Chapter 201 Go Home!

After Haoli's hand knife, Ah Si still seemed to be a normal person, commanding Haoli: "Come on, let them see our momentum!"


Only then did Haoli jump onto the field with great momentum, and looked at the flame chicken provocatively.

Xiao Luoxu wiped the cold sweat off his head, and thought to himself: This Ah Si is definitely not human, he is really cruel to himself.

"Flame Chicken, Heaven Fist!" Xiao Luo commanded.


The flame of fighting spirit on the wrist of the flame chicken ignited instantly, and the right fist glowed white, and rushed towards Haoli.

"Come on, Haoli, use the cross cut!"

Haoli's hands radiated white light, and he crossed to meet the flame chicken.


The two elves fought against each other, with equal strength, they were both knocked back by the shock.

"Show momentum, power, use hand knife!"


Haoli's cry was full of momentum, and he rushed towards the flame chicken.The hand knife glowing with white light slashed towards the flame.

"Dodge, use chain kick!"

After the flame chicken lowered its body to avoid the attack of the knife in its hand, it jumped up and stepped on Haoli with its legs.

Haoli crossed his hands again to resist the flame chicken's attack.

"Boom" "Boom"

Although he was blocked by Haoli for two consecutive kicks, the huge force made him unable to stop and retreated a certain distance.The flame chicken used this force to fall backwards.

"Hao Li, make it gigantic!"


A red fluorescent light appeared on Haoli's body, and he began to do bodybuilding exercises. After completing the movements, Haoli's muscles swelled, and his body size increased by half.

"Flame Chicken, Heaven Fist!"


The flame chicken's heavenly fist was sent out again, and it hit Haoli.

"Hmph, Hao Li uses Hell Roll after avoiding it!"


When the Shangtian Fist came, Hao Li tilted his head and escaped the attack of the Shangtian Fist.Then, he took the opportunity to hug the flame chicken, and the two elves rolled into a ball.Haoli began to accumulate strength while rolling, and finally, when Haoli thought it was okay, he stopped instantly and threw the flame chicken high.

Xiao Luo knew that if this blow was carried out, even if the flame chicken did not lose its fighting ability, its physical strength would be greatly damaged.

"Flame Chicken, use flame jets on the ground!" Xiao Luo finally let the Flame Chicken perform its fourth trick.


The flame chicken adjusted its body, and a crimson jet of flame shot out instantly, hitting the ground.The powerful force finally offset the force of Hell Rolling, and the flame chicken landed smoothly.

"Damn it, it can be resolved like this." Ah Si stomped his feet angrily, "In this case, Haoli, show your momentum to face-to-face confrontation and use the hand knife!"

"Flame Chicken, Heaven Fist!"

The two elves charged forward again, and the Shangtian Fist was first launched, hitting Haoli's face.Hao Li let out a cry of pain, abruptly stepped forward to attack, and then slashed on the flame chicken's neck with a hand knife.


The flame chicken was furious, and another punch from the sky hit Hao Li in the face.

After this time, the Flame Chicken couldn't take it anymore, turned over and jumped away, distanced himself from Haoli.He looked at Haoli unwillingly.


Seeing the flame chicken backing down, Hao Li cried out in great excitement.

"That's it, Haoli, show your momentum and continue attacking, use the cross cut!"

Haoli's hands were shining, they were crossed together, and he rushed towards the flame chicken again.

"Hmph, spray flames!"


The flame chicken opened its mouth and spewed out a crimson flame, hitting Hao Li directly.

The speed of the jet of flame was quite fast, before Haoli could react, he was hit by the jet of flame, screamed in pain, and was knocked to the ground.

"Haoli, how are you doing!" Ah Si yelled distressedly, and then said to Xiao Luo angrily, "Didn't you say that there will be a passionate fighting competition? Why are you still using non-fighting special moves?" .”

Xiao Luo rolled his eyes and said, "Even if it's a fighting competition, there's no requirement not to use non-fighting special moves!"

Ah Si was speechless for a moment. At the beginning, the flame chicken kept using fighting-type special moves, which made him mistakenly think that Xiao Luo would not use fire-type special moves to compete.Unexpectedly, it wasn't that Xiao Luo didn't use it, but deliberately used this method to confuse himself and achieve unexpected results.

"Damn it, Haoli, show your momentum, don't lose!" Ah Si encouraged loudly.

"Flame chicken, get rid of it, fly knees!"


The flame chicken screamed angrily, and rushed up quickly. Just when Haoli was struggling to stand up, the flame chicken hit Haoli's chest with a flying knee.A strong force came out, and Hao Li flew out again and fell to the ground.

"Haoli loses his ability to fight, but the flame chicken wins! Therefore, the challenger wins!"

"Hao Li, are you okay, Hao Li. You have performed well, now you should have a good rest." Ah Si finally took out the elf ball and put Hao Li away.

"Young man, you are very good, you won!" Ah Si was also a hearty person, he laughed and said to Xiao Luo: "I am convinced that I lost this game."

Afterwards, Ah Si took out a badge and handed it to Xiao Luo: "Here you are, this is the badge of our Zhanlan gymnasium—strike badge!"

Xiao Luo took the badge unceremoniously, and smiled at Ah Si: "I had some tricks in this match, I hope the owner of Ah Si will not blame me. Because if you really want to compete in fighting, the flame chicken is not Haoli opponent."

When Ah Si heard what Xiao Luo said, it was obviously very early, and said with a smile: "The main purpose of the guild hall is to test the strength of the trainers. No matter how you win, you have passed the test!"

Xiao Luo smiled, and said to Ah Si: "Then, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Ah Si nodded, and said: "In the future, if you have nothing to do, you can bring your flame chicken to teach my disciples. Your flame chicken is very good at fighting."

Xiao Luo nodded and said, "If you have time, you must come to Mr. Ah Si for advice on fighting skills."


Finally got all eight badges, and Xiao Luo didn't want to stay in Zhanlan City to waste time.

After leaving the hall, Xiao Luo released the fast dragon, and Cole and Cole took the fast dragon and flew towards Zhenxin Town.

Zhanlan City is far away from Zhenxin Town, but under the alternate flight of Kuailong and Fire-breathing Dragon, Xiao Luo quickly returned to Zhenxin Town.Thinking of seeing Xia Yi and Bald Bird in a while, Xiao Luo couldn't help being a little excited!
Soon, Kuailong took Xiao Luo to the top of the largest villa in Zhenxin Town. After a loud roar, Kuailong carried Xiao Luo and Cole slowly into the villa.





It was still dark, and Xiao Luo's elves were playing in the courtyard of the villa. After hearing the call of Kuailong, they quickly surrounded him.

"Baldy Bird, Gyarados, Giant Pincer Mantis, Fiery are all here!" Xiao Luo greeted her elves affectionately.

Cole ran into the room when Luo was making out with his elf.After a while, a familiar figure appeared in front of Xiao Luo.

After not seeing each other for several months, Xia Yi seemed to have grown taller again.

"Xiao Luo, you're back!" Xia Yi said pleasantly.

"Hey, come back and see if you miss you!"

Xia Yi took a breath and said, "You don't miss me, you don't even know how to make a phone call when you have nothing to do."

Little Luo blushed and didn't know how to explain it, so he just smiled and said, "Kele and I haven't eaten all day, is there anything to eat at home?"

"That's right, Cole is almost starving to death!" Cole said pitifully, standing next to Xia Yi.

"Why haven't you eaten all day? I'll cook it for you right away!" Xia Yi said, and then dragged Cole into the room, leaving only Xiao Luo outside the room.

(End of this chapter)

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