Chapter 195
After being silent for a while, Xiao Luo looked at Uncle Liu with a serious expression, and asked, "Uncle Liu, do you know the Rockets?"

After asking, Xiao Luo fixedly stared at Uncle Liu.If Uncle Liu really had something to do with the Rockets, Xiao Luo would rather give up going to Tianwang Mountain and have nothing to do with him.

"Rockets?" Uncle Liu frowned. "I've heard of it. It's a powerful organization in our Kanto area. It is said that it was wiped out by Shiluf Company in Kanto because it was too arrogant and domineering. Why did you suddenly mention the Rockets?" Are you in the team?"

Xiao Luo found that Uncle Liu's expression didn't look unnatural at all, so he felt relieved a little, and said with a smile, "It's nothing, it's just that I have some grudges with the Rockets. I'm afraid that if I ask you to be my teacher, it will involve me. You and Aunt Seema."

"Hehe, the Rockets have already been destroyed, what else is involved."

Xiao Luo shook his head and said, "The Rockets haven't been destroyed! I also participated in the attack on the Rockets in Kanto. The boss of the Rockets - Sakagi, and Nazi from the Golden Club escaped. Now they hide Somewhere in Chengdu!"

"Hmph, don't worry. I don't care about a mere Rocket team."


Little Luo wanted to say something, but Liu Bo stretched out his hand to stop him: "I know what you want to say. You have to understand that I am also one of the owners of the Chengdu area, and I am protected by the league. Don't say that the Rockets are not as good as they are now. Before, even in its heyday, Sakagi didn’t dare to easily start a war with the alliance!”

Xiao Luo thought about it for a while, and it seemed to be the same reason, so he was completely relieved, and said to Uncle Liu: "Then master, I will be your precious apprentice in the future, you must not hide anything!"

"Ha ha……"

Uncle Liu laughed and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely train you to be the youngest champion in the history of Kanto!"

"Why not a master?"

"This... the master wants to focus on talent..."

"Master, I have talents, and there are many..."


That night, Xiao Luo and Ke Ke stayed at Liu Bo's house.At dinner, Liu Bo was in a good mood because he accepted Xiao Luo as his disciple, and despite Xima's persuasion, he got drunk.

In the early morning of the next day, Xiao Luo planned to go to Yanmo City to obtain the next badge.Uncle Liu was still drunk, and Xima personally sent Xiao Luo and Ke Er to the door.

After bidding farewell to Sima, Xiaoluo, Cole and Miaomiao boarded the fast dragon and set off for Yanmo City.

Yanmo City is the most northeastern city in Chengdu, not far from Kaji Town.Xiaochun of the Yanmo Gym is the cousin of the champion Du, who is powerful, and like Du, is good at using dragon spirits.In the animation, this is the last clubhouse that Xiaozhi challenged.With the help of the fire-breathing dragon sent by Ji Ke, Xiaozhi struggled to obtain the Rising Dragon badge.Now Xiaozhi's strength has been greatly improved compared with the animation, and it should be much easier to fight against Xiaochun.

Kuailong flew for two hours in one breath, and brought Xiao Luo and Cole to the door of Yanmo Clubhouse.

Looking at the panting Kuailong, Xiao Luo knew that he would not be able to participate in this gymnasium competition again.

Xiao Luo put away Kuailong and pushed open the door of Yanmo Clubhouse.

The empty guild hall was empty, and there was a special battle field in the very center of the guild hall.The site was considered an ordinary site, except that a large pool was built in the middle, taking up two-thirds of the site.Such a venue is very suitable for dragon elves to play.

"Is there anyone? Come quickly, someone has come to challenge you!" Xiao Luo yelled after looking around.

When Xiao Luo shouted, she really heard footsteps approaching.

A tall girl in a cloak walked out from the hall, followed by a short old man behind her.

At a glance, Xiao Luo knew that the girl was Xiao Chun, the owner of Yan Mo Club.Because in the entire Chengdu League, apart from Champion Du, the only person wearing the cloak is Xiao Chun.

"Who are you?" Xiao Chun walked up to Xiao Luo and asked aloud.

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "You are the owner of Xiaochun Hall, right? I am Xiao Luo from Zhenxin Town, and I am here to challenge the guild hall."

