Chapter 203 The Battle with Darkley (1)

Although Celebi and Darkley are both beast-level elves, after two rounds of fighting, the result is already predictable.

Xiao Luo also sighed softly, and thought to himself: It is really unreasonable for elves who are not professional fighters to meet these guys who are good at fighting.

Seeing another shadow ball hit Celebi, Xiao Luo had no choice but to give the last instruction: "Celebi, lead it to the forest, only fighting."

The god of the forest is its battlefield in the natural forest. Although Xiao Luo can be sure that Shela will not be Darkley's opponent in the forest, at least she will not be so embarrassed.


Celebi yelled knowingly, flew to avoid the attack of the shadow ball, and flew towards the forest.Darkley followed closely.They are all very fast and disappear in the blink of an eye.

"Geng Gui, catch up."

Geng Gui immediately controlled Xiao Luo and chased after him, and Chao Meng followed closely to see the result.

"call out"

Darkley, who was chasing behind Celebi, once again sent a shadow ball towards Celebi in front.


At this moment, already in the forest, Celebi let out a clear cry, and with a move of his little hand, a large piece of dead leaves flew up, spinning in front of him to form a shield.


The shadow ball hit the dead leaf shield and exploded, and Celebi was affected by the shock wave, and flew and hit a big tree again.The dead leaves were flying, and it was raining in the forest.


Celebi's eyes glowed with a thick green light, and countless dead leaves gathered around it, lined up as if they were alive, and after a while, a huge beast of dead leaves like a praying mantis was formed.The forelegs are like sickles, especially conspicuous.Celebi is right at the heart of the mantis, controlling its actions.

Looking at the beast with dead leaves like a hill in front of him, Darkley's pupils shrank for a while, and his body tensed involuntarily, appearing extremely nervous.

The mantis slashed down with a sickle, Darkley dodged to dodge, and at the same time a shadow ball was sent out, hitting Celebi's position.


The shadow ball was resisted by another sickle of the mantis. After a bang, the sickle was blown up, but it was quickly repaired by the flying dead leaves.

At the same time, another sickle of the mantis slashed at Da Kelai again, and Da Kelai had no choice but to dodge again and dodge upwards.

At this moment, the mantis opened its mouth and screamed at Darkley, and a transparent whirlwind mixed with countless dead leaves swallowed it under Darkley's horrified eyes.


Darkley was wrapped up and bumped against a big tree, and let out a painful groan.


The mantis followed closely, raised the sickle high, and chopped down towards Darkrai.


Darkley yelled angrily, clasped his claws together, and a chaotic and interlaced black light beam shot straight out.The sickle of the praying mantis was destroyed, and the dead leaves flew all over the sky with the wind.The black light beam didn't stop there, but hit Celebi at the heart of the mantis.

A burst of dazzling white light was followed by a violent explosion, and Celebi screamed and was blown away again.Without the support of Celebi's strength, the giant mantis began to collapse, and turned into an ordinary dead leaf again, floating to the ground.

"call out"

A shadow ball quickly hit Celebi.Celebi dodged in embarrassment, his eyes glowed green again, and countless thin vines emerged from the ground, binding Darkley's hands.

Darkley shouted angrily, black light rose from his body, and an invisible force bounced off the vines one by one.Afterwards, Darkley rushed up and knocked the embarrassed Celebi into the air again.

"Stop! I admit defeat in this round."

Just when Darkley wanted to continue using the shadow ball, Xiao Luo made a sound in time.

Although Darkley was annoyed, he didn't continue to attack, and a shadow that had formed slowly disappeared in his hands.

Xiao Luo quickly ran to Celebi's side and hugged her: "Celebi, are you okay!"


Celebi let out a lethargic cry.

"You performed very well, and then you can rest well."

After Xiao Luo finished speaking, he took out a poke ball and threw it out: "Giant Pincer Mantis, it's your turn to play!"


White light flashed, and a somewhat thin giant pincer mantis appeared on the field.

Although the giant pincer mantis is thin and small, it has a powerful aura.Wherever the sharp gaze went, there was always a cold feeling that made people unable to bear to face its existence.

"Giant pincer mantis, use high-speed stars!"

The levels of the giant pincer mantis and Darkley are not at the same level at all.Although the speed of the giant pincer mantis is not slow, it is still not enough for Xiaoluo to face Darkley.

Xiao Luo didn't have high requirements for the giant pincer mantis, and if he could hit the big Krayi once, it would be considered as a successful completion of the task.High-speed star is a must-hit skill. Under the cover of this skill, the next action of the giant pincer mantis can be carried out smoothly.

The giant pincer mantis opened its claws, and countless yellow stars struck Darkrai with the sound of breaking through the air.

Darkley propped up a black shield, the stars hit the shield and were bounced off one by one.

"It's now, move at high speed, rush up!" Seeing that Darkley's reaction was within his expectations, Xiao Luo was obviously a little excited.

"call out"

The giant pincer mantis turned into a ray of red light, and quickly rushed towards Darkrai.


Darkley let out a cold snort, and after locking onto the position of the giant pincer mantis, he raised his hand and shot out a shadow ball.

Xiao Luo smiled, and said, "What I want is your reaction. Giant pincer mantis, use the shadow clone!"

Swish swish!

The four clones appeared side by side in an instant, and the shadow ball hit a giant pincer mantis in the middle, passing through it, and the clone disappeared.


After one blow, the giant pincer mantis sprinted to Clay's side, and the four giant pincer mantises quickly spun around Darkrai.

Darkley looked around nervously.Not long after, Darkley seemed to be tired of such harassing attacks, and a shadow ball came out, hitting a giant pincer mantis.

"Don't hit it, don't hit it, don't hit it..."

Xiao Luo secretly muttered non-stop in her heart.

"call out"

The shadow ball passed through again, and one clone disappeared again.

"It's now, giant pincer mantis, cross scissors!" Xiao Luo was overjoyed when seeing the shadow ball fall, and commanded loudly.


The remaining two shadow clones returned to the main body, the giant pincer mantis shouted angrily, its claws glowed with green light, and they criss-crossed towards Darkrai.

Darkley was hit by the cross scissors before he could react, screamed in pain, and flew out backwards.

However, the divine beast is a divine beast after all, even though Darkley was flying backwards and his body was unstable, he still shot a shadow ball and blasted the Giant Pincer Mantis into the air.

Afterwards, Darkley stabilized his figure, and a jet-black energy ball was thrown out by it.

The giant pincer mantis was unable to dodge, and the energy ball stretched out after hitting the giant pincer mantis, enveloping the giant pincer mantis completely.Afterwards, the energy disappeared, and the giant pincer mantis fell into a deep sleep state.

"Black hole!" Xiao Luo's voice was a little low, "You still used it, and the next thing is to eat dreams?"

Sure enough, a huge phantom flew out of Darkley's body, passing through the giant pincer mantis.The giant pincer mantis immediately lost its ability to fight, and Darkrai's tired eyes brightened a little.

(End of this chapter)

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