Chapter 202 Darkrai
After Xiao Luo returned to Zhenxin Town, she played with Xia Yi and Ke Er peacefully for three days.

Three days later, Xiao Luo carefully selected a few elves to bring to her body, and began to rub the elf ball of the origin of the demon.

"Xiao Luo, the Chengdu League is about to start, you have to come back as soon as possible." Xia Yi said reluctantly.

"Don't worry, I'll be back in two days if it's fast, and I'll be back in a week if it's slow."

Xia Yi nodded, stopped talking, and stood beside Xiao Luo, waiting with him.

Not long after, the space above began to produce ripples, and a space channel gradually formed.Chaomeng flew out of the passage.

"Are you ready?" Chaomeng asked.

"Ready!" Xiao Luo nodded, "Where are we going?"

"Master Arceus found two Darkrai, both in the Sinnoh area. One is in Baiyang Town, and its strength is very strong. The other is in Shuimai City, which is weaker." Chaomeng looked at Xiao Luo and asked: " Which one are you going to take over?"

"This is another question. Of course, we have to subdue the stronger one."

"Arzeus asked me to remind you that it's better to subdue the weaker one. Although the one in Baiyang Town agreed to Lord Arceus' request, Lord Arceus doesn't think you have the strength to defeat it."

"..." Xiao Luo was a little speechless, looking down on people too much.

"Anyway, let's go to Baiyang Town first, and if it doesn't work, go to Shuimai City. Didn't Arceus promise me two chances to challenge?"

Chaomeng nodded and said: "It seems that the adults know you very well, and you know that you will go to Baiyang Town!"

Chaomeng turned and walked into the passage: "Come in, Arceus has opened up the space passage leading to Baiyang Town in advance."

"Hey, if you don't take me with you, how can I get in?" Xiao Luo yelled at Chaomeng, but Chaomeng didn't seem to hear it.

"What the hell, this guy is still so unreasonable. Geng Gui!"


Geng Gui showed his figure and flew into the space channel with Xiao Luo.

The passage was pitch black, with only a little light in the distance.There was a sound of raging energy coming from my ear, but the passage was unusually calm.

After a while, Chaomeng took Xiao Luo out of the space passage and appeared in the sky above Baiyang Town.Baiyang Town is a town built on a small island. The island has a landmark building - the Tower of Time and Space, standing tall in the center of the town.Around the Tower of Time and Space, there are densely packed residential houses.

"This is Baiyang Town." Chaomeng introduced to Xiaoluo.

"Are we going down to find Darkley?" Xiao Luo asked.

Chaomeng didn't answer, and stretched out with one hand, and a blue energy ball was shot down by Chaomeng.After the energy ball got close to the top of the town, it spread out, and a circle of blue energy ripples rippled.

After doing all this, Chaomeng stood there quietly and motionless.

Seeing Chaomeng like this, Xiao Luo waited quietly.

Not long after, a black elf flew out of the town and appeared in Xiao Luo's sight.

The elf's whole body was as black as ink, and there was a misty white hair-like part covering most of his face, only revealing a pair of bright blue eyes.Around its neck is a red jagged mass that resembles a collar.A long black rag-like thing hangs from each of its shoulders.It has black clawed hands with 3 claws.It has a very small waist, which makes it look like an hourglass.

"Darkley!" Xiao Luo cried out a little excitedly.

Darkley flew to Xiaoluo and Chaomeng, it looked at Xiaoluo, and asked Chaomeng aloud: "Is he the trainer that Arceus said?"

Chaomeng nodded and said, "That's right, it's him."

"So, he's here to subdue me, right?"

"Is such that."

Darkley's expression didn't change in any way, in fact, with its appearance, it couldn't be seen.

"You come with me."

After speaking, Darkley turned around and flew away.Xiao Luo and Chaomeng followed closely.

Not long after, Darkley brought Chaomeng and Xiao Luo to a desolate island. There was only a large forest on the island, and there was no trace of human habitation.

After Little Luo and Chaomeng fell down, Darkley put a distance away from Little Luo, and said: "Master Arceus told me about you. Although Lord Arceus gave you the right to subdue me. But also, Arzeus Lord Zeus also gave me the right to resist. Come on, let me see if you can be my trainer."

"Wait first!" Xiao Luo stopped him.

Chaomeng turned his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Luo said: "Let's talk about it first, allow me to use a few elves. After all, Darkley is an elf at the level of a beast. If I am only allowed to use one or two elves, then there is no need for this competition to be held." gone."

"This one……"

Chaomeng obviously didn't get such a convenient order from Chuangshishen, so he didn't know how to answer for a while.

"No matter how many elves you use, as long as you can defeat me, I will recognize you as my trainer." Darkley's voice was flat, but Xiao Luo could still hear the incomparable arrogance from it.

Xiao Luo looked at Darkley seriously, and said, "Are you sure, do you want to compare like this?"

Darkley nodded: "I'm sure!"

"No regrets?"

"No regrets!"

"Hey, that's what you said, don't blame me if you lose."

Darkley's voice was still flat: "I don't blame you!"

Xiao Luo endured the ecstasy in her heart, stretched out her hand and said, "Celebi, you go first!"


Celebi showed his figure and appeared opposite Darkley.

"The God of the Forest—Celebi!" Darkley's eyes were wide open. Although he couldn't see its expression clearly, Xiao Luo could still see its surprise and surprise from its shaking pupils.

"Celebi, energy ball!"

Celebi pulled his hands together, and an energy ball full of energy appeared in his hands, and he hit Darkley hard.

Da Kelai put his hands together, and a shadow ball appeared in his hand instantly. With a hard push, he met Celebi's energy ball.


As soon as the two energy balls touched, there was a violent bang, and the energy was wanton, producing a strong shock wave, which caused the surrounding trees to shake non-stop.

"So strong!" Xiao Luo couldn't help admiring.

"call out"

Darkley moved, and rushed towards Celebi at an extremely fast speed.

"Celebi, harden the plants!" Xiao Luo hurriedly commanded.

Celebi's whole body glowed green, thick thorns broke through the ground, and lashed towards Darkley who was rushing forward.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Darkley was extremely agile, dodging the hardened plant's attack just right every time, shuttled freely among the hardened plant's tricks, and quickly rushed in front of Celebi.


Darkley slammed into Celebi's body fiercely. Fortunately, Celebi propped up the shield in time to offset most of the attacks.Even so, Celebi was still hit by a big tree, which broke and fell to the ground.

"call out"

A shadow ball followed, and Celebi couldn't dodge it, so he had to rely on the shield to hold on.


The shield shattered, Celebi screamed, and was thrown out with scars all over his body.

(End of this chapter)

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