Chapter 209 Domineering side leaks cunning tengu!

"Chao Li Wang, use Fa Jin!" Tian Lei commanded angrily.

Chao Li Wang took heavy steps and rushed towards the cunning tengu.It's just that the reminder limit is granted, and the speed is really unsightly.

Xiao Luo didn't command, and the cunning Tengu also calmly watched Chaoli King "rolling over"!
"call out"

Chao Li Wang's huge palm pushed towards the cunning tengu, and the cunning tengu dodged easily.

"call out"

Chao Li Wang pushed his other hand over again, trying to stick it to the cunning Tengu and use the trick.

The cunning tengu moved his body sideways again to easily dodge.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

King Chaoli pushed seven or eight times in a row, but none of them could touch the cunning tengu.After a series of attacks, before the cunning tengu could fight back, Chaoli King gasped from his exhaustion.

"Damn it, Super Power King, use land preparation!"

Chao Li Wang yelled, his body jumped up high, and then fell heavily.The force on the ground forms a ground wave, causing the ground to roll and extend towards the place where the cunning tengu is.

"Cunning Tengu, jump up and use the shadow ball." Xiao Luo finally began to command.

The cunning tengu jumped high, dodged the ground attack and at the same time launched the shadow ball to hit the super king.

Chaoli King couldn't dodge in time, and was hit directly by the shadow ball. After an explosion, Chaoli King staggered and fell to the ground.

"It's now, cunning tengu, sunny day!"

A dazzling ball of light appeared between the hands of the cunning tengu and shot into the air.Afterwards, the sun on the field became blazing.

"Super Power King, stand up, stand up!"

After hearing Tian Lei's call, King Chaoli struggled to get up, panting more and more.

"Very good, Super Power King, use Qi Fu to attack!"

Chao Li Wang pulled his hands together, and a light blue energy ball gradually formed in his hands.

"Hmph, get rid of it's cunning tengu, use Sunshine Flame!"

The cunning tengu let out a long cry, and the leaves on his hands glowed white.As the cunning tengu clasped his palms together, a thick white light shot out, engulfing the super king instantly like a light dragon.

A scream came from the mouth of Super Power King.After the sun and flames passed, King Chaoli was steaming all over his body, lying on the ground, and lost his ability to fight.

"Super Power King loses his ability to fight, and the cunning Tengu wins!"

"Come back, Super King!"

Tian Lei withdrew the Chaoli King in shame and anger, took out another elf ball and threw it out: "Go, hyperactive ape!"

The poke ball opens, and a restless hyperactive ape appears opposite the cunning tengu.Although it sensed the strength of the cunning tengu, it still barked provocatively at the cunning tengu.

There are hyperactive apes!Xiao Luo glanced at Tian Lei with some surprise.

Lazy men are very common in Fengyuan area, but because they are too passive and disgusting, generally no one will carefully cultivate them.This has also led to a very small number of its evolved hyperactive apes.

"Hyperactive ape, use the cleave attack."

The hyperactive ape screamed, its paws glowed white, and rushed towards the cunning tengu at an extremely fast speed.

"Attack, split tile!"

"call out"

A gust of wind blew up on the field in an instant, and when everyone still didn't understand what was going on, the hyperactive ape screamed and flew out.And the cunning tengu stayed at the position of the hyperactive ape, and the white light in his hand was gradually dissipating.

"How is this possible, how can the cunning tengu be so fast!" Tian Lei roared angrily.

Xiao Luo picked out her ear, flicked it on her hand, then stretched out her index finger, pointed to it, and said, "Do you know what chlorophyll is?"


Both Tian Lei and A Yuan showed puzzled expressions.

"Silly X!" Xiao Luo rolled his eyes and continued to command: "Fix it, cunning tengu, sunshine and flames!"

"call out"

A blazing sun shot out from the cunning tengu's hand again.The hyperactive ape was obviously unable to dodge after being hit by a double attack, and was directly engulfed by the flames of the sun.

"The hyperactive ape loses the ability to fight, and the cunning tengu wins!"

After two perfect victories, the cunning tengu raised his head to the sky and roared loudly, as if to vent his frustration.In these two games, it really played its style.Play heartily.

"Is this the real strength of the cunning tengu? Why isn't it so powerful in my hands. Or..." A Yuan looked at Xiao Luo and fell into deep thought for a while.

The ape came to go through a cutscene and then went back, which made Tian Lei feel very uncomfortable.

He firmly held the third elf ball in his hand, gritted his teeth, and threw it out forcefully: "Boscodora, please!"

A white light flashed, and the cunning Tengu's old opponent, Boscodora, reappeared.

When enemies meet each other, they are extremely jealous, and so are the elves.The cunning tengu barked angrily when he saw Boss Kedora, but Boss Kedora snorted softly.Obviously, he looked down on it, after all, he just defeated it last night, so he did have the capital to be proud of.

The cunning tengu was furious, and wanted to rush forward as soon as he moved.

"Calm down, cunning tengu!" Xiao Luo stopped him in time from the sidelines.

The cunning tengu stopped, and his already hideous face became even more frightening.

"Boss Kedora, use metallic silver!" Tian Lei took the lead in attacking again.

The horns on Boss Kedora's head turned extremely fast, and an extremely piercing sound came out.Xiao Luo couldn't help stretching out her hands to plug her ears.

"Asshole, mistreat the young master!" Xiao Luo was furious, commanding the cunning dog to say: "Damn it, split tiles!"

The cunning tengu resisted the discomfort, roared angrily, and rushed to Boscodora in an instant with a gust of wind, and hit it hard in the face with a trick of splitting tiles.


The cunning Tengu shot with anger, and its power was unmatched. Coupled with the fighting system's restraint steel and rock dual systems, this quadruple attack directly knocked Boss Kedora to the ground.


Tian Lei was stunned, and it took him a while to react, and shouted to Boss Kedora: "Boss Kedora, you can't lose, stand up quickly."


Boss Kedora turned over and lay on the ground trying to get up, but found a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.It looked up slowly, and the terrifying face of the cunning tengu was reflected in its eyes.

"Damn it, Boss Kedora, fight back and use flame jets!" Tian Lei commanded again as if he couldn't recognize the situation clearly.

Just when Boscodora raised his head and wanted to use the jet flame, it raised his head but didn't lower it again.The cunning tengu hit it hard on the chin with another blow, and its huge and bulky body flew into the air...


Boshi Kedora threw it heavily on the ground, his eyes spiraling.

A Yuan also seemed to be frightened by the strength of the cunning tengu, and he was stunned for a long time before he remembered his duty: "Boshi Kedora lost the ability to fight, and the cunning tengu won. So this competition, Xiao Luo won."

The cunning tengu roared up to the sky again, looking extremely excited.Xiao Luo has no doubts, if it can continue to evolve, it will undoubtedly evolve at this moment.

At the end of the game, Tian Lei left in a daze.Before leaving, Xiao Luo told him that his hair would affect his luck, and that if he didn't cut it, he would lose every battle.Tian Lei touched his cockscomb unnaturally, as if he was considering the authenticity of Xiao Luo's words.

After Tian Lei left, A Yuan found Xiao Luo. He regretted it and hoped to return to the cunning Tengu.Xiao Luo didn't agree to him or reject him, but asked him to ask the cunning tengu.What Xiao Luo didn't expect was that A Yuan actually asked the cunning Tengu really stupidly.


As a result, Ah Yuan was slapped by the cunning Tengu, and a gust of wind swept him far away.

(End of this chapter)

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