Chapter 197 Charizard VS Hackron

"Hackron, use the tornado!"

The gemstone on Hackron's neck emits white fluorescence, and a swirling whirlwind shoots out from the gemstone, hitting the fire-breathing dragon directly.

"Spray flames!"


The fire-breathing dragon opened its mouth and spewed out a thick jet of flame to meet it. The two intertwined, and after a stalemate for a while, they exploded.

"Hackron, use water wave!"

A huge blue water ball formed in front of Hackron's mouth and threw it towards the fire-breathing dragon.

"Again, shoot flames!"


Another jet of flame was shot out, the scorching flame was like a fire dragon, swallowing the water waves in one gulp, and a large amount of water vapor appeared on the field and diffused.

"Now, Hackron, use knock."

"call out"

A strong piercing sound entered Xiao Luo's ears, followed by the pitiful scream of the fire-breathing dragon.

Can you see it like this?
Xiao Luo stared wide-eyed in surprise, and immediately commanded: "Fire-breathing dragon, fly up!"


The fire-breathing dragon flew out of the water vapor and looked down from the sky with an angry expression on its face.

"Hackron, use continuous water waves!"

"call out"

A wave of water hit the fire-breathing dragon, and the fire-breathing dragon was in a hurry, and hurriedly dodged to avoid it.

"call out"

Another wave of water shot out, and the fire-breathing dragon dodged again, but it was much more embarrassed.

"Fire-breathing dragon, use hot air!"


The fire-breathing dragon let out an angry sound, its wings flapped vigorously, and a large amount of hot wind in the shape of red fish scales shrouded downward.The water vapor was blown away, however, no trace of Hackron was found on the field.


After the hot wind passed, Hackron jumped out of the water, and a water wave hit the fire-breathing dragon extremely quickly.The fire-breathing dragon couldn't dodge in time, and was hit by the water fluctuations. A large number of water waves spewed out. The fire-breathing dragon screamed in pain and fell straight to the ground.

"Hackron, solve it, use the destructive death light!"

Hackron's head was slightly lowered, and the one horn on his head was aimed at the falling fire-breathing dragon, a little bit of golden light condensed, and then a pure gold energy ray shot out directly.

"Charizard, quickly avoid it." Xiao Luo said anxiously.

After hearing Xiao Luo's cry, the fire-breathing dragon opened its eyes, flapped its wings in time, and its falling body rose into the air again.Narrowly escaped the attack of destroying the dead light.

"Oops!" Xiao Chun's face turned ugly.

"Very good, Charizard, start fighting back, use Dragon's Fury!"


The fire-breathing dragon roared loudly, and a milky white energy ball with traces of red lightning formed in its mouth, hitting the immobile Hackron.


Hackron screamed and was blown into the pool. Dragon Wrath is a dragon-type skill, and dragon-type restrains dragon-type. This blow hurt too much for Hackron.

"Hackron..." Xiao Chun couldn't help crying out.

Keep attacking, use jet flames!
The fire-breathing dragon opened its mouth and shot out a jet of flame, sweeping down towards Hackron.


Hackron struggled to get up from the ground, twisted his body, and flew up, avoiding the attack of spraying flames.

"Great Hackron, now start to fight back, use knock!"


The gemstone on Hackron's tail glowed white, and he rushed up and drew towards the fire-breathing dragon.

"Hmph, Dragon Claw!"


The fire-breathing dragon's claws were instantly enveloped by a burst of green energy, forming two huge claws.With the roar of the fire-breathing dragon, he raised his head to meet the knocking attack of the Hack dragon.


With two claws and one tail, they were deadlocked in mid-air, and the two elves had a grinning expression, trying to suppress each other.


In the end, the fire-breathing dragon was more powerful, pushing Hackron far away, and then followed closely, trying to knock it down with its dragon claws.

"Hack Dragon, use Tornado."

Just when the fire-breathing dragon's claw was about to hit, Hacklong shortened his stature, and while avoiding the attack of the dragon's claw, he moved a distance away from the fire-breathing dragon.The gemstone on the chest emits fluorescence, and a whirlwind hits the fire-breathing dragon directly.

"Spray flames!" Xiao Luo gave instructions in time.

The dragon's claws disappeared, the fire-breathing dragon opened its mouth wide, and a jet of flame shot out instantly, resisting the attack of the tornado.After a moment of stalemate, the two tricks exploded.The powerful shock wave sent the two elves flying at the same time.


There was a loud panting sound from the field, both the fire-breathing dragon and Hackron looked extremely tired, and there were even some sweat stains on the fire-breathing dragon's head.

"Hackron, use water wave!"

"call out"

A water polo shot straight at the Charizard.

"Fire-breathing dragon, melee combat, use dragon claws after avoiding it!"


The fire-breathing dragon roared, and after avoiding the attack of the water wave, it rushed up again, its claws surrounded by blue fluorescence, as if wearing a pair of huge gloves.

"Damn it, Harkron, use knock!"

Hearing the words, Hack Dragon Tail twisted his body to meet him.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"...

The two elves fought continuously in the air, knocking on the dragon's claws, and their tails on the two claws.With each collision, there was a unique metal-like impact sound.The two elves became more and more tired, and their movements became slower and slower.


The fire-breathing dragon roared again, summoning up all its strength to charge up again.


Hackron finally couldn't hold on, and was sent flying by the fire-breathing dragon in this duel.

"It's now, fix it, use jet flame!"


A well-regulated jet of flame was sent out instantly, and its power was far less than the previous few times.But fighting to this point, such jet flames can already decide the outcome of this match.


Hackron was unable to dodge, and was hit by jet flames. After a scream, he fell to the ground and lost his fighting ability.

"Hackron lost the ability to fight, and the fire-breathing dragon won. Therefore, the challenger of this competition wins!"

Xiaochun smiled helplessly, put Hackron away, and said to Xiaoluo: "Such a powerful trainer is really rare. Frankly speaking, I have tried my best in this competition, but I still can't win you!"

"Come back and rest, Charizard!"

Xiao Luo took back the excited fire-breathing dragon, and replied with a smile, "It's all due to the hard work of the elves!"

Xiao Chun nodded with a smile, she was very optimistic about Xiao Luo.Despite his young age, his strength is surprisingly strong, and his performance is neither arrogant nor impetuous.Such a person will go farther and farther on the road of trainer, just like her cousin.

"In short, if you win, you win!" Xiaochun took out a rising dragon badge and handed it over, "This badge now belongs to you."

Xiao Luo took the badge, thanked Xiao Chun, then turned around and left the Yanmo Guild Hall, and came to the elf center in Yanmo City.

After Xiaoluo handed over the injured elf to Miss Joy, she asked Miss Joy for another room.After tidying up in the room with Cole, the two left the Elf Center together, planning to find a restaurant to solve their stomach problems.

As soon as I left the elf center, I saw three familiar figures...

(End of this chapter)

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