Chapter 200 Zhanlan City!
"Sure enough, it's a big steel snake!" Xiao Luo laughed lightly, commanding the sharp-toothed land shark: "Long Bo wave!"

The pointed tooth land shark opened its mouth, and the dragon energy condensed to form a blue energy dragon, which rushed towards the big steel snake.

"Big Steel Snake, use Sand Hail."


The big steel snake stood up straight and spun quickly, a whirlwind of sand wrapped it up.Long Bobo hit the sand vortex and exploded, but did not cause any damage to the big steel snake.

Not long after, the sand vortex disappeared, and at the same time, the big steel snake disappeared, and a large hole appeared on the field.

Drill into the ground with the help of the rotation of sand and hail!
Xiao Luo chuckled lightly, commanding: "Fangtooth Shark, Earthquake!"


The sharp-toothed land shark jumped high, gathered enough strength and landed suddenly, with the sharp-toothed land shark as the center, circles of gray energy rippled, and the whole venue began to shake violently.

"Big Steel Snake, come out quickly!" Ami shouted hastily.

The big rock snake broke through the ground in a daze and ran out.

"It's now, Fangtooth Shark, use Dragon Claw!"

The sharp-tooth land shark's claws glowed green, forming two huge claws, leaping towards the big steel snake.


A dragon claw hit the big steel snake fiercely on the head, and the big steel snake screamed and fell to the ground.

"Big Steel Snake, take heart and use Iron Tail."


The big steel snake quickly got up, its tail glowed white, and it slammed towards the sharp-toothed land shark.

"Avoid, one more dragon claw!"


The Fangtooth Shark jumped back to avoid the iron tail's attack, and the iron tail hit the ground, cracking the ground instantly.

Fangtooth Shark used the dragon claw trick again and rushed forward.

"Big Steel Snake, use Bite!"


Just as the sharp-toothed land shark's dragon claws were shot out, the big steel snake bit down, just on the sharp-toothed land shark's claws.

Fuck, I can do whatever I want!

Fangtooth Shark was dumbfounded, and Xiao Luo was also dumbfounded at the same time.

"What a big steel snake, just throw it out like this. Then use the dragon suction!" Ami commanded excitedly.


The big steel snake slammed the Fangtooth Shark against the wall of the guild hall forcefully, then opened its mouth and sprayed out green energy, enveloping the Fangtooth Landshark.


The dragon sucking trick was a perfect hit, and Fangtooth Shark screamed in pain.The dragon suction belongs to the dragon family, and this move is really painful for the sharp-toothed land shark.

Luckily for Xiao Luo, although the Dragon Suck hit the Sharptooth Land Shark, the paralysis did not appear.

"Big Steel Snake, keep attacking, use Iron Tail!"

"Hmph, Fangtooth Shark, Dragon's Charge!"


A large amount of dragon energy emerged around the sharp tooth land shark's body, forming a huge dragon shadow to wrap the sharp tooth land shark.

Dragon's Charge and Iron Tail collided and exploded instantly. After a loud bang, both elves flew upside down and retreated.The Fangtooth Land Shark hit the wall again, while the Big Steel Snake fell heavily to the ground.

"Fangtooth land shark, continue to attack, use earthquake."

The Fangtooth Shark struggled to stand up, then jumped high, and fell heavily, waves of gray energy rippled out. The big steel snake was still lying on the ground at the moment, under the attack of the earthquake, with an extremely painful expression, and then wailed , lost the ability to fight.

"Big Steel Snake..." Ami called out in pity.

"The Big Steel Snake lost the ability to fight, and the Sharptooth Land Shark won, so the winner is Little Luo from Zhenxin Town."


The sharptooth land shark let out a cry of victory.

"Come back, Sharptooth Land Shark!" "Big Steel Snake, come back and have a good rest."

Ami walked up to Xiao Luo, showed a gentle smile, and handed the steel badge: "Congratulations, Xiao Luo, this steel badge is yours."

