Chapter 199 Against Ami
"Wow, is this Liuwei? It's actually white, have you dyed its hair?" Ke Xia looked at Liuwei with starry eyes.

"It's not there!" Cole said proudly, "Brother Luo gave it to Cole. It was originally white."

How come I sent it for no reason!Xiao Luo stood behind Cole with a wry smile on his face.

"How can you fight with such a cute elf, I can't bear to fight!"

Cole snorted and said, "Then you instruct the big rock snake to stand still and let me finish the fight. Six tails, use jet flame."


Six tails opened its mouth and spewed out a red and yellow flame, hitting the big rock snake.

"Big Rock Snake, use Iron Head Technique after avoiding it."

The big rock snake lowered its body to avoid the jet of flames, its huge body twisted and rushed towards Liuwei.

"Liuwei, quickly use your supernatural power!"

Six-tailed double-backs glowed with colorful light, and an invisible energy vortex rushed out from between the eyebrows, covering the big rock snake.


The big rock snake was restrained and let out an unwilling roar.

Liuwei controlled the big rock snake and wanted to lift it, but the big rock snake was too bulky. After Liuwei tried his best to lift the big rock snake to the ground, it was powerless.The supernatural power disappeared, and the big rock snake crashed to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Ke Xia was obviously a little proud: "Big Rock Snake, use the iron tail to attack."

A white light glowed from the tail of the big rock snake, and it slammed towards Liuwei.

"Six tails, use temptation after avoiding it!"

Six tails jumped high, and after dodging Iron Tail's attack, it let out a coquettish cry, blinked its eyes, and a pink heart fluttered towards the big rock snake.


The red heart hit the Big Rock Snake's face, and it shattered. The Big Rock Snake's eyes became heart-shaped, and it looked like a nympho, walking towards Liuwei uncontrollably.

"Now, use the flame vortex!"

Six tails let out a long cry, and a swirling flame burst out of its mouth, enveloping the enchanting big rock snake.


The flames flickered away, and the big rock snake woke up from the charm and let out a painful roar.

"Damn it, Big Rock Snake, another Iron Tail attack!"

The tail of the big rock snake glowed white again, and it swept towards Liuwei angrily.

"Protect!" Cole commanded.


A green protective cover enveloped Liuwei.The big rock snake's iron tail twitched on the protective cover, and the huge rebound force made the big rock snake stagger back. At the same time, the burn broke out, and a flame flashed away on the big rock snake.

"Very good, Liuwei, now use the jet flame!"

Liuwei took a long breath, and a red and yellow flame spewed out again, sweeping towards the big rock snake.The big rock snake couldn't dodge in time, and was hit by the jet of flames. After a scream, it fell to the ground.

"Big Rock Snake, stand up quickly, you can't lose!" Ke Xia encouraged.


The physical strength of the big rock snake is not bad, and the damage of fire skills to it is halved.After hearing Ke Xia's encouragement, the big rock snake struggled to stand up.

"Come on Big Rock Snake, use sacrifice attack!"


Just as the big rock snake roared and was about to use its sacrifice attack, a pleasant voice sounded outside the hall.

The big rock snake stopped attacking, and Xiao Luo and Cole also turned to look at the door at the same time.

A beautiful girl in a dress stood at the door, her brown hair was loosely draped behind her back, and there was a little magneton standing on her shoulder.Looks very gentle and virtuous.

"Sister Ami, you're back!" Ke Xia happily called out.

"Ke Xia, what are you doing?" Ami asked scoldingly.

"I'm fighting elves!" But Xia's eyes wandered a little, "I'm not fighting your challenger, but the challenger's sister."


Seeing that the person standing on the field was really a young girl, Ah Mi felt relieved, walked to Xiao Luo's side and said, "Hi, I am Ami, the trainer of the Light Yellow Gym. But this girl Xia didn't give you Please don't bother me."

"I'm Xiao Luo from Zhenxin Town, but Miss Xia is just doing an ordinary elf battle with Cole." Xiao Luo said with a smile.

"That's good!" Ami explained: "But this girl Xia always likes to pretend to be me to accept challenges from challengers. I have told her several times, but she always doesn't listen."

"Ke Xia likes fighting elves. You should train her more. When her strength reaches a certain level, she can truly replace you in guarding the gymnasium."

Ami chuckled and said, "I think so too. Since she likes it, I might as well do it for her. Anyway, I don't like elf battles very much."

"Miss Ami, do you have time now?" Xiao Luo asked aloud.

Ami nodded and said, "I understand what you mean."

But the battle between Xia and Cole ended here, but Kexia withdrew the elf unwillingly, but Cole was a little excited.Because in the battle just now, it was her Liuwei who had the upper hand.

"Now we are holding a guild hall challenge with badges as a bet. The challenger, Xiao Luo, is fighting against the gym trainer, Ami. There are two spirits that can be used in the competition. On the way, only the challenger can change the spirits on the field. The competition begins!" But Xia acted as the referee for this game.

"Go, little Magneto!" As soon as Ke Xia's voice fell, Ami quickly threw out the elf ball.

White light flashed, and a small magnetite in good spirits appeared on the field.

Seeing the little Magneto, Xiao Luo smiled, and also took out a poke ball and threw it out: "Fangtooth Shark, it's your turn to play."


A white light flashed, and the sharp-tooth land shark appeared on the field with a fierce look.

"It turned out to be a sharp-tooth land shark!" Ami frowned.

"Fine-tooth land shark, use dragon claws!" In the clubhouse challenge, the challenge is the first to attack, which is an eternal law.Therefore, without waiting for Ami's reminder, Xiao Luo took the lead in attacking.

The two big claws of Fangtooth Shark glowed green, forming a big energy claw, and rushed towards the little magneton.

"Little Magneto, use the spinning ball after avoiding it."

The speed of the little magnetite was extremely fast, and it easily avoided the double dragon claw attack of the sharp-tooth land shark. Then, its body quickly spun and rushed towards the sharp-tooth land shark.


Fangtooth Shark screamed angrily, crossed its claws, turned around and hit the little Magneto.


The Fangtooth Shark staggered back, but the small magnet flew upside down and hit the wall of the guild hall.The power gap is really too big.

"Good opportunity, sharp tooth land shark, dragon wave!"

The Fangtooth Shark opened its mouth and spewed out a giant blue dragon with teeth and claws, roaring and engulfing the little magnetite.

After an explosion, the little Magneto completely lost its ability to fight.

"Little Magneto loses its ability to fight, and Fangtooth Shark wins!"

Ami was stunned by this set of combos. It was not until Kexia announced the result that Ami came back to her senses, took back the little Magneto, smiled and said: "Xiao Luo, you are really a good trainer!" Home. But if you want to get the Iron Badge, you have to defeat it."

Saying that, Ami threw out the second Poké Ball vigorously: "Go, Big Steel Snake!"

The poke ball opened in mid-air, and a tall figure appeared in front of Fangtooth Shark.


The big steel snake let out an imposing roar, and looked down at the sharp-toothed land shark, full of pressure.


Fangtooth Shark's body was slightly lowered, and he posed in a fighting posture, looking at the big steel snake without fear.

(End of this chapter)

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