Chapter 198 Light Yellow City!
"Little Luo!" Xiao Zhi also saw Xiao Luo at the entrance of the Elf Center, and cried out in surprise.

Seeing the three of them in a busy state, Xiao Luo took Cole up to meet them, and said with a smile, "I said you three are really slow, I thought you had already challenged the Yanmo gymnasium, so it turns out I just arrived in Yanmo City now."

"Hey, we got lost on the road again!" Xiaozhi scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Cole and I are going to eat something. You probably haven't eaten, so we just happened to go together."

"is this okay?"

Xiaoxia was a little hesitant. Xiaoluo said so, so it was naturally Xiaoluo's treat again.Frankly speaking, Xiao Luo has invited them many times.She's not Xiaozhi, she doesn't have such a thick skin.

"What's so good about it?" Xiao Luo saw Xiao Xia's hesitation, and said with a smile: "Anyway, Keer's family is rich, if it wasn't for my treat. Right Keer!"

"Brother Luo is too stingy. He always wants to use other people's money. There is not much left!" Cole was a little unhappy.

"Hey, it's okay, I'll call your grandpa for more information then."

"Hmph!" Cole turned his head away, not looking at him.

Xiaozhi smiled awkwardly and said, "It's okay, I'll treat you this time!"

Xiao Luo waved his hand and said, "It's okay, let me treat you. Last time I made some money in the water, so I don't care about the little money. Let's go, find a good place and let's have a big meal."

After speaking, Xiao Luo led everyone to kill towards the restaurant.

It was said to be a big meal, but after a few people walked around, they found a ramen restaurant.Everyone didn't bother to continue searching, so they walked into the noodle shop and ordered a bowl of ramen each.

"Little Luo, have you challenged the Yanmo Gym?" After ordering the ramen, Xiao Zhi asked Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo nodded and said, "Well, I just got the Dragon Rising Badge."

Xiaozhi asked: "How is the strength of Yanmo Guild Hall?"

"Xiao Chun from the Yanmo Guild Hall is good at using dragon spirits and is very powerful. So you'd better be prepared with ice spirits."

"Today I challenged. The spirits used by Xiaochun are: Thorn Dragon King, Gyarados and Hack Dragon. If Pikachu plays well, you can easily get this badge."

The reason why Xiao Luo said this is because both the Thorn Dragon King and the Gyarados have water attributes.Especially Gyarados, which has dual attributes of water and flying, was restrained by Pikachu to death.

"Pikachu, did you hear that, this competition in the guild hall depends on you!" Xiao Luo said to Pikachu on his shoulder.


Pikachu yelled confidently.

Later, Xiaozhi asked again: "Xiao Luo, how many badges have you got?"

"Six!" Xiao Luo explained, "I went directly from Yuanzhu City to Kaji Town, and then came to Yanmu City. There are only two badges left for Light Yellow City and Azure City."

Xiaozhi nodded, and said, "I've already been to these two cities, and now I only need a badge for Yanmo Gymnasium."

Xiao Luo asked: "Then are you going to return to Zhenxin Town?"

"Well, I plan to go back and do some training for the elves, and then wait for the alliance competition to start!"

Xiao Luo said: "That's fine, I will go back soon. Maybe I will return to Zhenxin Town before you. After all, I have Kuailong!"

Xiaozhi smiled, and said to Xiaoluo: "Go back to Zhenxin Town, let's fight again!"

"Hehe, let's stay in the alliance and compete!"


The ramen came up quickly, and after several people finished eating, they returned to the elf center again.

It is naturally impossible for Xiaozhi to challenge the Yanmo Gymnasium again today, so he can only rest for a day at the Elf Center, planning to go early the next morning.

The next day, Xiao Luo and Cole got up early as usual and prepared to go to Light Yellow City.

The three of Xiaozhi didn't get up so early.Xiaozhi is going to challenge the guild hall today, so naturally he can rest for a while.And it's rare to get a good night's sleep while traveling, Xiao Luo doesn't want to spoil their dreams.

After taking back his elf ball, Xiao Luo once again took the fast dragon and flew towards the direction of Light Yellow City with Meow Meow guiding the way.

Light Yellow City is a bit far from Yanmo City, so on the way, Xiao Luo directed Kuailong to stop and take a rest.It was already around one o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived in Light Yellow City.

Xiao Luo and Cole found a restaurant to eat at random, and then came to the entrance of the light yellow guild hall, intending to continue to challenge the guild hall here.

Just as Xiao Luo was about to open the door of the guild hall, the door was opened from the inside, and a little girl with short hair appeared in front of Xiao Luo and Cole.

"Who are you?" The girl looked at Xiao Luo and Cole suspiciously, then reacted, and said excitedly, "You are here to challenge the guild hall, right?"

Xiao Luo smiled: "Yes, we are here to challenge the guild hall!"

"Then come in quickly, I am Ke Xia, the gym's trainer." Ke Xia pulled Xiao Luo into the hall, and then let Xiao Luo stand in the challenge position on the field, and stood opposite him.

"One-on-one competition, win me, I will give you a badge!"

But after Xia finished speaking, without waiting for Xiao Luo to agree, he threw out the elf ball: "Go, Big Rock Snake!"


With a flash of white light, a huge rock snake appeared on the field.But Xiao Luo knew at a glance that the level of this big rock snake was very low, and it didn't have much combat power at all.

Xiao Luo smiled wryly and said, "You said you are the owner of the gym, but what about the referee? Do you know where I am a trainer and what is my name?"

"This..." But big drops of sweat appeared on Xia's head, "Oh, this is not important, anyway, if you beat me, I will give you a badge. Besides, you may not be able to beat me!"

Cole snorted unkindly, and said, "I can't tell you're the owner of the guild hall at first glance, and I'm going to lie to brother Luo to fight with you. Brother Luo won't fight with you!"

"What did you say!" Ke Xia looked at Cole angrily.

Ke Er cast a glance at Ke Xia, and said, "I said you are not the owner of the pavilion, call the owner out quickly, you are no match for brother Luo!"

"Damn it, I want to challenge you. Come on, let you see the strength of me, the owner of the pavilion."


The big rock snake let out a cooperative cry.

"I just……"

Before Cole finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xiao Luo: "This is fine, this is fine. Cole, you can fight her."


Cole looked nervous: "But I've never fought with an elf before."

"It's okay. There is a first time for everything. If you lose, you will still have me!"


Cole was about to say something, but Xiao Luo waved his hand and interrupted: "Don't be so, you can come."

With that said, Xiao Luo pulled Cole down to his seat.

"Hmph, just hit it, I'm afraid you won't succeed." Cole said, then took out the poke ball and threw it out: "Please, Liuwei."


The poke ball was opened, and a burst of gold dust fell, and a pure white six-tailed figure appeared on the field with an elegant posture and a lazy expression.

Looking at Liuwei's expression, Xiao Luo was completely speechless.

Six Tails has been completely spoiled by Cole!

After discovering the big rock snake on the opposite side, Liuwei was startled, and turned to look at Cole, clearly asking, what is going on here?
"Liuwei, get ready to fight!" Cole said seriously.

Only then did Six Tails react.Although it hates fighting, it has to listen to Cole.He could only put on a fighting posture and looked at the big rock snake with unfriendly eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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