Chapter 211 Return to Golden City!
The next day, after Xiao Luo woke up and took a shower, he took a few elves with him, and together with Xia Yi, he took a Bi Diao to Jinhuang City.

Because he was going to visit the kind old man, after arriving in Golden City, Xia Yi carefully selected some gifts, and then rushed to the kind old man's villa with Xiao Luo.

The gentle old man's villa is more luxurious and extravagant than Xiao Luo's. There are two door god-like bodyguards standing at the door, wearing black clothes, black trousers and black sunglasses, looking like a gangster.

Xiao Luo stepped forward and said to one of the men in black, "We are here to visit the kind old man, please let me know."

"Mr. Xiao Luo, please wait a moment!"

The man in black took out a walkie-talkie as he spoke, and after pressing it a few times, an old man's voice came from inside: "What's the matter?"

The man in black said: "Housekeeper of the valley, Mr. Xiao Luo is here to visit the master!"

"Xiao Luo?" The valley steward heard the name a little strange at first, and then remembered, isn't this the brother Xiao Luo that the lady often talks about.

"Hurry up and ask him to come in... No, I'll go out and greet him myself!" After speaking, the valley steward cut off the call.

"You know me?" Xiao Luo asked the man in black.

The man in black said respectfully: "It was an honor to meet you once in Nami Baume Island."

"You also participated in the battle of Namibami?"


"So it is."

Not long after, an old man who was about the same age as Mr. He Shan walked out of the villa quickly, and soon came to Xiao Luo, bowed, and said: "Mr. Xiao Luo, I am Mr. He Shan's housekeeper, and my name is Gu Gu. "

Xiao Luo felt a little awkward when he heard the word Mister, so he said, "Don't call me Mister anymore, I'm not that old yet, Grandpa Dagu should call Xiao Luo."

A sentence of Grandpa Shanshan called him with a smile on his face: "Hehe, then I'll call you Xiao Luo."

Afterwards, Gu Shan looked at Xia Yi and said, "This must be the daughter of Wu Gang's family—Miss Xia Yi."

"Grandpa Valley is good!"

"Hehe, Miss has been wanting to go back to Zhenxin Town for the past two days, and kept thinking about you two. If Miss knows that you are here, she must be very happy." Saying that, the valley brought Xiao Luo and Xia Yi into the room. the villa.

After entering the room, Gu Shan called a young maid who was passing by, and after handing her the gift Xia Yi brought to her, he explained: "Call the young lady to the master's study."

After the maid responded, she turned and left.

"The master is still in the study at this time, I'll take you there right now."

When he reached the door of the study room of the kind old man, the butler of the valley knocked on the door for him.After hearing the sound of permission to enter, he opened the door and walked in.

"Master, Mr. Xiao Luo and Miss Xia Yi are here."

"Little Luo?"

Xiao Luo and Xia Yi walked in, and Xiao Luo greeted him: "Master Gentleman, I'm here to visit you."

"Hehe, you don't have the kindness to visit me!" He Shan put the documents in his hand on the table, and said with a smile, "You are here for the underground trading conference!"

"Hey, kind old man is wise."

The kind old man asked, "Who informed you?"


"Xiaoliu?" He Shan thought for a while and asked, "Is that the second young master from Qingliu Company?"

"Yes, it's him."

"It turns out that you still have such a deep friendship with him. I underestimated you."

Xiao Luo curled her lips and said, "Mr. Gentle, you are really serious. Obviously you could have notified me as soon as possible, but you still have to wait for someone to tell me this amazing news."

The kind old man sighed and said: "It's not that I didn't tell you, I really don't want you to know too much about such dark things. To avoid unnecessary influence."

Xiao Luo also guessed that the kind old man had concerns in this regard, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, old man. The world is like this. Where there is light, there must be darkness. Opposites exist. I used to understand this kind of thing. Some, will not be affected by anything."

