Chapter 214 Powerful Yameng!

The hall was in chaos. Under the threat of Sakagi's force, those upper-level people who came to participate in the trade fair shivered and hid in the corner of the hall, fearing that the battle would affect them.

However, the behavior of Sakagi collecting the elves in the field touched the interests of the elf hunters, and some fierce and bloody hunters fought back on the spot.However, like the people involved in the transaction, they were not allowed to enter with the elves.Therefore, such a counterattack is really weak and pitiful in front of the strong man in black with the help of elves.The hunters were easily knocked to the ground by the elves, and their life and death were unknown.

On the other side, Geng Gui and Darkley finally fought against Ya Meng. Geng Gui's shadow ball and Ya Meng's shadow ball had a big collision in midair, and the violent explosion made the whole floor shake slightly .

Afterwards, Yameng rushed towards Geng Gui with the purple energy shield on his back. Darkley knew that Geng Gui couldn't use the energy shield yet, so he took the initiative to meet him with the dark energy shield.


Darkley's strength was obviously weaker than that of Yameng, and he was knocked far away.Geng Gui took the opportunity to hit Ya Meng's energy photo with another shadow ball, knocking Ya Meng back a short distance.


Yameng snorted coldly, removed the energy shield, and stretched out one hand towards Geng Gui, his whole body glowed with blue fluorescence, and his eyes turned pure white.

Geng Gui was restrained by a powerful super power, and it struggled violently, trying to break through the restraint, many tiny sweat stains appeared on its forehead.

"call out"

A shadow ball quickly hit Yameng. Yameng's eyes opened angrily, and with a move of his arm, he forcibly restrained Geng Gui and stood in front of him.

Threatened by danger, mage Geng Gui's power burst out instantly, and the red color of his lower body became more and more bewitching, breaking through the shackles of Yameng in an instant, and then a shadow ball was shot out to the limit, and Darkley's shadow ball was in the Detonate in front of you.The shock wave raged, and Ya Meng and Geng Gui were affected at the same time, and were thrown out by the embarrassment.

"Hey... hey... the bastard... trying to plot against Mr. Ghost... it's not... so easy!" Geng Gui was panting like a cow, floating beside Darkley in a state of embarrassment.


The blue superpower turned into a gust of wind, and the billowing smoke that spread around Yameng as the center and hadn't dissipated swept towards Gengar and Darkley.


Geng Gui's eyes suddenly turned pure white, and blue fluorescence appeared on his body.It forms illusion into a broad fluorescent wall, blocking the memory of the smoke.

However, at this moment, Yameng, who was wearing the energy shield, rushed over in an instant. The light wall formed by the illusion technique had no effect on it, and its target was Geng Gui, who was using the illusion technique.


At the critical moment, Darkley stood in front of Geng Gui. As soon as the pitch-black energy shield appeared, it was slammed into Geng Gui's body, and together with Geng Gui, he was hit to the ground. , happened to be Xiao Luo's battlefield.

Xiao Luo's electric monster reacted very quickly. After seeing the falling object in the sky, he turned around and turned into a speeding yellow fat man, fleeing the field in an instant.Before the elves who were fighting it had time to react, they were pinned down by Geng Gui and Darkrai.

This is not over yet, just after the two elves fell to the ground, Yameng even hit down with a shadow ball.If it is true now, Geng Gui will definitely not have a good time.


A melodious chirp sounded, and Latias was finally forced to join the battle. It blocked Gengar and Darkley, opened its mouth, and a purple energy ray shot out instantly, blocking Yameng's shadow ball.

It's just that in comparison, the current Latias's combat power is really pitifully small. The power of a clean and shiny move can't even detonate the shadow ball, it can only slow down its advancement.

However, this effect was enough, Darkrai quickly flew up, and when the shadow ball was about to shatter the clean luster and hit Latias, he knocked Latias away, and forcibly caught Latias with the energy shield down.

"Father, he still has Latias, a lot of mythical beasts." Xiaoyin said to Sakamu with a face full of envy.

Sakagi stroked Xiaoyin's little head, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will look for more beasts for you in the future."

"Well, Dad, you must help me catch a Yandi! I like Yandi the most!"

"Well, after leaving Golden City, I will send someone to look for it!"


"Okay... that's amazing!" Geng Gui flew up again out of breath.

Xiao Luo shouted from below: "Master Gui, you have to hold on, or we will die."

"It's hard to say, it's too powerful, don't you see that even that kid Darkley is no match for him!"

"I'll let the Gyarados help you too!" Xiao Luo said as he was about to take out the Gyarados' poke ball and throw it out.

"Let's forget it!" Geng Gui said, "That kid is too big, it's not suitable for him to fight here. What about Celebi? Let it come, the three of us will definitely torture it to death."

"Uh, Celebi went to find Xia Yi and Cole."

Geng Gui: "..."

Geng Gui sighed and said, "Call it Chaomeng, it must be interested in this bum."

Xiao Luo shook her head and said, "Master Ghost, we can't call him every time we encounter trouble. Besides, I've seen enough of its face stretched into two hundred and fifty thousand."

"Then what do you say? It's unlikely that I and Daleiga can defeat it."

Xiao Luo said: "You guys delay it first, and when Xia Yi and Ke Er come, we will gang up on it."

"I'll try my best."

After Geng Gui finished speaking, he pounced on Yameng again.This time, the two elves seemed to have reached a tacit understanding, and Darkley became the main attacker, while Geng Gui kept using shadow balls to harass and attack, which made the two sides stalemate.

On the other hand, the pressure on Xiao Luo and Xiao Liu also increased with the passage of time.

The six elves present showed obvious weakness, and the scars on their bodies continued to increase.

In desperation, Xiao Luo could only replace Absolu, who was the most injured, and sent in the Giant Pincer Mantis, and the other two elves were Bidiao and Gyarados. Such an environment is not suitable for them to play, no As a last resort, Xiao Luo didn't want them to appear.And the seventh elf, Bangira...a sick child, is really not suitable for long-term fighting.Until the last moment, Xiao Luo couldn't bear to listen to the sound of it coughing!
Fortunately, Xiaoliu's strength is also very good, and all six elves are suitable for playing, so he can barely maintain the scene, so that the Rockets will not break through their small defensive circle.

If Cole didn't bring someone over in time, then Xiao Luo could only brazenly trouble Arceus again.

Fortunately for Xiao Luo, she left Miao Miao by Xia Yi's side before coming, which saved the trouble of inconvenient communication.Moreover, Miaomiao's IQ and ability to handle affairs are good, presumably she will bring her troops to kill her soon.

"Xiao Luo, if Xia Yi doesn't bring people over here again, we'll be in trouble. My elf won't last long." Xiao Liu was somewhat nervous.

"Don't worry, as soon as the news spreads, the valley will bring people over soon. Hmph, this time I must make Sakagi look good." The kind old man is no longer as kind as before, and his face is full of evil spirits. Calculated, he was really angry.

"That's good!" After He Shan said this, Xiao Liu was relieved a lot.And at this moment, he is somewhat excited.This time the battle is for the kind old man, although it is a little dangerous, but as long as he can survive, I believe that the benefits of Qingyuan Company will definitely be indispensable in the future with the kind old man.

Thinking of this, Xiaoliu commanded his elves again to protect the defensive circle tightly.In this battle, he worked harder than Xiao Luo!

(End of this chapter)

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