Chapter 204 The Battle with Darkley (2)

Xiao Luo retracted the giant pincer mantis.

Although the giant pincer mantis hit a double attack cross scissors, it was partially recovered by Darkley. In this way, the role of the giant pincer mantis was somewhat unsatisfactory.Although Xiao Luo still has eight elves in his hands, Xiao Luo is still not particularly optimistic about the result.

Xiao Luo took out a poke ball again and held it in his hand.

At this moment, it can only hope that this special elf can create some surprises for him.

Xiao Luo threw out the elf ball vigorously: "Go, Hot Monkey!"

A white light flashed, and an ordinary fiery monkey appeared on the field. His eyes were slightly red, just like ordinary fiery monkeys.

"Fire Monkey, use the hand knife!" Xiao Luo commanded.

Fiery Monkey's right hand glowed white, and rushed towards Darkrai.

Darkley's figure flashed, and after easily dodging the attack of the hand knife, he followed the power of the fiery monkey and slammed into it hard, and the fiery monkey rolled and hit a big tree.

A shadow ball formed in Darkley's hands, and instantly flung it towards the fiery monkey.

"Fire monkey, avoid it quickly!"


Fire Monkey heard Xiao Luo's shout, and immediately jumped to avoid the shadow ball's attack.But Darkley's shadow ball was extremely powerful, and the shock wave generated by the explosion still knocked the fiery monkey to the ground in embarrassment.

The Fiery Monkey got up from the ground again, humming angrily, and sprayed two streams of white air from its two particularly obvious nostrils.

"call out"

Another shadow ball hit the fiery monkey.

"Fire Monkey, hurry up and avoid it!" Xiao Luo commanded urgently.

Fiery Monkey only had time to tilt its head, and the shadow ball whizzed past.The strong wind swept past his ears, and the fiery monkey broke into a cold sweat.

All it takes is one punch, all you have to do is get Fiery Monkey to punch you.How to fight, how to fight, how to fight...

Xiao Luo's head turned quickly, and his eyes were also looking at the venue at the same time, wanting to use all resources to get Hot Monkey to punch him.Not much, just a punch.

After seeing the strength of Da Kelai, the fiery monkey finally recognized the strength of the opponent. Before Xiao Luo could command him, he hid behind a big tree to prevent Da Kelai's sudden attack.

"That's right, just do it!"

Seeing the action of the fiery monkey hiding behind the tree, little Luo suddenly had an idea.

"Fire Monkey, use the surrounding trees to attack Darkley, and interrupt them all." Xiao Luo commanded loudly.


After the fiery monkey snorted twice, it punched the tree where it was hiding.The thick tree that the two of them embraced unexpectedly couldn't bear its punch, and with a "click", it fell in the direction of Darkley.

Darkley was shocked, and quickly dodged to avoid it.However, wherever it hid, the fiery monkey would interrupt the trees. No matter how Darkley escaped, he was always shrouded in the shadow of the fallen trees.

More and more trees fell down, lying on the ground in a criss-cross pattern, and the ground soon became a messy tree field, with high bumps.

Finally, Darkley couldn't bear such an attack. When another tree fell, Darkley condensed a shadow ball and hit the fallen tree.

With a bang, the tree broke from the middle and fell to the ground.

Xiao Luo's long-awaited opportunity finally appeared...

"It's now, Hot Monkey, use tile splitting!"

The Fiery Monkey's right fist was glowing with white light, and it quickly jumped on the fallen tree, rushing towards Darkley at an extremely fast speed.

When Darkley noticed the Fiery Monkey, the Fiery Monkey had already leaped high, and the split tile of his right fist was already in sight.Darkley could only stretch out his hands, trying to use the shield to resist.


Following the Fiery Monkey's cold snort, Piwa hit the shield hard. For a moment, Xiao Luo seemed to see the space where Fiery Monkey and Darkley were located shaking.

White spider web-like cracks appeared on the shield, very eye-catching.The shield shattered, and the unabated blow hit Darkley's face.The sound of meat that makes people's teeth sore is clear to the ears.As if being hit on the face by a giant hammer, Darkley flew backwards with a strong sound of breaking through the air. After breaking one or two trees, he hit a big tree again and stopped. down.

Darkley slid down from the tree and crawled softly on the ground, seemingly motionless.The fiery monkey let out a cry of excitement.However, Xiao Luo didn't relax because of this, and commanded the hot monkey again: "Continue to attack, use the cross cut!"

Hot Monkey was a little dazed after hearing Xiao Luo's command.In its memory, except for one Haoli at the Kanto Alliance Conference, there is no elf that can stand up after one attack from it.

However, seeing Xiao Luo's serious expression, the Fiery Monkey still obeyed Xiao Luo's command, his fists glowed, and he crossed and rushed towards Darkley who was lying on the ground.


Just when the cross cut was about to hit the target, Darkley's figure disappeared.The cross cut hit the ground, and after a loud noise, the ground cracked one after another, with the fiery monkey as the center, extending outward for nearly ten meters.

"call out"

A pitch-black energy ball hit from behind the fiery monkey, a black curtain completely enveloped the fiery monkey, and then disappeared.However, after the shady scene, the fiery monkey did not fall into a deep sleep like a giant pincer mantis.

"Vital energy characteristics?!"

Darkrai made a sound in surprise.

"It's vitality! So your black hole is ineffective against it." Xiao Luo looked at Darkley's panting appearance, and said: "The game is almost here. Can withstand the hot monkey's punch without losing the battle Ability, you are already hard to come by. This game, you lost!"

"Even with the attribute of vitality, this fiery monkey is no match for me! How many elves do you have left, I am sure to defeat them all."

Xiao Luo shook his head with a smile, and said, "If Fiery Monkey can't hit you, you have a great chance of winning. But in your current state, you have no chance at all!"


Xiao Luo smiled and didn't say anything more, but threw out two elf balls, Baldy Bird and Gyarados stepped onto the field domineeringly.Afterwards, following Xiao Luo's snap of his fingers, Geng Gui smiled sinisterly to induce the power of the mage stone to appear at the same time, and Ladias and mage Geng Gui stood side by side.

Seeing these elves appear, Darkley fell silent.It can clearly feel the power of these elves.Especially that mage Geng Gui, whose power itself is not inferior to it.Even under normal circumstances, it might take a lot of effort to defeat it, but now...

"Come with me, if I don't subdue you, just like Geng Gui and Celebi, just travel with me! Of course, you can also fight. If you fail in the end, you can only enter the elf ball gone."

After a long silence, Darkley finally spoke out: "I promised Master Arceus, and I will do it. Boy, you are qualified to be my trainer."

Only then did Xiao Luo let out a long sigh of relief, and put back the heart that almost jumped out of his chest.

If he really continues to fight, Xiao Luo is really not sure of victory.Although Darkley suffered a bit of damage, if it defeats the Fiery Monkey, Xiao Luo can only let Geng Gui play in the follow-up.If Geng Gui falls into the black hole, it will be used by Darkrai to restore his physical strength.Then the game is over and completely lost.

Now such a result is already perfect, there is no need to make a huge gamble because of a poke ball, it is obviously not worth the loss!

(End of this chapter)

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