Chapter 213 Yameng!

"Huh? There are still people with elves? What's the matter?" Sakagi turned his head to look at the strong man in black with a collar behind him.

"Boss... this... I don't know what's going on!" the leader said nervously.

At this time Oka also stood up, shook his dizzy head, and after seeing clearly that it was Geng Gui who was attacking him, he immediately took out a poke ball and threw it out: "Hu Di, use phantom light."

A white light flashed, and a thin Hudi appeared in front of Geng Gui. The spoons in his hands crossed and touched each other, and a colored light zigzag and quickly hit Geng Gui.


Geng Gui pulled his hands together, and a shadow ball quickly formed in his hand, and it was shot against the colored light. The two intersected and immediately exploded, setting off a puff of frantic smoke.


A creepy laugh came from the venue.Afterwards, Geng Gui's figure slowly disappeared, and when he reappeared, circles of lavender halos appeared in his eyes, floating in front of Hu Di face to face.

The hypnotism hit perfectly, and Hu Di fell to the ground slowly, falling into a deep sleep.

Then, a huge phantom rushed out of Geng Gui's body and passed through Hu Di's body.Hu Di suddenly showed a painful expression.

"Hu Di, wake up!" Oka roared angrily.

This roar was indeed effective, and Hu Di woke up instantly.However, Geng Gui's shadow ball was just around the corner, and Hu Di couldn't avoid it. He was hit by the shadow ball, knocked down again and lost his fighting ability.

"This Geng Ghost..." Sakamu was thoughtful. He somewhat understood Oka's Hu Di. It seemed that only the Four Heavenly Kings and...

Thinking of this, Sakagi's face changed slightly.He waved his hand and signaled the strong men in black behind him to make a move.

"Come out, Big Mouth Bat!"

"Haoli, come out!"

"Go, fire dinosaur!"


In an instant, dozens of elves appeared around Geng Gui, surrounding him.


Geng Gui still laughed nonchalantly.It opened its mouth wide, spit out three elf balls, and let them fall to the ground.After the poke ball touched the ground, it opened by itself, and white lights flashed, and the three elves, Hippo King, Absolu, and Electric Shock Beast, appeared around Geng Gui.

The surrounding situation made the three elves stunned for a moment, and then they put on a fighting posture and confronted the surrounding elves.

The battle is imminent!
"Geng Gui!" Xiao Luo and Xiao Liu finally rushed over and stood in front of the kind old man.

"Here you are!" Geng Gui opened his mouth again and protruded nine shrunken elf balls, separating them with his thoughts. Three fell into Xiao Luo's hands, and six fell into Xiao Liu's hands.

Seeing the poke balls, Xiaoliu was overjoyed. As soon as he got the poke balls, he picked three of them and threw them out: "Go, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Heracross, and Ma Yula."

Three elves appeared again, forming a small protective circle, protecting the three of Xiao Luo in the middle.

The appearance of Xiao Luo and Xiao Liu immediately made the scene even more tense. Nearly a hundred people in black surrounded them all at once, holding poke balls in their hands, and surrounded them three layers inside and three layers outside.

"Hehe, it really is you, Xiao Luo!" Sakamu separated from the crowd, and led Xiao Yin to the opposite side of Xiao Luo.

"That's right, it's the young master." Xiao Luo narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Sakagi, we meet again!"

Sakagi said: "I'm really surprised, you dare to stand up in this situation! I know you are very strong, but are you so confident that you can deal with so many people?"

Xiao Luo smiled confidently and said, "I'm not that conceited, but don't forget, this is Jinhuang City!"

Sakagi said with a smile: "So what, the news here is absolutely impossible to spread. And even if Siruff Company realizes that it is wrong, as long as there is a kind old man, it will not be difficult for me to get out of Jinhuang City, right?"

Xiao Luo shrugged, indifferently said: "Maybe!"

Xiao Luo's calmness made Sakagi feel a little uneasy, he lowered his head and pondered, wondering if there was something he had overlooked.Without Sakagi's order, the strong man in black didn't dare to attack rashly, so he quietly surrounded Xiao Luo and others in the center.

"Father, is he Xiao Luo, the trainer who possesses the divine beast Celebi as you said?" Xiao Yin asked softly beside Sakagi.


Celebi... yes, that's Celebi!

Sakagi's expression changed, and he finally knew what was wrong...

"Catch them all, take away all the rare elves here, and kill those who dare to resist, we must leave here as soon as possible!" Sakagi ordered in a deep voice.

As soon as the order was issued, the men in black divided themselves into two teams. One team crazily collected the elves in the hall, and the other team let go and started attacking Xiao Luo and the others.

"Boom" "Boom"

Geng Gui instantly mage evolved, Daklai also showed his figure, two shadow balls were shot out from the hands of the two elves, and the four or five elves who were besieged came flying out in an instant.

The other six elves also moved, and the lightning flashed.The Hippo King leisurely activated the illusion technique, and Absolu cut out bright white blades of light.

The flames of the wind speed dog rose, and Heracross was the first to pick up how many elves, and Ma Yula relied on her own speed advantage to shuttle back and forth in the battlefield, making all kinds of tricks.

The few elves with Mage Geng Gui and Darkley Yiwei as the main combat power unexpectedly firmly resisted the attack of dozens of people, and seemed to have a slight advantage.

"Father, that elf is actually Darkley, Nightmare God Darkley!" Little Silver called out to Sakagi excitedly.

"I saw it!" Sakaki's face sank like water.The Rockets and Xiao Luo have irreconcilable hatred and conflicts. Every time Xiao Luo becomes stronger, Sakagi will feel more uneasy.

"Little Silver, let Yameng come out to deal with Darkley and that mage Genggui, we must control them, otherwise it will be very difficult for us to leave Golden City."

Xiaoyin was slightly taken aback, nodded and said: "I see, Dad! Come out, Yameng."

Little Silver threw out the poke ball vigorously, white light flashed, and a pokemon that resembled Mewtwo appeared above the field. This pokemon had the same skin as Mewtwo, with a very thin and long tail, like a dreamy tail, and a large body. Guomeng is slightly smaller than Chaomeng, and it doesn't look like Chaomeng's majestic figure, but its strength is beyond doubt.

As soon as it appeared, it attracted the attention of Gengar and Darkley.

"Master Mewtwo? No... not as powerful as Lord Mewtwo." Darkley said to himself.

"Hey, interesting and interesting, a copy of a copy!" Geng Gui's eyes were vicious, and he understood the cause and effect with just one glance.

Darkley glanced at it, and didn't say much, but followed it to meet the flying Yameng.

Xiao Luo was also a little stunned, and after a while he scolded loudly: "Nimma, Sakamu is going against the sky, he can actually make this thing."

"This is... a replica of Chaomeng?" Xiaoliu asked uncertainly.

Xiao Luo glanced at him and said, "It's really rare, you can actually see it."

" are not bad, you actually have Darkley. But can your Darkley handle it?"

"Darkley and Ghost Lord should be fine, but we have a big problem. If we can't hold on until Xia Yi and Cole come over..."

He Shan comforted: "Don't worry, at most I will be his hostage, and I won't implicate the two of you."

Xiao Luo said: "How can I do that? If something happens to you, old man, how can I feel sorry for Cole."

He kindly smiled and didn't say much, but he had already made up his mind, no matter what, he couldn't let these two teenagers have an accident.

(End of this chapter)

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