Chapter 196 Rising Dragon Badge!

"Come back, Thorn Dragon King!" Xiao Chun withdrew the Thorn Dragon King, and began to face Xiao Luo squarely.

What a great trainer.Even his cousin Du is not necessarily better than him at his age.

"I really underestimated you, but it's not easy to get the badge of the rising dragon." Xiao Chun threw out a poke ball again, "Go, Gyarados!"


White light flashed, and a huge figure appeared in the pool.Because the body of Gyarados is too large, it stands high in the water, and Megalodon has to look up at it.Seeing the ferocious expression of the tyrannosaurus, the megalodon showed a slightly fearful expression, and even the cry was weaker than before.


Xiao Luo raised her eyebrows, which could scare even the hooligans in the sea. It seems that this tyrannosaurus was well bred by Xiao Chun.

"Gyarados, preemptive strikes, use dragon suction!"


A large amount of green breath spewed out from the huge mouth of the tyrannosaurus, sweeping towards the megalodon shark.

"Use Ice Fang after dodging!"

The speed bonus of high movement is still there, the megalodon easily dodges the attack of the dragon suction, and rushes towards the tyrannosaurus like lightning, with its mouth wide open, and the teeth are filled with cold air.

"Fight it head-on, Gyarados, use Crunch!"


The tyrannosaurus roared, its teeth glowed white, and it condescendingly bit the megalodon shark.


The tyrannosaurus took advantage of its body and bit the megalodon's tail first, causing the megalodon to cry out in pain.

"Great Gyarados, just throw it out like this, and use the destructive death ray."

Gyarados lifted the Megalodon into the air, and after two laps, it was thrown hard on the field, away from the pool.Then the golden light condensed in the mouth, and a red-gold destructive death light hit the megalodon shark with a strong sound of piercing through the air.

"Megatooth, quickly avoid it." Xiao Luo said anxiously.


Fortunately, the damage of the evil-type tricks to the megalodon is halved, and the damage to the megalodon is not too great. When the destructive death ray hits, it slaps the ground with its tail and dodges for a distance to the side, avoiding the destruction of the death ray direct hit.


The explosion sounded, and a big hole was smashed out of the field. The megalodon shark was blown away by the strong shock wave mixed with broken stones, and landed at Xiao Luo's feet covered in scars.

"Come back Megalodon!" Xiao Luo immediately took out the poke ball and brought the Megalodon back.It is too far away from the pool, and it is obviously impossible for the megalodon to return to the pool.Leaving the pool, the Megalodon's battle was greatly reduced. Luckily, Xiao Luo took it back, and took advantage of the side effect of the Gyarados destroying the dead light, and still switched to another elf to attack.

"Come out, Hippo King. Use the power gem!" Xiao Luo flicked out the poke ball, allowing Hippo King to stand on the ground.

With a flash of white light, King Hippo appeared by the pool.After a long cry, a large number of colored stones appeared around the Hippo King, exuding multicolored fluorescence. With a wave of the Hippo King's hand, the colored stones rushed towards the Gyarados.


The Gyarados couldn't dodge, and was hit by the power gem. After a painful roar, it fell into the pool, splashing a lot of water.

Gyarados has the attribute of flying, and the power gem belongs to the rock type, which can do great damage to it.

"Damn it, Gyarados, are you okay!"

Xiaochun's face was a bit ugly, and Xiaoluo's behavior made her feel that Xiaoluo was shameless.But it is stipulated that the challenger can change the spirit, and she has nothing to do.


The Gyarados quickly stood up from the water, panting a little.

"Gyarados, counterattack, use the dragon's breath."


A large number of green dragons spewed out from the mouth of the Gyarados, sweeping towards the Hippo King.



The Hippo King stretched out his hands, and a green protective cover protected him, resisting the attack of the dragon.



After the dragon element passed, the Hippo King immediately launched an illusion attack, his eyes glowing blue, looking at the Gyarados.A layer of blue fluorescence appeared on the Gyarados, and its body was restrained.

"Gyarados, break free and use a crushing attack!" Xiao Chun obviously didn't take the illusion technique seriously.In its view, the size and strength of the Gyarados are huge, and ordinary illusions cannot restrain the Gyarados at all.

However, this time she was surprised.Just as the Gyarados was struggling hard, King Hippo's eyes widened, and the fluorescence on the Gyarados' body became more intense.The tyrannosaurus felt the restraint force, oppressing its body, and the pain made it unable to restrain itself from screaming.

"Fine, that's it, throw it out of the sink!"


The Hippo King's eyes opened again angrily, the Gyarados flew upside down and hit the wall of the guild hall in a straight line as if it had been hit hard, and it also made a loud bang when it landed.

"Illusion, solve it!"

"Gyarados, quickly destroy the death light!"

After hearing Xiaochun's command, the Gyarados struggled to stand up, but just as it stood up, a colorful light descended on its head.


The colorful light completely wrapped the huge body of the tyrannosaurus, and the tyrannosaurus trembled and screamed in pain.

After the colorful light dissipated, the Gyarados was covered in black smoke and lay softly on the ground.

"The Gyarados lost the ability to fight, and the Hippo King won!"

"Well done, Hippo King!" Xiao Luo praised with a smile.


King Hippo put his hands behind his back, looking leisurely and calm.

"Damn it! Come back, Gyarados." Xiao Chun had no choice but to withdraw the Gyarados.

"Hackron, I leave everything to you!" Xiaochun quickly changed a poke ball and threw it out.


White light flashed, and an elegant Hackron appeared on the field.It seems to like water very much, and jumped into the pool as soon as it entered.He looked at Hippo King sharply, with a calm expression.

"Hakron! Come back, Hippo King!" Xiao Luo took the Hippo King back.

"Charizard, it's your turn!" Xiao Luo threw the poke ball into the air.

The poke ball was opened, and the fire-breathing dragon appeared aggressively in mid-air. Looking down at the Hack dragon in the water with its scarred eyes, it surged out with a fighting spirit.

"Hackron, hide in the water!"

Hackron dived into the water, sprayed flames on the water surface, a large amount of water vapor rose, and the water level in the pool dropped slightly.

Only then did the fire-breathing dragon slowly land on the edge of the pool, confronting the Hack dragon that had surfaced.

Seeing that the elves on both sides could fly, Kabu pulled the switch next to the referee's platform, and the roof of the hall began to open slowly from the middle to the sides.

Kabu said: "Since the elves on both sides can fly, the third match will use a battle field that can be used by both land, sea and air."

Looking at the slowly opening roof, Xiao Luo smiled slightly.This kind of battle is only interesting. With the existence of the roof, the elves who use the flying system always feel weird and can't exert their due strength.The sky is the battlefield for flying elves.

 There may be a lot of typos, bear with it!After all, it is free, and I am too lazy to change it!

(End of this chapter)

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