Liu's house.

In the courtyard, Uncle Liu was talking with a fat woman when Xiao Luo's arrival caught their attention.

"Looks like another challenger is coming!" The fat woman said to Liu Bo with a smile.

"Hehe, it should be." Uncle Liu nodded.

"Excuse me, is this the owner of Uncle Liu?" Xiao Luo stepped forward and asked very politely.

The current situation is not clear, and Xiao Luo has not done anything radical.

"I am!" Liu Bo replied with a smile on his face.

"I'm Xiao Luo from Zhenxin Town, and I'm here to challenge the Kaji Gym."

"I understand!" Uncle Liu nodded, then turned to Xiao Luo and said, "Then, come with me."

Xiao Luo, Cole, and Miao Miao followed, and so did the fat woman.

Not long after, Uncle Liu brought Xiao Luo and others to a big house.Opening the door, an extremely luxurious water and ice mixing venue appeared in front of everyone.

"This is the battlefield, and this kind of venue is suitable for my elves to play. So, Xiao Luo, you have to make sufficient preparations."

"This kind of challenge is interesting. I was afraid that you, Uncle Liu, would let you go."

After Liu Bo heard Xiao Luo's words, he burst into hearty laughter and said, "Young man, you really have confidence!"

Afterwards, Uncle Liu said to the fat woman again: "Xima, you should be the referee!"

"Hehe, of course it's okay, that's what I do."

Afterwards, Liu Bo and Xiao Luo took their positions.

"Now the Gym Challenge begins. Both sides can use two spirits. The match ends when both spirits lose their ability to fight. On the way, only the challenger can exchange spirits, and the match begins!"

As soon as Xima's referee's voice fell, Uncle Liu threw out the elf ball: "Go, white sea lion!"

The poke ball was opened from mid-air, and a burly white sea lion appeared in mid-air. Then, it dived into the water skillfully, and after swimming around, it emerged from the water, waiting for its opponent to appear.

"White sea lion!" Xiao Luo thought for a while, then took out a poke ball and threw it out: "Go, Megalodon!"


The poke ball was opened, and the megalodon, which was only one size smaller than the white sea lion, jumped out.Like the white sea lion, it jumps into the pool as soon as it comes out.It's just that the white sea lion enters the water gracefully, while the megalodon shark enters the water more aggressively.

Seeing the megalodon, Liu Bowei was a little surprised: "Megalodon? This kind of elf is rare in Chengdu."

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "I just happened to meet it in the water capital!"

"So that's it! According to the rules, it's up to you to attack first."

"Then I'm not going to be polite, Megalodon is trying the knife on the street."


With a roar, the megalodon shark gave full play to its advantage in the water, approached the white sea lion at a very fast speed, and swam around the white sea lion.

Randomly, at a position that the white sea lion didn't notice, it quickly launched an attack, and the dorsal fin was shining white, and it hit it.

"White sea lion, dive into the water." Although the white sea lion couldn't see it, Liu Bo saw it clearly and directed the white sea lion to move in time.

The white sea lion flicked its tail without looking back, and dived into the water, the megalodon's attack was defeated.

"It's now, White Sea Lion, Iron Head Skill!"


Before the megalodon could react, there was a huge pain in the abdomen, and the whole body took off involuntarily.

Iron head skill, perfect hit!

"Continue to attack, use slam!" Liu Bo wanted to pursue the victory.

However, the white sea lion failed to execute Liu Bo's order well, but stood there blankly, showing a painful expression just like the megalodon shark.


Uncle Liu looked at the white sea lion suspiciously, only to find out that there were also some scars on the white sea lion's head.

Liu Bo suddenly realized: "I'm old, and I even forgot the snake skin characteristic of the megalodon."

Xiao Luo chuckled and said, "The snake skin characteristic will only have some effect at the beginning. With mental preparation later, this kind of situation will not happen."

Uncle Liu looked at Xiao Luo in surprise, and said, "You're right. With mental preparation, when an elf is hurt by a snakeskin, it won't disrupt its own attacking rhythm. Can you understand this? very good."

Xiao Luo smiled, didn't say anything more, but commanded the megalodon: "Megalodon, use the water jet!"


The megalodon shark roared, its body was wrapped in the torrent, and it rushed towards the white sea lion.

"White sea lion, use the freezing light!"

The white sea lion lowered its head, pointing its sharp horns at the megalodon shark. Several zigzag blue rays shot out quickly, and the sprayed water jets were chased and formed into icicles.

Seeing this, Xiao Luo hurriedly commanded: "Megalodon, quickly hide in the water!"

Just as the megalodon entered the water, the freezing light followed closely, freezing a large piece of water.

"It's up to us now, Megalodon, use the rocket head hammer!" Xiao Luo commanded loudly.


A white light glowed from the bottom of the water, and it quickly rushed towards the white sea lion.

"White sea lion, jump on the ice!" Uncle Liu commanded calmly.

The white sea lion jumped onto the ice next to it.


The megalodon rushed out immediately, covered in a thick white light, and turned around to hit the white sea lion on the ice.

"White sea lion, super impact!" Liu Bo bit the word "super impact" very hard.

The white sea lion gave a long cry, and the lavender energy appeared thickly around the body of the white sea lion. The white sea lion met the megalodon's rocket head like a huge missile.


There was a violent explosion, and the whole venue seemed to shake, the water surface was turbulent, and the ice cubes shattered.Smoke and dust filled the venue.

When everything was clearly visible, the megalodon was lying on the water with its belly exposed, while the white sea lion was panting, with electric sparks flashing from time to time.

"The megalodon lost its ability to fight, and the white sea lion won!" Sima announced the result in time.

(End of this chapter)

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