"Thank you, Master Ami." Xiao Luo took the badge and thanked her.

After getting the steel badge, Luo took Cole out of the clubhouse and came to the elf center.Xiao Luo planned to rest here for a day, and then went to the location of the last badge - Zhanlan City the next day.


The next day, Xiao Luo appeared in Zhanlan Gym.

"Now we are holding a Guild Hall Challenge. The challenger, Xiao Luo, will face the Gym Trainer Ah Si. There are only two Pokémon that can be used in the match. On the way, only the challenger can change the Pokémon on the field. The match begins!"

"Go, fast-swimming frog!" Ah Si threw out the poke ball, and a white light flashed, and a strong and imposing fast-swimming frog appeared on the field.

"Since it's fighting, let's send you on the field." Xiao Luo took out the poke ball and threw it out: "Go, flame chicken!"


A white light flashed, and the tall and straight body of the flame chicken appeared opposite the fast-swimming frog.Corns glanced at the fast-swimming frog, his face full of arrogance.The flame of fighting spirit on the wrist appeared instantly as the chicken paw clenched his fist.

Ah Si was a little curious: "Facing a fast-swimming frog with a water attribute, you dare to use a flame chicken with a flame attribute, boy, what are you thinking!"

Xiao Luo said with a smile: "The flame chicken not only has the fire attribute, but also the fighting attribute. I just want to have a passionate fighting match with Mr. Ah Si."

Ah Si laughed loudly and said, "So that's the case, then let us see if your aura can beat us."

"Flame Chicken, let Mr. Ah Si see our aura and use the Heaven Fist!"


The flame chicken let out an angry cry, its figure flashed, and it appeared in front of the fast-swimming frog like the wind. With its right paw clenched into a fist, surrounded by a shining white light, it slammed down on the fast-swimming frog's face.


The fast swimming frog was beaten and rolled out.

"What a fast speed, fast-swimming frog, use chain slap!"

The fast-swimming frog quickly stood up and rushed towards the flame chicken.

"Hmph, flame chicken, use the chain legs!"

The fast-swimming frog rushed in front of the flame chicken, raised his hand and slapped it across the face, and the flame chicken retreated to avoid it.The fast-swimming frog slapped it up again, and the flame chicken squatted down to avoid it again.When the fast-swimming frog slapped for the third time, the flame chicken jumped high and kicked the fast-swimming frog twice with its legs connected.The fast-swimming frog couldn't bear it, and rolled out again.

"Damn it! Fast-swimming frog, stand up and use the explosive punch with momentum." Ah Si commanded angrily.

The fast-swimming frog struggled to stand up, clenched its fist with its right hand, surrounded by thick white light, screamed angrily, and rushed towards the flame chicken again.

"Flame chicken, flying knees!"


The flame chicken arrived first, and rushed in front of the fast-swimming frog. The knee of his right leg hit the fat and round body of the fast-swimming frog hard.


The fast-stroke frog flew and hit the wall of the venue, and after sliding to the ground, it had already lost its ability to fight.

"The fast-swimming frog loses its ability to fight, and the flame chicken wins!"


The Flame Chicken folded his hands on his stomach, posing a cool poss.

"Fast Swimming Frog!" Ah Si ran to the Fast Swimming Frog in tears: "Fast Swimming Frog, I know you have worked very hard, I won't blame you, and then you should have a good rest."

Xiao Luo felt a chill when she saw it. An uncle like Nima cried whenever he wanted, and no one could stand it.

After taking back the fast-stroke frog, Ah Si said to Hao Li on the sidelines: "Hao Li, it's finally your turn to play. Use the hand knife!"


With a cry, Hao Li rushed to Ah Si, Ah Si straightened his chest, and Hao Li's hand knife hit him with a bang.

Xiao Luo and the flame chicken instantly petrified...

Nima, where did this whole thing come from?What the hell are you doing?

(End of this chapter)

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