Chapter 208 Challenge Tian Lei!

"Swap elves?" A Yuan shook his head and said, "I really never thought about that."

Xiao Luo chuckled and said, "If you want, I have a few elves that are suitable for you. They can be exchanged with you. You have to believe me, the cunning tengu is really not suitable for you."

Xiao Luo looked at A Yuan with clear eyes, and kept thinking in his heart: exchange, exchange, how can such a fool like you delay the development of the cunning tengu.


A Yuan was a little moved.

"How about it." Xiao Luo said again, how about you go to the elf center with me, and make a decision after seeing my elf.

A Yuan thought for a while, then agreed, and said, "Alright, I also want to see what elf you plan to exchange for the cunning tengu."

When Xiao Luo and A Yuan talked about exchanging elves, the cunning tengu kept watching Xiao Luo, as if wanting to see his purpose of exchanging himself.Taking advantage of Ah Yuan's inattention, Xiao Luo secretly winked at the cunning tengu, making the cunning tengu a little at a loss.

After Xiao Luo brought A Yuan to the Spirit Center, he contacted Xia Yi.After chatting for a while, Xiao Luo asked Xia Yi to help exchange the elves in his hands.

After getting the elf, Xiao Luo told Xia Yi that she would return to Zhenxin Town in two days, and then hung up the phone.

"Okay, the elf has passed it on, let's take a look."

Xiao Luo opened up the three newly acquired elf balls, and the three elves appeared side by side between Xiao Luo and A Yuan.

"This is……"

A Yuan looked at the three elves in surprise, and said, "You actually have such an ancient Pokémon."

"It just happened to be caught. See if there is anything you like. If you like it, you can exchange it with a cunning tengu."

The three new elves are the ancient armor, the ancestor bird and the rib turtle.

A Yuan looked at this one, then at that one.It liked the three elves very much, and was a little undecided for a while.

Xiao Luo smiled, put away the Primordial Armor and the Progenitor Bird, leaving only the Rib Turtle outside, and said to A Yuan: "If you really want to change, I suggest you change the Rib Turtle."

A Yuan looked at him questioningly.

Xiao Luo explained: "Your way of fighting is conservative. The ribbed turtle has dual attributes of water and rock, with high defense and few weaknesses, which is very suitable for your fighting style. Moreover, the ribbed turtle is even rarer than the other two elves. In the future, if you If you feel that it is not suitable for you, you can use its rarity to exchange for a better elf."

A Yuan felt that what Xiao Luo said was very reasonable, and after some hesitation, he finally decided to exchange with Xiao Luo.

Each elf center is equipped with elf exchange machines. With the help and proof of Ms. Joy, the exchange went smoothly.

After A Yuan got the Poké Ball of the Rib Turtle, he was very excited, and Xiao Luo's Poké Ball of the cunning Tengu was also happy for a while.

"Come out, cunning tengu." Xiao Luo opened the poke ball and released the cunning tengu.

After the cunning Tengu came out, the first thing he saw was not Xiao Luo, but A Yuan, his eyes were a little sad.

Xiao Luo reached out and stroked the thick white mane of the cunning tengu, and asked aloud, "Reluctance?"

The cunning tengu let out a faint cry and shook his head slightly.

Xiao Luo smiled and said: "He is not suitable to be your trainer, he has absolutely no ability to let others know how powerful you are."

Only then did the cunning dog look up at Xiao Luo. At this moment, it somewhat understood Xiao Luo's intention of exchanging it.

"Follow me, at least you will get the applause and cheers you deserve, you will have your own stage, shine your light, and let many people know that you exist." Xiao Luo turned into a magic stick, flicking to his heart's content.

The cunning tengu curled his lips in disdain, turned into a red light, and entered the poke ball voluntarily.

Xiao Luo was a little dumbfounded for a moment, what the hell, am I not noble?This is the only effect!
On the other side, after making out with the rib turtle, A Yuan put the rib turtle away again, walked to Xiao Luo and said, "The exchange has been completed. If there is nothing else, I will go back first."

"It's something, it's something!" Xiao Luo hurriedly said.

"What's the matter?" A Yuan was a little puzzled.

Xiao Luo asked: "Who is that fat man who fought against you today? Do you know him?"

"You mean Tian Lei? I know him. He is also from our Yinyu City. He is my old opponent."

"That's good. You help me make an appointment with him, and I will challenge him tomorrow."

"Uh, you said you wanted to challenge Tian Lei? Why?" A Yuan was a little puzzled.

Xiao Luo raised her eyebrows and said, "For the sake of the cunning tengu, tomorrow I will let him see the power of the cunning tengu."

"But... the cunning tengu is no match for Boscodora at all."

"That's not necessarily the case." Xiao Luo chuckled and said, "Tell him, I'll wait for him tomorrow on the playing field of the Fairy Center, and let him come if he's brave enough."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Luo turned around and went upstairs with an inscrutable look.However, just halfway up the stairs, Xiao Luo suddenly thought that it seemed that he hadn't asked Miss Joy for a room yet.

But B has already pretended to be here, Xiao Luo can only bite the bullet and continue to pretend, and walk up the stairs gracefully.When he reached the corner, Xiao Luo carefully hid himself and watched A Yuan secretly.

Seeing A Yuan turn around and leave the Elf Center, Xiao Luo breathed a sigh of relief and went downstairs to ask Miss Joy for a room.

After getting the room card, Xiao Luo was just about to go upstairs when A Yuan walked into the elf center again...

Xiao Luo was dumbfounded when he saw A Yuan, and A Yuan was also stunned when he saw Xiao Luo.

"Hehe, hehehehe, hehehehehe..." Xiao Luo held the room card in one hand and scratched the back of her head with the other, with an extremely embarrassed expression. "Why are you back again?"

" forgot to tell me what time it is tomorrow, and I plan to ask Ms. Joy for your room number!" A Yuan's face was also a little red, after all, it is an extremely immoral thing to break someone's pretending to be B .

Xiao Luo: "..."

At nine o'clock the next morning, Xiao Luo arrived at the competition venue on time.Before A Yuan and Tian Lei saw anyone, Xiao Luo sat on a bench by the side of the field and waited quietly.

Ten minutes later, A Yuan and Tian Lei rushed over together.

"Boy, are you going to challenge me?" Tian Lei asked rudely.

"That's right, it's me!"

Tian Lei grabbed Xiao Luo's collar with one hand and almost lifted Xiao Luo: "Boy, what are you talking about!"

Xiao Luo snorted coldly, raised her head and called out: "Geng Gui!"


The blue fluorescent light appeared instantly, restraining Tian Lei and lifting him in the air, ignoring his dancing and struggling, he fell far away.

"Damn it, you dare to attack me with an elf to make you look good."

Tian Lei was furious, took out the elf ball and threw it out: "Go, Super Power King!"

White light flashed, and a fat elf appeared in front of Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo chuckled, and said to A Yuan: "The game has officially started, three-on-three, you will be the referee!"

"This... alright!" Ah Yuan had no choice but to walk to the edge of the field to act as the referee.

Xiao Luo took out the elf ball, enlarged it in his hand, and threw it forcefully: "Cunning Tengu, let them see your strength."

With a flash of white light, the cunning tengu appeared opposite the super king.Just a soft scolding made Chao Li Wang's expression instantly serious, and he stared at it nervously.

(End of this chapter)

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