Chapter 221 Points Race (3)

Xiao Luo's second game is scheduled for the afternoon.Therefore, Xiao Luo followed the crowd to watch Ake's game.

Ake's performance was still eye-catching. A duck-billed flame dragon fought off the opponent's three elves against the discomfort of various attributes.The audience on the field burst into cheers.

Afterwards, Xiaozhi's game also went smoothly.His opponents are still the two characters in the animation, a red-haired nympho girl who likes fire very much, and a very coquettish boy.

Now Xiao Zhi has been educated by Xiao Luo, and he is no longer the character in the animation who runs around the world with all kinds of initial elves.Most of the elves were fully evolved, and with Xiaozhi's talent, he easily swept away the red-haired girl and gained a point.

At noon, after eating, everyone returned to the Elf Center for a short rest, and then came to Xiao Luo's competition venue again.Because Xiaozhi's game time was almost the same as Xiaoluo's, the three of Xiaozhi separated from Xiaoluo and others, and went to different arenas.

"Next, Xiaoluo will fight against Yuesi. There are three spirits that can be used in the match. The match will end when all the spirits on one side lose their ability to fight."

The random wheel determines the order, and the first strike is in Xiao Luo's hands.

Xiao Luo thought for a while, took out a poke ball and threw it out: "Lucario, it's up to you!"

The elf ball opened in mid-air, white light fell, and an extremely handsome and handsome elf appeared on the field.


Lucario was full of energy and fighting spirit. As soon as he put on a fighting posture, there was a burst of screams on the field...

"Oh my god, it's actually Lucario, so handsome!"

"I really want one too, it's so handsome!"

"It's not fair, as the most beautiful girl in the world, why haven't I met this kind of elf..."


Yuesi's eyes also became heart-warming, looking like a nympho: "So handsome, so handsome, this is the first time I've met a live Lucario."

Xiao Luo: "..."

Lucario and Xanadu are the only gains Xiao Luo has gained from underground transactions.Because of the needs of the elf hunters, the two elves were kept in an extremely weak state by medication for a long time, and they recovered after a long period of recuperation.After recovering their health, the two elves immediately put themselves into Xiao Luo's training.Because they have been hunted, the desire of the two elves to become stronger is extremely strong.And compared with elves such as Gyarados and Bi Diao, the two elves trained harder than any elves in Xiao Luo's hands.This also made Xiao Luo secretly happy, and repeatedly lamented that he had earned it.

"Although he's handsome, I won't show mercy!" Yuesi smiled and took out an elf ball and threw it out: "Come on, fire elf!"

White light flashed, and a fire elf with extremely fluffy hair appeared opposite Lucario.

"Come on, fire elf!" Yuesi cheered.


The fire elf's body was lowered, and he assumed a fighting posture following the strict prohibition.

Knowing that Lucario has steel attribute, so use fire elf?

Xiao Luo smiled and commanded: "Lucario, attack by splitting tiles."

A thick white light condensed on Lucario's right hand, and his figure flashed, bringing a whirlwind and rushing towards the fire elf.

"What a fast speed!" Yuesi was startled, and immediately commanded: "Fire elves, high-speed stars!"

The fire elf responded, and opened his mouth slightly, a group of small golden stars rose in the wind, flying towards Lucario with a burst of light like gold powder.

Good defense!
Xiao Luo secretly praised, and had a general understanding of Yuesi's strength.

Lucario has a fighting attribute. Once Lucario gets close to him, even if the fire spirit has the upper hand, Lucario's winning rate will still reach about 70.00%.And Xiao Luo's Lucario is extremely fast. In order to prevent melee combat, the high-speed star, a must-hit skill, has indeed become the best defense method.

"This trick is useless to my Lucario, come on Lucario, let her see your strength."


Lucario let out a long cry, and accelerated his speed again to meet the flying high-speed stars. Vache swung his unique move, and knocked down all the flying stars.

How can it be!

Yuesi opened her mouth wide in shock, and the fire elf was also in a daze.

