Chapter 215 Yan Emperor!

Jinhuang City is a famous metropolis in the Kanto area.After nine o'clock in the evening, it was the busiest time in Golden City. Pedestrians and elves were everywhere in every corner of the city.

In a park not far from the Golden Hotel, a tall boy with short hair was engaged in an elf battle with a [-]- or [-]-year-old soft-looking girl.

The two elves on the field are a very ordinary Gotha Duck and a super strong monster.At this moment, the Gotha Duck clearly had the upper hand, with a steady breath, and launched an attack under the command of the short-haired boy without haste.

The strange strength paled in comparison, and it was extremely embarrassing to avoid, and every attack was easily dodged by the Gotha Duck.

"Very good, Gotha Duck, use the water cannon next, solve it!"


Gotha Duck took a deep breath, the water cannon trick is brewing...

At this moment, an elf ball in the boy's waist opened without warning, and white light fell, and a mighty and domineering elf appeared in front of many trainers watching the battle. The appearance of this elf immediately made everyone around explode. pot.

This elf is covered in brown hair, with long blade-like hair on its back and iron rings on its limbs. Looking from the front, it looks like a majestic lion wearing a bright crown.

"Emperor Yan, it's Emperor Yan!"

"Oh my god, he actually subdued this legendary elf!"

"It's incredible, I actually saw this legendary elf."


Stunned, the short-haired boy put away the Gotha Duck, and said to the girl opposite, "I admit defeat, the battle is over."

"Emperor Yan, what's the matter?" the short-haired boy asked softly to Emperor Yan.


Emperor Yan didn't pay attention to him, but let out a huge roar at the Golden Hotel, moved his limbs, and rushed over quickly.

"Emperor Yan, what are you going to do?" The young man was in a hurry, and hurriedly chased after him...


The appearance of Bangira once again made Sakagi's face ugly. Facing Xiaoluo, the Rockets lost again and again. This time, Sakagi only had a very bad premonition.Could it be that Xiao Luo is really the nemesis of the Rockets?

Xiaoyin saw his father's uneasiness, and directed to Leigong loudly: "Leigong, get rid of that Bangira!"


Lei Gong roared in response, and a thick thunderbolt shot out quickly, covering Bangira.


Bathed in the thunder, Bangira's expression remained unchanged.Afterwards, the thunder and lightning disappeared, and Bangira yelled at Lei Gong, and a destructive death light instantly shot towards Lei Gong.

"How is it possible that you didn't suffer any harm?" Xiao Yin was slightly surprised.

Sakagi reached out and touched Xiaoyin's head, and explained: "Bangira has ground-type attributes, so electric-type special moves are ineffective against it."

"So it is!"


Lei Gong's speed was extremely fast, and after easily dodging Bangira's destructive death light, he rushed forward, rushing towards Bangira with unparalleled momentum.


At this moment, the Gyaradosaurus, which had been lying on the ground for a long time, thought it had lost its ability to fight, suddenly sprang up. The powerful tail of the dragon was surrounded by white light, and it collided with the thundering thunder...

The teeth-stinging sound of the impact spread clearly to every corner of the hall. Like a ping-pong ball being hit hard by a racket, Lei Gong bounced off quickly and hit the wall of the hall, causing large-scale explosions to appear on the surface of the wall. tear stains.


The Gyarados roared excitedly, although it was panting heavily, the excitement in its eyes was beyond words.


Lei Gong was also angry, and along with the roar, lightning shone around his body and crackled.Then, a yellow thunderbolt that dimmed the seats in the hall rushed towards the Tyrannosaurus like a dragon's howl.


Bangira moved and quickly stood in front of the Gyarados.The thunder and lightning came fiercely, but when it hit Bangira, it was like a mud pellet entering the sea, unable to stir up any waves.


Lei Gong roared again, turned into lightning, and charged up again.

Bangira didn't have time to dodge, the powerful impact caused Bangira's huge body to fly upside down, hitting the Gyarados, and the two elves fell into a ball immediately.


