Chapter 194 Heavenly King Mountain!
"How come you didn't suffer any harm?" Xiao Luo was a little puzzled.

Liu Bo looked at Xiao Luo like an idiot, and said, "You forgot to put the long-haired pig in the water before. If it hides in the water, what kind of damage can the explosive electric shock do to it!"

Xiao Luo patted his forehead and lamented, "I'm such a pig, I actually dug a hole and buried myself!"

Uncle Liu took the long-haired pig back, and asked Xiao Luo, "You are also a trainer in Zhenxin Town, you should know Xiaozhi, right?"

"Xiaozhi? Has it already got the badge from you?"

Uncle Liu nodded: "You are stronger than Xiaozhi, but you lack Xiaozhi's quick wit. In the same game, when the rhythm falls into the opponent's control, Xiaozhi will come up with unexpected ways to deal with it. And you, rely more on the strength of the elves to break them. However, I have to admit that this is the most effective method for you."

"If it works, I'm still old enough to lose to you!" With a bitter face, Xiao Luo withdrew the fire-breathing dragon and said, "Uncle Liu, don't take you so seriously. If you guard the gymnasium like this, how many can get it from you?" Got the badge!"

"Hehe, I know that you are not convinced that you lost, and you have not shown your due strength." Uncle Liu straightened his face and said seriously: "However, if I am serious, you will not win even if you come here a few times."

A strong self-confidence erupted from Uncle Liu, Xiao Luo was dumbfounded and speechless.If it were a hot-blooded boy like Xiaozhi, maybe he wouldn't believe it.But Xiao Luo knew too much about Uncle Liu.If he didn't believe it, he couldn't even convince himself.

"Give it to you!" Uncle Liu raised his hand and shook it, and a small black shadow flew towards Xiao Luo.The strength and angle are well controlled, Xiao Luo easily grasped it in his hand, and spread it out to see a badge lying quietly in his hand.

"This..." Xiao Luo looked at Uncle Liu suspiciously.

"This is what you deserve." Liu Bo said: "The responsibility of a gym trainer is to test the strength of the trainer, and you have passed my assessment."

"But, didn't I lose?"

Uncle Liu shook his head and said: "I was too serious. And you didn't show your strength. That's it, I don't want to continue to fight with you anymore. This kind of game doesn't mean much to you; it doesn't mean much to me." significance."

"Thank you for being old!"

Since Uncle Liu said so, Xiao Luo was not polite and put away the badge.

Uncle Liu nodded with a smile, and said, "Stay with me for lunch!"

"This..." Xiao Luo hesitated, and said, "Will it be too disturbing!"

Uncle Liu waved his hands and said, "It's okay, your Aunt Xilan wishes there were more people. I'm old and like to be lively."

"That's right, just stay here, Auntie will cook more delicious food for you." Xi Lan walked off the referee's stand and said with a smile.

"Great, thank you, Aunt Xilan!" Cole said happily.

"This little girl is really cute!" Xi Lan stroked Ke Er's head lovingly.

At noon, Aunt Xilan warmly entertained Xiao Luo and Ke Er.After dinner, Liu Bo took Xiao Luo to accompany him for a walk in the courtyard.

After chatting for a while, Uncle Liu asked Xiao Luo, "Xiao Luo, what are your plans after joining the Chengdu League?"

"After the Chengdu League, I plan to continue to travel to the Fengyuan area and participate in the league games there."

Uncle Liu was silent for a while and said, "With your strength, you won't get much improvement if you continue to participate in the alliance. You must also feel that the gymnasium competition can no longer threaten you too much."

Xiao Luo nodded and said, "That's true. Apart from bringing some combat experience to the elves, I personally gained very little."

Uncle Liu nodded and said, "I know a place that suits you!"


"Tianwang Mountain!"

"Tianwang Mountain?"

Uncle Liu nodded: "That's right! Tianwang Mountain is a very mysterious place, and people whose strength does not reach a certain level will not know about this place."

"But I haven't heard of it!"

Uncle Liu chuckled, sat down on the bench in the courtyard, and said to Xiao Luo: "You should know that the lifespan of elves is much longer than that of humans! Just like the elves in your hands, when you get old, you say they should what to do!"

"Leave it to my son!" Xiao Luo answered rationally and vigorously.


Uncle Liu felt that there was no way to continue this topic.

Uncle Liu twitched the corner of his mouth and asked, "Do you think your son can control them?"

Xiao Luo thought about his character as an elf, and couldn't help laughing: "My son will definitely be beaten by them!"

"Then you still have to leave it to your son!"

"It's okay, if you don't hit it, you won't succeed, if you hit it, it will work!"


Uncle Liu wanted to beat Xiao Luo up now, to see if he could succeed.

"Elves have the arrogance and feelings of elves. When their trainers get old, the elves who reach the level of Tianwang will leave on their own, and these elves will all go to Tianwang Mountain together! Tianwang Mountain seems to have a mysterious power that can guide this kind of elves invisibly Go." Liu Bo simply stopped asking Xiao Luo, and started talking on his own.

Xiao Luo's eyes widened when he heard this, and he asked, "So, Tianwang Mountain is full of elves at the level of Tianwang?"

Liu Bo nodded, and said, "That's right, there are indeed Heavenly King-level elves on Tianwang Mountain. Even if you meet a little Lada, don't doubt it, it must be a Heavenly King-level elf."

"That's a good relationship. Go to Tianwang Mountain to catch some elves like this, and your strength will gradually increase."

Liu Bo smiled and said, "That's true. However, it's very difficult for you to get the approval of the elves there. They already have elves with trainers, so it's very difficult for them to recognize a new trainer again."

"Moreover, each trainer has a different style. A king-level elf already has an inherent fighting style, and this kind of thing is difficult to change. If your fighting style doesn't apply to that elf, the effect after taming it is far worse than your own Well trained."

Xiao Luo was startled, and nodded: "That's true."

"You should now have the strength of a quasi-king, and the spirits in your hands should also be of the level of heavenly kings. Therefore, it is far better for you to go to Tianwang Mountain to practice than to travel to Fengyuan area and join the spirit alliance."

Xiao Luo asked, "Where is Tianwang Mountain?"

“The most central location in the Hezhong area!”

After some hesitation, Xiao Luo said to Uncle Liu, "I need to think about it."

Uncle Liu nodded: "I won't force you, you can come to me when you've made up your mind, I'll be your recommender, and I'll send you there."

"Recommender?" Xiao Luo asked puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"Tianwang Mountain is managed by someone, and it is difficult to enter there without the recommendation of someone with weight."

Xiao Luo had a little understanding: "So, on Tianwang Mountain, I will meet many trainers who are comparable to me?"


Xiao Luo was a little moved, and he decided to discuss it with Chuangshishen, and he must let him agree to practice there for a period of time.

"Uncle Liu, why do you want to help me like this?" Little Luo was still a little bit pissed when he was not sure whether Uncle Liu had anything to do with the Rockets.

Uncle Liu smiled and said, "I just want to see if I, a bad old man, can cultivate a champion."

Xiao Luo grinned and said, "Uncle Liu, do you really want to take in an apprentice?"

"Haha, that depends on whether you are willing or not!"

 I had something to do yesterday, I went out to socialize, so I didn't update it, I apologize here! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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