Chapter 216 The Silver Conference Opens!
(There is a serious bug in the last chapter. Bangira is of the rock type and evil type, and is not immune to the attack of the electric type. Looking back now, it is really troublesome to make changes, so I simply don’t modify them. Everyone knows That's it.)
There is still a period of time before the start of the league competition. Xiao Luo and Ake returned to Zhenxin Town. After discussing with Dr. Damu, they took all the elves to the forest where the old fast-swimming frog and the old flying mantis were again.This place seems to have become Xiao Luo's special training base.

Ake also came to this forest with Xiaoluo. When the old fast-swimming frog and the old flying mantis appeared, Ake was really surprised.He is not a fledgling rookie trainer, he can naturally feel the powerful aura exuding from the two elves.

"There is still such a place. These two elves give me the feeling that it is not weaker than Emperor Yan." Ake whispered next to Xiao Luo, "How did you find this place?"

Speaking of this, Xiao Luo felt a little helpless. He has been thinking about the little Lada back then.

"He came here after chasing a little Radha." Little Luo led Ake towards the two old elves, and told Ake in a low voice: "These two elves are not only powerful, but also have rich combat experience. It is unimaginable. It can be said that without their guidance, I would have missed the championship of the Quartz League. So, if you stay here for special training, how much you can dig out from them depends on yourself gone."

Ake heard the words, and looked at the two elves with scorching eyes, as if he had discovered a huge treasure.

After distributing the elf food and various tree fruits he brought to the two old elves, he warmly greeted the two elves, and then started training with his own elves.Ake followed the two elves and got close.

The training was boring and tedious, but the two still gritted their teeth and persevered in order to win the championship.

Before they knew it, the two spent a month in the forest...

A month later, Xiao Luo felt that the elves in his hands had also made great progress, especially the newly subdued elves, which had made great progress.It's just that in the past few days, the effect of training has been less obvious, and the elves who started early, such as Gyarados and Bi Diao, have hardly made any progress.As for Xiao Luo, the old Swimming Frog and Flying Mantis couldn't give better guidance.

On the contrary, Ake, under the guidance of the two elves, has obviously made great progress in strength.In daily battle practice, the pressure Ake put on Xiao Luo gradually increased.This made Xiao Luo somewhat worried about whether he was a little self-inflicted, and Ake was one of his strong opponents to win the championship.

A few days later, the amount of training Xiao Luo set for the elves increased significantly, but the effect was still negligible.Xiao Luo knows that if this continues, there will still be no great progress.

On the same day, he put away all the elves and proposed to Ake the idea of ​​leaving here.

"You go first, this place is indeed no longer suitable for you." Ake seems to have understood Xiao Luo's thoughts, and gave Xiao Luo a very kind reminder: "The strength of the elves has entered a bottleneck, and you should work hard to improve Your own strength. The elves do not rely on the elves themselves, the trainer is the protagonist of the battle!"

It was this sentence that made Xiao Luo suddenly realize.After thanking Ake, he threw out Bi Diao's elf ball excitedly, and jumped onto Bi Diao's back: "Let's go to Kaji Town!"


Baiyin Town, the venue of the Chengdu Alliance Silver Conference.Baiyin Town, which is usually very clean, is now extremely lively and full of people's voices.Fireworks and firecrackers explode in the sky from time to time, bringing festive sounds.Trainers from all directions continue to gather here, and Baiyin Town is becoming overcrowded.

There are two teenagers at the gate of the huge elf center in Baiyin Town, waiting anxiously for something.

"What's the matter with Xiao Luo? The conference is about to start and yet no one is seen." Wearing a white suit, the young man who looked like a noble young master said worriedly, "Something must have happened."

"Probably not, don't you worry about Xiao Luo's strength!" Although another handsome boy with short hair said so, he also showed a worried expression: "There should be some delays, Xia Yi is already in the real world. Xinzhen has been waiting for him, and with Bi Diao's speed, he should speak soon."


As soon as the words fell, Bi Diaoxiong's bright cry came from the distant sky, and his huge body looked golden under the sunlight, and he flew towards this side at an extremely fast speed.This domineering behavior also attracted the attention of countless trainers.


There was another cry, Bi Diao Huali folded her wings, swooped down, and landed firmly at the door of the elf center.

Xiao Luo hurriedly jumped off Bi Diao's back, ignoring people, stretched his head and rushed in towards the center of the elf: "Sorry, let me, let me..."

"Xiao Luo, why are you here now!"

"Let him go in first, there should be still time."

"Xiaoliu, Ake? Are you here? I'll register first, and I'll talk about it later, it's embarrassing!" After speaking, he plunged into the elf center.

At the registration office, after showing the proof of the elf illustrated book and eight badges, and registering the elves used, Xiao Luo finally let out a long sigh of relief.

Not long after Xiao Luo signed up, the announcement of termination of registration sounded in the Elf Center, which made Xiao Luo somewhat afraid.

"Xiao Luo, you're really good!" Xiao Liu held back his smile, and Xia Yi, who came with Ake and Bi Diao, walked to Xiao Luo's side.


Xiao Luo blushed and could only smile awkwardly.

"I really never heard that you can fall asleep on a Gyarados!" Ake also smiled.

"Hmph, it's fine if you're asleep. Did you say you didn't tell the Gyarados in advance? You really didn't return to Xinzhen Town, but you flew to Jinhuang City." Xia Yi glanced at him. A different style.

"Uh, it's over here, don't laugh, I'm starving to death, let's go eat, and the trials will start later."

The Silver Town held the Silver Conference, so there was no shortage of food to eat.After several people ate at the noodle shop next to the Elf Center, they returned to the Elf Center again.

At this moment, the selection area of ​​the Elf Hall has also been divided.Xiao Luo was in Area C, while Ake was assigned to Area D. Besides these, Xiao Luo actually saw Tian Mu's head portrait on the panel in the hall, which was in Area F.

"As expected, he also participated!" Xiao Luo said softly.


Although the voice was soft, it was still heard by Ake.

"That!" Xiao Luo pointed to Tian Mu's head portrait and said, "Tian Mu is very strong!"

Looking at the boy's head, Ake firmly remembered his appearance, and he had to pay attention to someone who could be described as very strong by Xiao Luo.

"Xiao Luo, Ake, Xiao Liu, Xia Yi..."

Shouts came from not far away, and they all laughed happily after following the sound.

"Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia, Xiaogang, you are coming too!" Xiaoluo greeted the three of them happily.

"Xiao Luo, I will definitely defeat you in the Chengdu League this time, you don't want to lose in the trials!" Xiaozhi cheered.

Xiao Luo chuckled and slapped his chest loudly: "I'll wait, just don't lose."

(End of this chapter)

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