Chapter 219 Points Race (1)

The ensuing battle was lackluster. Xiao Luo passed the selection of the qualifiers all the way without any risk. His performance was inconspicuous and not strong.

A total of 48 people were selected from the eight competition areas, and tomorrow they will conduct a 3VS3 point-based knockout match.

Xiao Luo and his party gathered at the Fairy Center again to check tomorrow's game schedule.Xiaoluo, Ake, Xiaozhi and Tianmu were all lucky not to be assigned to the same group.Xiaozhi's plot has not changed much, and he met his old opponent in the animation.Xiao Luo's opponents were a [-]-year-old boy and a [-]-year-old beautiful girl, both of whom were assigned from other divisions, because Xiao Luo didn't have much impression of these two.

After confirming the time of the game, Xiao Luo and his party gathered together for dinner and had a heated discussion about the game.A meal lasted from eight o'clock in the evening to eleven o'clock in the evening. Considering tomorrow's game, everyone dispersed and went back to the residence to rest.


At nine o'clock the next morning, Little Luo showed up on time, because his match started first, everyone gathered together and rushed to the venue where Little Luo held the match to watch his match.

"In the first round, Contestant Xiao Luo confronts Contestant Guangze. There are three spirits that can be used in the match, until all the spirits on one side lose their fighting ability and the match comes into contact."

Subsequently, the electronic turntable selected Hirosawa to attack first.

"Player Hirosawa will attack first, the game begins!"

Following the referee's order, Guangze took out a poke ball and threw it out without any hesitation: "Go, Marsh King!"

A white light flashed, and a naive Marsh King appeared on the field, with a smile on his face, as if he didn't know that the battle would happen next.

"Marsh King..."

Xiao Luo thought for a while, then took out a poke ball and threw it out: "Smelly mud, it's your turn to play!"

White light fell, and a pile of purple mud appeared on the field, and then it squirmed, stretched out its short hand, and opened its huge mouth, so that people could see that it was a serious elf.

"Smelly mud!" Xia Yi chuckled lightly, "It's been a long time since I saw him play."

Xiao Liu smiled and said: "I almost forgot about it, so Xiao Luo still has this kind of elf."

For a trainer who has elves like Glitter Gyarados, Huge Pidgeon, Kuailong, Benjira, etc., the existence of stinky mud is indeed easy to ignore.

"Preemptive strike, Marsh King, use mud bombs!"

Following Guangze's command, the Marsh King finally entered the fighting state, the smile on his face disappeared, his eyes became slightly sharper, and his round body also gave people a powerful vision that could not be ignored.


The black mud pellets hit the smelly mud with the sound of breaking through the air.

"Smelly mud, we use mud bombs too!"

The smelly mud's huge mouth opened, and black mud pellets sprayed out.


There is no high or low level of the collision of two tricks. There is only one result when such tricks collide together—explosion.

"Continue to attack, Marsh King, use the water cannon!"

Before the smoke from the explosion dissipated, a spiral water column pierced through the air and hit the smelly mud directly.The smelly mud couldn't dodge in time, and was hit by the water cannon and flew upside down for a distance, making a muffled cry of pain.

kindness?The line of sight is not affected by the smoke, this marsh king is well trained.

"Good job, Marsh King, use the digging attack next!" Hiroze was somewhat excited by the hit.

After hearing the command, Marsh King dug up the ground and disappeared underground.

The disappearance of Marsh King made Smelly Ni a little nervous, so he turned his head to look around.

"Smelly mud, calm down!"

After hearing Xiao Luo's words, Smelly Mud immediately felt relieved, and calmly watched the front.For Xiao Luo, it is 120 trusts.

When the Marsh King was about to launch an attack, Xiao Luo commanded again: "Smelly mud, use poisonous gas!"

"Swing fight~"

The smelly mud opened its mouth wide, and black smoke spread out, covering its entire surroundings.

As soon as the poisonous gas diffused, there was a sound of "Kara", and the marsh king broke through the ground, blowing the stinky mud away again.At the same time, it was also affected by the poisonous gas and fell into a poisoned state.His face was purple, and at the same time, his whole body was covered with purple electric sparks, which made him show a little painful expression.

"Damn it, since that's the case, Marsh King, use an earthquake attack."

"Don't think about it, smelly mud, mud wave!"

Earthquake has such a fatal restraint for Smelly Mud, there is no other reason, the receptor type is limited, and Smelly Muddy is destined to not have a good way to deal with this range of skills.

The smelly mud also recovered at this moment, with a loud roar, a circle of mud appeared around it, and spread out in waves.

The use of earthquake has a pre-action. In order to accumulate strength, elves often appear in the air for a short period of time.It was this deadly stagnant state that made Marsh King fall into a passive state.

Before the Marsh King fell down, the mud wave covered it, and only heard a "pop", and the Marsh King was sent flying by the swift mud wave.

"Very well, now, use the venom attack."

The smelly mud opened its mouth and sprayed out a green liquid, chasing it away, and wrapped it up before the marsh king could react.

Purple electric sparks crackled around him with the screams of the Marsh King, and the poisoned Marsh King made the venom attack double the effect.

After the venom attack, Marsh King's round and slippery body fell to the ground, and his eyes were already spiraling.

"The Marsh King loses his ability to fight, and the Smelly Mud wins!"

"Come back, Marsh King!" Guang Ze withdrew the Marsh King with an ugly face.He didn't understand how the marsh king, who had the upper hand from the beginning, was turned over by the stinky mud in an instant.

"Well done, Smelly Mud!" In the audience, Xia Yi praised loudly.

"This is winning? I don't seem to understand the stands!" Xiaoliu lowered his head in thought.

"I don't understand at all!" Xiaozhi looked embarrassed.

On the contrary, Ake and Xiaogang looked at each other, and both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"Xiao Luo..." Ake said something to Xiang, but he didn't know how to say it, so he could only sigh and said, "I am far from his opponent!"

Xiao Gang also said with a wry smile: "It seems that Xiao Zhi still has a long way to go before defeating Xiao Luo!"

"Second one, come on, Fritos!"

White light fell, and a spherical elf appeared on the field. The upper and lower steel shells were polished extremely brightly, and the only eyes that were exposed were also very penetrating. It looked like a powerful character.

"Come back, smelly mud!" Xiao Luo took back the smelly mud, replaced it with a poke ball and threw it out: "Hei Lujia, it's time for you to play."

"Wang woo~"

The pitch-black body, the huge devil horns, and the ferocious grinning expression, made the pupils of the opposite Fritos shrink as soon as Hajime appeared, and his body tensed up involuntarily.

Guangze also had a gloomy face, and the corners of his mouth twitched unconsciously.

No matter how you look at it, the fire-type elf's battle with the steel-worm dual-type Forretos feels unfair to him.This restraint, not too serious.

(End of this chapter)

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