Chapter 212 Sakagi Reappears!

After turning two or three corners, the eyes suddenly opened up, and an extremely wide hall appeared in front of several people.

The hall occupies about three quarters of the entire floor. In the middle, several large tables and chairs are placed in a row. There are some mellow red wine and food on the table.The hall is surrounded by iron cages, and there are some weak and weak elves in the cages, probably specially made by elf hunters.

A lot of people have already come to the hall, they are holding goblets, two or three people gathered together, watching the rare elves for sale, chatting and laughing in low voices.

Xiao Luo made a general observation, and found that there were as many as four fast dragons alone, not to mention some other precious elves.

It seems that this is an extremely high-end underground transaction!

"Okay, go shopping with Xiaoliu, put away any elf you like, and let the hunter who sells it come to me to pay the bill." The kind old man said to Xiaoluo calmly.

Xiao Luo was overjoyed, and after saying a few words of thanks, she pulled Xiao Liu and rushed towards the big iron cages.

Wind Speed ​​Dog, Variety Monster, Hack Dragon...

Xiao Luo even saw a [-]D dragon, but the [-]D dragon had no energy at all. Xiao Luo observed it for a while, but couldn't see why.Therefore, although it was rare, Xiao Luo did not buy it easily.However, Lucario and Xanadu in the iron cage next to the [-]D dragon attracted his attention.

The two elves kept staring at him. Although their spirits were a little sluggish, their eyes were full of energy, but the hatred and murderous intent contained in their eyes was a bit frightening.

Xiao Luo walked to the iron cage and looked at the two elves with burning eyes.


Lucasio rushed forward suddenly, grabbed the iron cage, and showed a fierce look at Xiao Luo and Xiao.

"Be honest!" The elf hunter next to him was a rough man. Seeing that Lucario was threatening the guests, he stabbed him hard with an electric prod.

Lucario screamed and fell into the cage, Shanaido hurriedly stepped forward to help him up with tears in his eyes.

Xiaoliu said: "This Lucario is pretty good, but it seems a bit difficult to control!"

"En!" Xiao Luo nodded.

"Do the two young masters want this Lucario?" The elf hunter flattered: "This Lucario is very powerful and suitable for fighting elves. I spent a lot of time trying to catch it. strength."

Xiao Luo has been staring at Lucario in a daze, and he can see the unwillingness and longing for freedom in its eyes.

Xiao Luo approached the iron cage and squatted down.

"Master, be careful, don't get too close to the cage." The elf hunter reminded.

Xiao Luo smiled and didn't care about the elf hunter's reminder.He didn't believe that under the protection of Celebi and Darkley, he would be injured by an extremely weak Lucario.

"Do you want to come out?" Xiao Luo asked Lucario softly.

Both Lucario and Xanadu were taken aback, and looked at Xiao Luo in disbelief.

"Do you want to come out?" Xiao Luo asked very firmly this time.

Lucario snorted, turned his head away, not to look at Xiao Luo.Xanadu comforted it, then nodded to Xiao Luo, showing a begging look.

"It's really arrogant, but I like it."

Xiao Luo stood up with a smile, and said to the elf hunter, "I want these two elves. As for the cost, you can settle it with the kind old man."

Hearing the name of the kind old man, the elf hunter immediately burst into a smile, quickly took out two elf balls, put them away, handed them to Xiao Luo, and said, "Go back and replace the young master's own elf balls, The two elves belong to the young master."

Xiao Luo was also polite, and put the two elf balls in his waist.

Just when Xiao Luo was about to continue searching for the elves, Xiao Liu quietly tugged on his sleeve, and with an ugly expression, motioned Xiao Luo to look at the door.

"How dare he appear here!" Xiao Luo's face changed, and he lost his voice.

The kind old man seemed to have also got the news, and when the man entered the hall, he brought two bodyguards to meet him, and said in a hateful voice: "Sakagi, how dare you appear in Jinhuang City!"

That's right, the person who came was the leader of the Rockets—Boss Sakagi.Beside him was an eleven or twelve-year-old boy, very thin but energetic.Behind him was a super strong man with a height of nearly two meters. His legs were short and he looked a little dazed.

Sakagi chuckled softly, looked dotingly at the young man beside him, and said, "Not long ago, I found my long-lost son—Xiaoyin in Changpan City!"

"As a father, I am really negligent. I have been the owner of the Changpan City Gymnasium for so many years, but I didn't find out that my son is in Changpan City."

"A few days ago, I heard that there was an underground trading conference in Jinhuang City. As a father, I naturally wanted to buy some precious elves for my son. I think you should give a father a chance to compensate his son, Mr. Kindness."

He Shan squinted his eyes and looked at Xiao Yin for a while, and said: "Then I congratulate you on the reunion of father and son. However, I do not welcome you, and the people present must not welcome you either. For the sake of your reunion with your son not long ago , I won’t bother with you today, you’d better leave quickly.”

Sakagi shook his head with a smile, and said, "That's not acceptable! I promised Xiaoyin that I would definitely buy him some rare elves."

He Shan's face changed, and his eyes were sharp: "What do you mean?"

Sakagi shrugged and said, "Nothing interesting!"

"Hmph!" He Shan's crutches were thrown heavily on the ground: "Drive the three of them out."

After receiving the order, the two kind bodyguards immediately stepped forward, intending to "please" the three of them out.


Sakagi called out.

As the sound fell, the strong man behind Sakagi also moved. With just one punch and one kick, the two bodyguards of the kind old man were sent flying, and he couldn't get up again.

"Come on!"

He Shan shouted loudly.

After a sound of chaotic footsteps, a group of strong black men rushed into the hall.When such a thing happened in the hall, the transaction could not continue. A group of people gathered together to watch the development of the situation.

However, what is strange is that after this group of nearly a hundred strong black men rushed in, they stood behind Sakagi. The command!
He Shan's face changed again, and he said, "It's no wonder that you are the leader of the Rockets, Sakagi, you are a good means!"

Sakagi smiled and said: "Mr. Heshan is too much."

The kind old man waved his hands, sighed, and said, "That's all, it's all up to you at this point."

"I still have to wrong Mr. Heshan, Oka!"

Oka walked towards He Shan, and reached out his hand to arrest the old man He Shan.


At this moment, a layer of blue fluorescent light wrapped Oka abruptly, controlled it to rise under his surprised gaze, and then flung it heavily.


Geng Gui appeared in front of the kind old man and protected him behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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