Chapter 217 Preliminaries!

Ake smiled and said, "Little Zhi, you are still so energetic!"

"He, he is like a carp king full of energy all day long, frightened and frightened! Traveling with him, don't mention how tired he is." Xiaoxia seems to have a lot of complaints about Xiaozhi.

"Hehe, I can't say that. It's a good thing to be energetic. Don't you also see Xiaozhi's progress? In this league competition, Xiaoluo and Ake have rivals." Xiaogang is now very concerned about Xiaozhi's strength. Be confident.

What Xiao Gang said made Xiao Luo feel a little embarrassed.After traveling for such a long time, Xiaozhi is no longer the kind of rookie trainer who got a little achievement at the beginning.

Xiaozhi ignored Xiaogang and Xiaoxia, but asked Xiaoliu: "Xiaoliu, have you also participated in the league competition?"

Xiaoliu shrugged his shoulders and said cynically, "I'm not as laid-back as you are. My dad still expects me and my brother to take over from him. So I didn't get any badges from the Chengdu area. How can I join the league?" .”

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "If you're not willing, I'll trade it with you. I've always dreamed of becoming a noble young master."

Xiaoliu smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about this, you will be much richer than me in a few years."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Liu's eyes aimed at Xia Yi intentionally or unintentionally, with a smirk on his face, as long as he wasn't stupid, he could tell what it meant.

"Xiao Liu, you are going to die!" Xia Yi's pretty face flushed, and she gave Xiao Liu a bitter look.

"No way!" Xiaoxia exclaimed.

Xiao Gang was thoughtful, and said softly: "Well, Uncle seems to have this intention."

"Brother Xiaogang..." Xia Yi's face heated up again, and there was a faint heat rising, "I'm ignoring you."

After finishing speaking, Xia Yi turned around and ran out of the elf center.

"Where are you going?" Xiao Luo asked Xia Yi's back.

"Hmph, I'll wait for you in Area C, the game is about to start."

"Hey? What are you talking about? How did Xia Yi leave?" Xiaozhi asked with a confused face.

Everyone's eyes instantly focused on him.

"What's the matter, why are you looking at me like that?" Xiaozhi was a little confused.


Seeing that he was really not pretending, everyone was speechless.

Xiaoxia covered her face with one hand, and said in pain, "Oh my god, how stupid this is, how could I travel with this person."

"Ha ha……"

A few black lines hung down from Xiaogang's head, and the right angle twitched unconsciously.

Xiaoliu: "Wonderful!"

Ake slightly thought: "Indeed!"

"Okay, okay, he is young, he should not understand, you all don't bully him." Xiao Luo had a sullen face and smiled happily.

Xiao Liu smirked: "It seems that you understand it very well!"

"It's necessary, and I don't even look at who the young master is." Xiao Luo straightened her body and put on a tall and handsome appearance.

"Stinky fart!"


"Don't be ashamed!"

The corner of Ake's mouth twitched, and he wanted to say "That's right!" But he was too embarrassed to say so, so he could only smile awkwardly and said, "The game is about to start, let's go to our respective venues to prepare for the game. Xiaoliu, where are you going?"

After pondering for a while, Xiao Liu said: "Let me go to watch his game with Xiao Luo first, his game will start first, and then go to your game that should be able to catch up with you."

"That's fine, let's go. Have dinner together during the break, and we'll talk later."

Only then did the crowd disperse, and each went to their own competition area.


There are a total of eight competition areas, and each area has nearly a hundred people. There are three battle venues in the competition area, and there are endless elimination matches at the same time. The number of participants in the Chengdu League is really surprising.

When Xiao Luo and Xiao Liu rushed to the competition area, the game had already started, and the six people on the field had already started a fierce battle.The two found Xia Yi easily. At this moment, Xia Yi's face was still reddish, and he looked at Xiaoliu with a faint murderous look.This made Xiaoliu smile and distance himself from her.

Xiao Luo watched the game seriously.The strength of the trainers on the field is very average, which makes Xiao Luo wonder how they got the badge from Liu Bo and Xiao Chun.

Not long after, the two rounds of fighting on the field ended.Even, venue 1 has ended three games.

"The third round of venue 2, contestants Xiaoluo and Xiaoyu, please board the venue."

