Chapter 193 Failure!

"Come back, Megalodon." Little Luo was not surprised by Megalodon's failure.

After all, whether it is manga or anime, Liu Bo is portrayed as a powerful character.

Megalodon has not undergone much training, and its strength is still very average.It is also reasonable for the white sea lion who lost to Liu Bo.

Moreover, judging from the situation on the scene, the white sea lion was also seriously injured. Xiao Luo was already very satisfied with the result.

"Come out, fire-breathing dragon!" Xiao Luo quickly threw the poke ball.

Before the poke ball was opened, Xiao Luo commanded: "Use jet flame."


A mighty roar rang out, and as soon as the fire-breathing dragon appeared and opened its mouth, a jet of crimson flames shot out, hitting the immobile white sea lion.

The white sea lion couldn't dodge, was hit by jet flames, and screamed.The jet of flame pushed it to hit the wall of the pool, making a muffled sound.

The flame stopped, and the white sea lion sank into the water. When it floated up again, it had spiral eyes and lost its ability to fight.


Killing the opponent with one blow, the fire-breathing dragon roared excitedly again.

Liu Bo took the white sea lion back calmly, looked at the fire-breathing dragon and said, "This fire-breathing dragon is much stronger than that megalodon. Xiao Luo, your elves are well bred."

"Compared to Uncle Liu, you are still far behind."

This sentence was also sent by Xiao Luo.If the manga is true, then it is heaven-defying that the old man in front of him can cultivate a little boar that can defeat King Feng.Anyway, Xiao Luo thinks that she will never be able to do it in her whole life.

"Hahaha..." Liu Bo let out a hearty laugh, "You boy, don't think that I will be merciful if you flatter me."

After speaking, Uncle Liu took out an elf ball and threw it out: "This is my second elf. Go, old partner."

The poke ball opens, and a long-haired pig appears on the field.The one-meter-high body is covered with long brown hairs, with only two white fangs and a pink pig nose exposed.

The long-haired pig simply stood there, not moving, but the fire-breathing dragon showed a cautious expression.

A powerful elf always has a distinctive aura, which invisibly affects the opponent.

"You should attack first, Xiao Luo!" Liu Bo said with a smile.

"Then I won't be polite, fire-breathing dragon, spray flames." Xiao Luo's expression was also a little dignified.

This long-haired pig is definitely a powerful character. Although the fire-breathing dragon is very advantageous in attributes, Xiao Luo is still not sure that he can win this game.


A crimson flame spewed out from the mouth of the fire-breathing dragon, and rushed towards the long-haired pig at high speed.

"call out"

The long-haired pig's figure flashed, easily dodging the flame-throwing attack.

So fast!

Not only was Xiao Luo surprised by the speed of the long-haired pig, but even the fire-breathing dragon showed an expression of disbelief.

Who makes the size and speed of the long-haired pig a bit irrelevant!

"Charizard, spray flames continuously!"

A stream of flames spewed out from the mouth of the fire-breathing dragon, hitting the long-haired pig.

However, the long-haired pig is not in a hurry, calmly responds, and can always avoid the attack of the flame just right.

When the flames are sprayed or hit the ice cubes, or hit the water, the hot steam evaporates, and the temperature in the venue also rises a bit.

"Long-haired pig, use ram!" Liu Bo finally issued an order.

After dodging a jet of flame, the long-haired pig let out a long cry, its body glowing with a faint white fluorescence, and charged towards the fire-breathing dragon.

"Now, Charizard, spit flames!"

The fire-breathing dragon took a long breath, and a thick jet of flame shot out instantly, hitting the long-haired pig that was ramming.

However, an amazing scene appeared...

The long-haired pig still marched forward bravely, spraying flames quickly, screaming strangely, and rushed over like a rainbow.

Xiao Luo was in a hurry: "Charizard, hurry up and fly."

But it was too late, when the charizard flapped its wings and wanted to fly away, the long-haired pig jumped up.Although not high, it is deadly.


Hit the fire-breathing dragon violently, and the sound of fleshy teeth ached.The fire-breathing dragon screamed, and its huge body flew upside down and hit the ground, rolling several times before stopping.