After standing up again, Benjira began to cough.The Gyarados' physical strength was severely exhausted, and it took a lot of effort to slowly fly up.The eyes of the two elves looking at Lei Gong were full of anger.

"Why don't you come, Celebi is too slow." The situation of the scene caused sweat stains to appear on Xiaoliu's nervous forehead.

The kind old man sighed, and said: "Mythical beast, the Rockets have developed to this point. Sakagi is indeed a talent."

Xiao Luo squinted her eyes halfway, her palm had been intentionally or unintentionally placed on the original bracelet, although she was reluctant, she had to face the reality.If Celebi doesn't come again, he can only ask the creation boss for help again.


With another roar, Lei Gong charged up again...


At this moment, a scorching breath rushed towards the face, and a crimson flame hit the spot like a bright red ribbon, blocking Lei Gong.Lei Gong had no choice but to stop, if he continued to charge forward, he would definitely be hit by this flame.


Emperor Yan stood majestically at the entrance of the hall, and behind him lay a few members of Team Rocket in black and leather.

"Emperor Yan, Dad, it's Emperor Yan, and Emperor Yan hasn't shown up." Xiaoyin looked excited.

However, Sakagi is very sensible, this is not the time to arrest Emperor Yan, the appearance of Emperor Yan makes the whole thing out of his control.

"Quickly resolve the battle, and quickly arrest Heshan." Sakagi commanded the members of the Rockets loudly.

As soon as Emperor Yan appeared, Lei Gong's expression became more cautious, and the two elves roared at each other a few times as if talking to each other. Finally, it seemed that the conversation failed, and Emperor Yan's body was burning with raging flames, and rushed towards Lei Gong.Lei Gong not to be outdone, the thunder light on his body crackled and went straight to meet him.

Naturally, the members of Team Rocket couldn't intervene in the fight between the gods and beasts, and they got orders from Sakagi, so they swarmed towards the three of Xiao Luo again.

At this moment, the elves in Xiao Luo and Xiao Liu's hands are already at the end of their strength, and they have no idea how long they can last.

"Duck-billed Flame Dragon, spray flames; Gotha Duck, water cannon; Geng Gui, shadow ball; Shawarang, flying kick; Mo Ru'e, illusion!"

A somewhat familiar voice came from behind Team Flame, and as the voice fell, the five powerful moves forcefully opened a gap in Team Rocket's encirclement.A familiar figure rushed to Xiao Luo and the other three under the protection of five elves.

"Ake! Why are you here! I miss you to death, hahaha..." Surprise, big surprise, Xiao Luo excitedly gave Ake a big bear hug.

"Phew... we're saved!" Xiao Liu also heaved a sigh of relief.

He didn't know Ake's strength, but he was a genius trainer comparable to Xiao Luo.With this powerful new force to help, although the Rockets cannot be defeated, it is no problem to persist until Shiluf's support.

"Cough cough..."

Ake pushed Xiao Luo away in a little embarrassment. As a well-educated trainer, he was really hard to accept this way of meeting.

After Ake commanded his elves to guard the defensive circle, he asked Xiao Luo, "What's going on with you?"

"Hey, don't mention it!" After Xiao Luo briefly described the whole thing, Ake was completely surprised.

Looking up at the two elves standing with Geng Gui in the air, he really didn't know what to say.

I thought that by chance, I could subdue a Yan Emperor and be able to stabilize Xiao Luo's head, but I didn't expect that he had already left me far behind.

"Mr. Heshan, you are shocked!" After the shock, Ake still greeted Heshan politely.Back then in Golden City, He Shan took care of him a lot, and his respect for He Shan came from the bottom of his heart.

He Shan nodded: "This time I will trouble you too."

He Shan also has a deep impression on Ake, a trainer with great potential, and the winner of the Mini Dragon in the celebration competition.

"Should be!"

("I don't want to look at it", "M Bangila" you two grabbed my red envelope, /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ Don't be a good embryo, friends are exhausted.........)
(End of this chapter)

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