At the same time, Lucario charged up again, and instantly appeared in front of the fire elf. The muscles in his right arm bulged obviously at this moment, and Vache hit the fire elf's head hard.

With a scream, the fire elf flew out backwards.

"It's not over yet, wave missile!"

Lucario pulled his hands, and a blue energy ball the size of a football was formed instantly, and shot out towards the fire elf.

After finishing all this, Lucario turned around, spread his legs slightly, and stood up straight.

An explosion sounded behind Lucario, and the smoke and dust diffused behind Lucario. Coupled with his stern face and handsome figure, this scene deeply shocked the audience present...

"The fire elves lose their ability to fight, and Lucario wins!"

Shocking cheers and screams immediately erupted at the scene.

"Handsome! So handsome..."

"God, I'm drunk, I'm dead!"

"God, I don't want a beast anymore, give me a Lucario!"


Xiao Luo also smiled complacently, and secretly said: Nima, this trick of being handsome has been taught thousands of times, and now it finally pays off.

"It's so handsome!" Yue Si didn't care about the fire elf who had lost the ability to fight at the moment, but stared at Lucario with envious eyes and clasped fists.

"Ahem... Yuesi contestant, take out your second elf!"

The referee uncle who had waited for a long time for Yuesi to make a move finally couldn't take it anymore.

"Ah? Oh... oh... come back, fire elf." Yuesi regained consciousness, put away the fire elf, and then took out the elf ball again and threw it out: "Come out, forked bat!"

White light flashed, and a huge bat with four wings appeared in the air. The frequency of the wings flapping was extremely fast, and it shuttled back and forth. It was really difficult to catch its traces if the eyes were not good.

"Forked Bat, use ultrasonic wave!"

The forked bat finally stabilized its figure, opened and closed its mouth, and circles of lavender light rippled.

"Lucario, metal gold!"

Lucario stretched out his palm, and a sharp and piercing voice spread throughout the venue.

There are two sound waves, the ultrasonic wave is in the shape of a regular circle, while the metallic sound is extremely sharp, spreading out in waves like the tip of a needle.

The sound wave counterattacked, Lucario was safe and sound, but the crossbat showed an extremely uncomfortable expression.

"Damn, cross bat, use the air to slash!"

The forked bat's wings flicked, and several white gear-like light blades hit Lucario.

"Bo missiles!"

Lucario pulled his hands together, and shot out a blue energy ball.

The two tricks collided and exploded, producing thick smoke.

"Continue to attack, Crossbat, Cross Poison!"

A purple Chacha appeared in front of the Chazibat, and rushed towards Lucario very quickly.

"Dodge!" Xiao Luo hurriedly commanded.

However, the speed of the forked bat was too fast. Even though Lucario made an evasive action in time, his arm was still scratched and there were some scars.

"Very well, continue to use the cross poison."

The Chazi bat made a roundabout, and the purple Chacha appeared again, rushing towards Lucario.

"Hmph, Lucario, strike at once!"

Lucario pulled his hands together, and a long light blue bone stick appeared, held in his hand, playing a handsome stick flower.When the cross-word bat was close to the eyes, the bone stick suddenly lifted up, hitting the cross-word bat's abdomen, and lifted the cross-word bat into the air.After that, Lucario jumped up immediately, holding the bone stick tightly with both hands, from top to bottom, using the stick as a knife, he slashed down fiercely.

The forked bat was shot down and let out a painful scream.

"Full power, wave missile!"


Lucario put his hands together, and a bright blue light blade appeared. He didn't rush to hit it, but continued to accumulate power until the energy ball emitted a dazzling white light, then he shouted loudly and hit the forked bat on the ground. .

"Forked bat, hurry up and avoid it!" Yuesi said anxiously.

Lucario turned his back again, looking so handsome!As confirmed by Bird just now, the forked bat did not dodge the attack.

"The crossbat lost the ability to fight, and Lucario won!" After the smoke and dust cleared, the referee announced the result.

(End of this chapter)

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