At the same time, yellow electric sparks flashed on the long-haired pig, and it snorted in pain.The side effect of slamming occurs.

Looking at the steaming look of the long-haired pig, Xiao Luo's thoughts turned, showing an expression of sudden realization.

Seeing Xiao Luo's expression, Uncle Liu smiled and asked, "Do you understand?"

"I understand!" Xiao Luo nodded.

Uncle Liu raised his eyebrows: "Tell me!"

Xiao Luo organized his language a little bit, and then said: "Before, the fire-breathing dragon sprayed several flames to evaporate the water vapor, and the long-haired pig collected a large amount of water with its long hair, and then condensed the water into tiny ice cubes to hide Under the long hair."

"That's why the long-haired pigs are not afraid of spraying flames. Because the spraying flames are weakened by these small ice cubes, they can't cause much damage to long-haired pigs!"

"Then tell me why I knew you wanted to use flame jets?"

Xiao Luo shook her head: "Using or not using jet flames is not the key, because you know that I will definitely seize this opportunity to use the fire-type ultimate move to fight. And no matter what the fire-type ultimate move is, it will be weakened by the ice. This is the key!"

"And no matter whether I use the fire element or not, you will use these little ice cubes to hide in the long-haired pig and give me a fatal blow at a critical moment." Xiao Luo looked at Liu Bo and asked: "I'm right Come on, Uncle Liu!"

Uncle Liu smiled happily, waved his hands and said, "These are not important, winning or losing is the key!"

"I also don't think these are important!" Xiao Luo seconded. "Why don't you, Uncle Liu, let me have sex too. It's really not important!"

Uncle Liu: "..."

"Look, you don't even want to, it's not important and you don't want to."

"Stinky boy, how do you talk! See if I don't teach you well. Long-haired pig, use Blizzard."

The long-haired pig opened its mouth wide and blew hard, and a cold wind mixed with snow particles blew towards the fire-breathing dragon.The surface of the water it passed was frozen in an instant.

"Charizard, Hot Wind."


The fire-breathing dragon flapped its wings quickly, blowing out a large scale of hot wind to meet it.


The two intersect and explode instantly.

"Charizard, use jet flames, target, the ice under the feet of the long-haired pig."

The fire-breathing dragon understood Xiao Luo's meaning, and flew up with wings flapping.A jet of flame shot out, drawing a circle around the ice under the long-haired pig's feet.


The ice shattered and the long-haired pig fell into the water.

"Now, Charizard, burn out!"

The fire-breathing dragon took a long breath, and a nearly white flame spewed out from the fire-breathing dragon's mouth, hitting the long-haired pig in the water.

"Naive! Shaggy pig, beat up the water and use Blizzard!"


The long-haired pig slapped a lot of water, and then used the blizzard trick.

After being baptized by the blizzard, the water spray formed ice balls of different sizes, which were wrapped in the blizzard and burned up.


There was another explosion, the burning was completely blocked, and the blizzard disappeared, but a part of the ice puck wrapped in the blizzard smashed towards the fire-breathing dragon under the action of inertia.The fire-breathing dragon couldn't dodge in time, was smashed all over his face, and fell straight to the ground.

"It's now, longhaired pig, at absolute zero."

The long-haired pig let out a long cry, the whole place was darkened, and large snowflakes began to fall from the sky.


A snowflake hit the fire-breathing dragon and instantly froze into ice.

Xiao Luo's complexion changed drastically, absolute zero, just like the Unicorn Drill, was a deadly move.Once the whole body is frozen by snowflakes, it will definitely lose the ability to fight.

Xiao Luo gritted her teeth: "Madan, fight! Fire-breathing dragon, explosive electric shock!"


The fire-breathing dragon roared, burning blue flames all over its body, flapped its wings, and rushed towards the long-haired pig like a shooting star.


The water curtain exploded, the ice cubes shattered, white water vapor filled the entire site, hot air and cold air spread alternately, and snowflakes kept falling...

In a short while, the situation on the field can be seen, the fire-breathing dragon was frozen into an ice sculpture, and the long-haired pig stood on the ice unscathed!
 If you change shifts today, I can only code one chapter for you. I will get off work at [-] o'clock tomorrow, and I will continue to code! !
(End of this chapter)

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