Xiao Liu chuckled lightly and said, "Xiao Luo, it's your turn, come on!"

In the trials, Xiao Liu was not worried about Xiao Luo at all, he knew that Xiao Luo was a strong contender for the championship.

"Xiao Luo, come on!" Xia Yi also cheered for Xiao Luo.

"Well, I'm going up."

Xiao Luo and the player named Xiao Yu walked onto the field at the same time, and after showing their IDs, the match officially started under the order of the referee.

Xiao Yu is a boy with a somewhat neutral appearance. At first, Xiao Luo thought that this kind of person should use elves with a relatively soft personality.But things backfired, Xiao Yu's elves greatly exceeded Xiao Luo's expectations.

"Go, Gyarados!" Xiao Yu threw out the poke ball in a very handsome way.


White light flashed, and the huge body of the Gyarados appeared on the field.

Seeing the Gyarados, Xiaoliu said with some disdain: "Tch, this Gyarados is pocket-sized compared to Xiao Luo."

Xia Yi said: "It's not too small, it should be around seven meters, and it looks like it's well cultivated, and its strength should not be weak."

"Gyarados, who should I use!"

Xiao Luo spun back and forth on the six poke balls in his waist, and after a while he took out one poke ball and threw it out forcefully: "It's you, go!"


White light flashed, and a green flying dragon appeared on the field.

"Desert dragonfly!" Xiaoliu's eyes lit up immediately, "This kid, there are so many good elves!"

Seeing the desert dragonfly, Xiao Yu's face suddenly became a little angry: "In the face of the Gyarados, you dare to take out the ground-type desert dragonfly. Are you looking down on me?"

Xiao Luo smiled and said: "I didn't say that, it's just that the elf in my hand is the strongest, so I sent it to play."

Hearing what Xiao Luo said, Xiao Yu's expression became better, but this did not make him show mercy: "Gyarados, attack, attack with water cannon."


The Gyarados roared, and a thick spiral jet of water spewed out instantly, hitting the desert dragonfly with a strong sound of piercing through the air.

"Use the rock blade after dodging!"

The speed of the desert dragonfly is extremely fast, and it seems to be showing off. It dragged its long tail and flew up gorgeously when the water cannon was approaching. Two crossed light bands appeared on its body, forming sharp stones. With a long howl, it hit the Tyrannosaurus with the sound of piercing through the air.

"Gyarados, use protection!"

The green shield enveloped the huge body of the Gyarados, and the sharp rock blade hit the shield with a crackling sound.

"Good job Gyarados, then use the surfing trick." After the rock blade passed, Xiaoyu directed the Gyarados to attack again.


With the roar of the Gyarados, a huge water wave appeared out of nowhere on the field, and the Gyarados walked on the waves, looking down at the desert dragonfly below it, with a hideous appearance.

"Yan back!"


After the desert dragonfly flew around, it faced the waves without any fear.

Just as the waves rushed down, trying to engulf the desert dragonfly, the desert dragonfly disappeared strangely.Dots of white light suddenly appeared behind the Gyarados, slamming the Gyarados off the waves.

The water wave collapsed, and the Gyarados fell heavily to the ground, roaring in pain.

"Take advantage of the victory and pursue, quicksand hell!"


With a long cry, the eyes of the desert dragonfly glowed with blue fluorescence, and the ground under the Gyarados sunk in, forming a huge sand pit, and the sand continued to slide down along the pit.The entire body of the Gyarados was trapped in the sand pit, and because of surfing, there was a lot of water in the sand pit, which made the quicksand hell more sticky.

"Gyarados, climb up quickly." Xiao Yu said in a hurry.

"It's useless, solve the battle, earthquake!"

The desert dragonfly swooped down, and its tail hit the ground heavily, causing circles of gray ripples to ripple, and the venue shook violently.The Gyarados in the quicksand hell was the first among them, and closed its eyes in pain from the bumps.

The earthquake lasted for a while before it disappeared slowly. After the earthquake, the tall and straight body of the Gyarados in the sandpit collapsed, and the closed eyes opened again, forming a whirlpool.

"The Gyarados lost the ability to fight, and the desert dragonfly won. The winner is Xiao Luo from Zhenxin Town!"


(Let’s start with two chapters today, I have something to do when I go out!)
(End of this chapter)

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