Chapter 220 Points Race (2)

Facing Xiaoluo's Hei Lujia, Guangze succumbed, he didn't dare to bet because he wanted to win.

"Come back, Forretos!" Gritting his teeth, Guangze took Forretos back, took out his only remaining poke ball and threw it out: "Please, Owl!"


The Poké Ball opens, and an owl appears in midair.It is about the same size as a normal owl, and its coat color is also very good.At this moment, it turned its head ninety degrees, tilted its head and looked at the evil-faced Hei Lujia, with a hint of disdain on its face.

"Wang woo~"

Hei Luga was furious, and he opened his mouth to shoot out a flame, hitting the owl.The owl was extremely fast, spinning to avoid it, and then landed on the ground, still tilting its head, staring at Hei Lujia.

Hei Lujia was angry, but Xiao Luo was happy.Presumably this night owl is Guangze's trump card, but he doesn't know what he will think when he sees his third elf.

"Come back, Hei Lujia!" Xiao Luo smiled and took back Hei Lujia, took out the third elf ball and threw it out: "I'll leave it to you, the electric shock beast!"

The poke ball opened, and a strong figure appeared opposite the owl, giggling silly, waving its two round and long tails constantly, and at the same time, the horns on its head continuously released weak electric sparks and crackling sounds. keep ringing.

Guangze was completely stunned, and even the owl was stunned for a moment, its head slowly turned to the right, its wings spread, and it flew up.

Deceiving too much!

Guangze's face was full of anger. From his point of view, Xiao Luo must have investigated him before.Now he regretted a little, because of his arrogance, he didn't investigate Xiao Luo.It can be seen from the first round of the game that Xiao Luo's strength will not be weaker than him.Now that there is such a serious restraint on the elves, this game is really hanging for him.

"Owl, use your mind power!" Guangze commanded angrily.

The owl's eyes glowed with light blue fluorescence.

"Electric shock beast, run!"

As soon as the smoke and dust floated up, the electric shock beast ran around the field like flying, the speed was jaw-dropping.

"This... the electric shock monster can have such a fast speed?" Xiao Liu asked with a look of surprise.

Ake rolled his eyes and said, "You forgot that it was very fast before it evolved. It's no surprise that it can have this speed now."

Xiao Gang said with a smile: "Xiao Luo has a lot of wonderful sprites in his hands."

The owl couldn't catch the figure of the electric shock beast, so the mind power trick was easily cracked like this.

"Damn, owl, use the air to chop!"


The owl's wings closed, and a light blue energy ball spinning extremely fast formed in the middle of the wings with a strong wind.Then it was smashed down by the owl.

The air slash still failed to hit the Electric Shock Beast, but the strong wind generated after the explosion made the Electric Shock Monster's figure stagnate for a short time.

This discovery made Guangze's eyes brighten: "Owl, use air chop continuously!"

Another two air slashes fell, but still failed to hit the electric monster.

Just when the third air slash was about to take shape, Xiao Luo finally commanded: "Grab it!"

call out!
The Electric Shock Monster leaped vigorously, and unexpectedly jumped into the air, appearing in front of the owl.


The Electric Shock Monster let out a smirk, but in the eyes of the owl, it was extremely evil.

"Owl, hurry up and dodge!" Guangze shouted nervously, once caught by the electric shock beast, even a fool would know the consequences.

The two tails of the electric shock monster quickly circled up, wanting to catch the owl, but the owl dodged and narrowly escaped the disaster.

"I did a good job on the owl, and now I use the divine bird." Seeing that the owl escaped, Guangze was very excited.

After hearing Guangze's command, the frightened owl spread out its wings, and a mist-like light appeared on its body.Strength is accumulating...

"Come on, Owl!"

Following Guangze's shout, the golden light was loud, and the entire sky was rendered dazzling.Like a small sun, the owl rushed towards the electric shock monster that had just landed.


The electric shock monster stretched out its hands, and a light green shield wrapped it up,

The sacred bird hit the shield, and there was a strong explosion sound, and the huge shock force caused the owl to roll and fly out.

After the thick smoke dissipated, the Electric Shock Beast wagged its tail leisurely and was safe and sound.Owl Nighthawk, who was shocked by the shock, panted slightly.

"Damn it! Owl uses magical powers!"

The owl's eyes glowed blue again, and a transparent vortex emerged from between its brows, enveloping the electric monster below.

"One hundred thousand volts!"

The electric shock monster finally started to attack, and the lightning flashed between the two horns, and a thick electric current shot out instantly, collided with the supernatural power, and exploded.

"Owl, use air chop!"

The owl folded its wings and wanted to use the air to cut the trick.

"Lightning Palm!"

Xiao Luo's decisive voice resounded on the field.

call out!
A huge figure passed through the smoke screen and appeared in front of the owl in an instant. This time, before it could react, the huge fist surrounded by lightning hit it hard.

The owl landed heavily on the ground.


Xiao Luo's command was decisive and decisive!

The electric sparks between the two horns of the electric monster swam quickly, and then, a huge electric current that darkened the sky struck down like lightning, covering the owl.

The scream of the owl sounded instantly...

After the thunderstorm, the owl spit out a mouthful of black smoke, and then stopped cooking!
"The owl lost the ability to fight, and the electric monster won."

"Come back, Nighthawk!" Guangze withdrew the Nighthawk with a bloodless face.

"Fretos, it's up to you!" Guangze took out Fleetos' poke ball again and threw it out.

Seeing Fritos playing again, Xiao Luo smiled, took out the elf ball and took the electric shock monster back.

"Hei Lujia, leave it to you!"

A white light flashed, and Hei Lujia appeared again.

The corners of Guangze's mouth twitched, as if angry and frightened, he didn't know how to command the elves to attack for a while.

"Heruga, shoot flames!"

Xiao Luo saw that Guangze had not attacked for a long time, so he took the lead in attacking.

"Wang woo~"

Hei Lujia put flames in his mouth, and then, a crimson flame gushed out in a regular columnar shape, directly attacking Fritos.

"Spin at high speed!" Guangze shook his teeth, commanding with difficulty.

Fritos fused into a ball and spun quickly. The sprayed flames were divided into several pocket flames and spread out in all directions. The scene was truly beautiful.

"This trick is useless to me! Hei Lujia, increase the power and continue."


The flames soared instantly, and the spinning Forretos was pushed back a long distance by the flames.

The jet of flame continues, and the rotation of Fritos continues...

It didn't take long for Fritos' whole body to emit blue smoke, showing signs of being burned red.

"Stop, stop quickly! I...I admit defeat..." Guangze cried out with difficulty.


Xiao Luo yelled, Hei Lujia understood, and the flames were put away.Fritos fell heavily on the ground, and after the lid was opened, Fretos felt a little dizzy.

"I...I admit defeat..." Guangze raised his hand and said to the referee.

"Contestant Hirosawa gave up the game, so contestant Xiaoluo won!"

(End of this chapter)

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