The kind old man waved his hand and said, "Forget it, since you are here, I can't prevent you from participating. Come and have a look with me tomorrow. Tell me if you like elves, and I will send them to you." Here it is. It was the reward you gave me to take care of Cole some time ago."

"Thank you, old man!" Xiao Luo smiled happily. This is the ultimate purpose of his visit to the kind old man, and he never thought it would be so simple.

At this time, Cole, who was wearing a princess dress, walked in, and after seeing Xiao Luo and Xia Yi, he showed a very happy smile: "Brother Xiao Luo, sister Xia Yi, why are you here? You came to play with me ?"

Xiao Luo pinched Cole's cheek, and said with a smile: "I just came to play with Cole."

He Shan said with a smile: "Okay, okay, go out and play, I still have some work on hand, so I won't keep you."

After the butler led Xiao Luo and the others out of the study room, he closed the door, greeted Cole loudly, and left.

Immediately afterwards, Cole went back to his room and changed into a simple set of clothes, then took Xiao Luo and Xia Yi out to play in Golden City...

At eight o'clock in the evening, He Shan brought Xiao Luo to the largest hotel in Golden City - Golden Hotel.

After getting out of the car, he said kindly, "Here we are, the trade conference will be held here."

Looking at the tallest building in Jinhuang City, Xiao Luo was a little surprised and said, "Is it so blatant to choose this place?"

"Hehe, this is called the darkness under the lamp!" He Shan said, and walked in with Xiao Luo.

The hotel is very lively, and there are some luxuriously dressed successful people coming and going.Most of these people are kind and kind old people, and when they saw him, they greeted him politely.Because Xiao Luo and He Shan came together, those people were also very polite to Xiao Luo, and secretly guessed the relationship between Xiao Luo and He Shan.

Afterwards, He Shan took Xiao Luo to the elevator door in the lobby and waited for the elevator.

"Xiao Luo!" Just as Xiao Luo and Shan Shan waited for the elevator to arrive quietly, Xiao Luo heard a familiar shout.

Xiao Luo turned around and found that it was Xiao Liu: "Xiao Liu, you just came! I thought you had arrived long ago."

After Xiaoliu greeted the kind old man respectfully, he smiled at Xiaoluo: "Haha, something was delayed on the way, so I came a little late."

The elevator came down quickly, and the three of them entered the elevator together with the two kind bodyguards.The bodyguard helped press the highest floor that the elevator could reach.

The elevator began to rise, and it took a while to reach the destination, and the elevator door opened slowly.There were two long rows of big men in black standing beside the door. Seeing these people, Xiao Luo actually felt an inexplicable heart palpitation.

"Please leave the elf ball to us!" A strong man closest to the elevator door said to Xiao Luo and the others.

He Shan nodded, and handed over the two poke balls on his body. Seeing that He Shan had handed in the poke balls, the kind bodyguard followed suit.

When it was Xiao Luo's turn, Xiao Luo frowned and said, "Can't you not pay?"

"Sorry, this is the rule." The man in black said expressionlessly.

He Shan said at this time: "Xiao Luo, call them, nothing will happen."

Xiao Luo had no choice but to hand in his six elf balls. Of course, Bangira would not hand in them.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaoliu also handed over his six elf balls.After handing in the poke ball, He Shan took Xiao Luo and Xiao Liu to a corner.

After handing over the elf ball, the panic in Xiao Luo's heart became more and more intense.

"Xiao Luo!" Xiao Liu called softly as he walked beside Xiao Luo.

"what happened?"

Xiao Liu said softly: "Why do I feel uneasy!"

Xiao Luo was shocked and said, "You feel it too?"

Xiao Liu stared at Xiao Luo and said, "Could it be that you..."

Xiao Luo nodded silently, and the two fell silent immediately.

"Geng Gui!" Xiao Luo raised his head and called out.

"What's wrong?" Geng Gui's voice reached Xiao Luo's ears.

Xiao Luo ordered: "Go and find a way to get back Xiaoliu and I's Poké Ball!"

"Wait, I'll go right away!"

(End of this chapter)

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