"So that's how it is. Well then, I accept your challenge!" Xiaochun turned to the old man behind him and said, "Kabu, I'll let you be the referee."

"Good lady!"

Afterwards, Xiao Luo and Xiao Chun stood on the playing field.

"Now the Gym Challenge is being held. There are three spirits that can be used. Only the challenger can change the spirits on the field. The competition begins!"

"This is my first elf, go and sting the Dragon King!"

Xiao Chun took the lead in throwing out the poke ball, a white light flashed, and a huge thorn dragon king appeared in the pool in the field, screaming aggressively, with high fighting spirit.

"Go, Megalodon!"

Without any hesitation, Xiao Luo took out the poke ball and threw it out. The poke ball opened, and the megalodon appeared in front of the Thorn Dragon King. He also yelled loudly to strengthen his momentum.

"Megalodon! It's rare to see this kind of elf in Chengdu." Seeing Megalodon, Xiao Chun just smiled.Although the megalodon is very good, she doesn't think it will be the opponent of the dragon king. "Let's attack now, Xiao Luo."

Xiao Luo knew that this was the rule of the guild hall challenge, so he was not polite, pointed out, and directed: "Go, rocket head hammer!"


With the giant tooth shark's loud cry, thick white light appeared on its body, and it soared into the sky like a rocket, rushing towards the Thorn Dragon King.

"Thorn Dragon King, hide in the water!"

The Thorn Dragon King's movements were extremely fast, and he shrank his body to hide in the water, avoiding the attack of the rocket head hammer.

"Thorn Dragon King, use Dragon Wave!"

The Thorn Dragon King quickly emerged from the water, and his long mouth gathered a large amount of dragon energy, forming a giant dragon with claws and claws, and rushed towards the megalodon shark that had just fallen into the water.

"Move at high speed!"

Xiao Luo's command is concise and powerful.

"Whoosh" "Boom"

The figure of the megalodon flashed in the water, far away from the initial position, and the swooping dragon wave blasted a high water curtain in the water.


After launching the trick of high-speed movement, the megalodon was as fast as a motorboat at full speed, rushing towards the Dragon King aggressively.

"Megatooth, try your knife on the street!"

The dorsal fin of the megalodon was glowing with dazzling white light, and it looked at the Thorn Dragon King fiercely.

"Dragon King Thorn, use the smoke screen!" Xiao Chun's voice sounded in time.


A large amount of black smoke spewed out from the long mouth of the Thorn Dragon King, spreading across the water.

"Hmph, this trick is useless! Megalodon, see the location of the Thorn Dragon King clearly in the water."


The body of the megalodon dived into the water, leaving only the glowing dorsal fin above the water.


The giant tooth shark came from bottom to top, and with a fierce blow, it knocked the Thorn Dragon King into the air.

"It's amazing, Dragon King Thorn, use the destructive death light!"

The Thorn Dragon King adjusted his posture and entered the water, a golden light condensed in his mouth, and a thick destructive death light was emitted instantly.

"Good opportunity, use Bing Fang after avoiding it!"

The megalodon shark imitated stabbing the Dragon King, dived into the water instantly, and the destructive death light hit the water surface. After an explosion, water splashed everywhere, and there was a torrential rain on the field.


The giant tooth shark surfaced in front of the Thorn Dragon King. The huge exposed teeth of the shark were cold and cold, and when the Thorn Dragon King couldn't move, he bit on its huge belly.

The Thorn Dragon King screamed, his expression extremely painful.

"The Thorn Dragon King..." Xiaochun called out distressedly, but there was nothing he could do.The side effect of destroying the death light is thrown away, and any command is superfluous.

"OK! Give it a final blow, Rocket Head!"

The giant tooth shark bit the Thorn Dragon King and swung it around twice, throwing it high, and then launched the rocket head hammer, and when the Thorn Dragon King fell, it met it.


The Thorn Dragon King was hit on the roof of the venue, making a muffled sound.After falling to the ground, he passed out.

"The Thorn Dragon King loses his ability to fight, and the megalodon wins!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Luo's mouth, and he won the first game perfectly.

(End of this chapter)

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