Chapter 222 Enter the Top [-]!

"Come back, cross-bat!" Yuesi withdrew the cross-bat with a calm expression.

At this point in the competition, she also had a certain understanding of Xiao Luo's strength.Victory was already slim, so he simply let go and enjoyed the fun of fighting.

"Come out, big chrysanthemum!" Yuesi threw out the last elf ball.

White light flashed, and a giant chrysanthemum appeared on the field, and the huge flower on its neck was extremely bright.

"Dashihua, Feiye Kuaisao!" Yuesi quickly gave instructions.

The big chrysanthemum screamed, and many floating leaves appeared around its body. As the big chrysanthemum shook its head, the leaves hit Lucario with a sharp wind like a blade.

"Bone hit!"

Lucario clasped his hands together, and the blue bone stick appeared in his hand again, and was danced and rotated by it, blocking it in front of him.

The bone stick danced airtightly, and the flying leaf knife hit the bone stick, turning it into a pile of pieces and falling to the ground.Soon, a large number of broken leaves piled up in front of Lucario.

"In this case, big chrysanthemum, use the rattan whip!"


Two rattan whips as thick as thumbs were shot out from under the big chrysanthemum flowers!
"Use Vache after dodging!"

Lucario moved to one side, and after avoiding the rattan whip, he quickly rushed towards the big chrysanthemum, and the white light on his right hand gradually became brighter.

"Humph, big chrysanthemum, 'sweep the floor'"

The big chrysanthemum immediately comprehended upon hearing Yuesi's command, opened the two cane whips wide, and closed them in the middle while touching the ground.

There is a set!Xiao Luo's eyes brightened.

Just when the vine whip was about to hit Lucario's feet, Lucario jumped up high, bathed in the afterglow of the evening sun, and suddenly felt a different kind of sacredness, which made the big chrysanthemum stunned for a moment.

The right fist landed, and Piwa hit the big chrysanthemum perfectly. The powerful force caused the huge body of the big chrysanthemum to fall to the ground.

"Damn it, big chrysanthemum, stand up quickly!"

"Don't give it a chance, wave missile!"

Lucario heard Xiao Luo's command, and then a wave missile was shot out, and the big chrysanthemum that had just stood up was blown out again.

"Damn it, I'm so mad! Big Chrysanthemum, you can't lose, you must defeat it, stand up quickly!"

"Ba... Rui..."

Encouraged by the trainer, Da Juhua actually struggled to stand up again.

"It's a big chrysanthemum, use photosynthesis quickly!"


The big chrysanthemum let out a long cry, and a layer of milky white light floated on its body, and the scars on its body disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's really tenacious! Lucario, Vache again!"

Lucario's right hand glowed with white light, and he rushed forward!

"Hmph, if you want to look good, come on, big chrysanthemum, hardened plant!"

As the sound of the moon fell, a strange red light appeared on the body of the big chrysanthemum, and then the forelegs of the big chrysanthemum were raised high, and then fell heavily.The ground began to boil, and a large piece of thick thorns broke through the ground, waving and hitting Lucario.

Lucario tried his best to avoid it, but there were too many thorns, and after a while Lucario was drawn twice in a row, and fell to the ground flying upside down.

After hardening the plants, the big chrysanthemum had a lot of sweat stains on its forehead, and it was out of breath. The powerful trick consumed a lot of its energy.

"It's now, Lucario Vache!"


Lucario jumped up, with many scars on his body, and his breath was a little messy.But Xiao Luo's command was still carried out by him.

Lucario's speed has obviously slowed down a lot, but it doesn't have much impact. The big chrysanthemum at this moment is affected by the side effect of the hardened plant and cannot move at all.

Piwa hit the big chrysanthemum without any accident. After this blow, the big chrysanthemum finally lay obediently on the ground, eyes spiraling.

"Big Chrysanthemum lost the ability to fight, and Lucario won! So the winner is Xiao Luo from Zhenxin Town."

"Come back and rest, Lucario."

Xiao Luo smiled and took out the poke ball and put Lucario away, then he looked towards the auditorium and gave a thumbs up to Xia Yi and the other three.

Xia Yi scolded with a smile: "This guy, he's starting to fuck again."

"Why is he suddenly so fierce?" Xiao Liu was a little puzzled.

"Hehe, it should be for me to see!" Ake smiled wryly and shook his head, "Didn't you notice at noon, when he talked about my game, he would look a little... Well, how should I put it..."

"Ah?" Xiao Liu was a little dumbfounded, "Does he have such a small belly?"

Xia Yi, who knew Xiao Luo best, blushed and said, "It should be... yes!"


After a while, Xiao Luo came to the auditorium and joined the three of them.

"How is it, handsome or not?" Xiao Luo asked proudly, raising her eyebrows.

Xiao Liu gave a thumbs up and said, "Amazing, really handsome!"

"If I didn't ask me, I meant Lucario!"

Xiao Liu cast him a glance, and said lightly: "I didn't mention you either!"

Xiao Luo: "..."

Ake smiled helplessly, and said: "Okay, you two stop fighting, my competition is about to start, so hurry over."

Ake's strength is beyond doubt, and Ake seems to have a competitive element. One elf swept three opponents, scored two points, and advanced steadily.

When they returned to the elf center, the three of Xiaozhi were already waiting there.Seeing Xiaozhi's excited expression, everyone knew that Xiaozhi had also successfully advanced.

The three of them advanced to the top [-] of the Silver Conference together, which is something worth celebrating.A group of people went to the largest restaurant in Baiyin Town together, and the eldest and young master Xiaoliu treated the guests, ordered a lot of expensive dishes, and ate and drank a lot.

The list of the top sixteen matches will be announced at [-]:[-] p.m., and the match will also be moved to the main venue. There are four scenes of water, rock, ice, and grass in the main venue, and one will be randomly selected for the match.

Because it was still early, Xiao Luo and his party started to play together in Baiyin Town.It wasn't until the list of the top sixteen was announced that Shi Shiran returned to the Spirit Center again.

Luckily for Xiao Luo, the three players in the round of [-] were still staggered.Not only that, but the mysterious man mentioned by Tian Mu and Ake also staggered one by one, and they didn't meet together.

Xiao Luo's opponent is a handsome boy with red hair, who should be about the same age as Ake from the photos.Ake's opponent is another beautiful girl, but people have to feel that his luck is too strong.

Xiaozhi's plot remained unchanged, and he met Xiaomao.This made Xiao Luo a little strange. He hadn't seen Xiao Mao after coming to Baiyin Town for so long. He thought he didn't participate, but unexpectedly he appeared here.

Xiao Luo asked: "Xiao Mao also participated in the Silver Conference, have you met him, Xiao Zhi?"

Xiaozhi said: "I met it once when I first came to Baiyin Town, but I haven't seen it since then."

Ake asked in a low voice: "Are you sure? I remember that Xiao Mao's strength is still very good!"

Generally speaking, Xiaomao and Xiaozhi have a deeper affection for Xiaozhi. On the one hand, they have no friendship with Xiaomao, and on the other hand, Xiaozhi's character is more likable.

"En! This time I will definitely defeat it, definitely!" Xiaozhi said firmly.

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "I believe in you! By the way, your fire-breathing dragon is still in the fire-breathing dragon valley, right?"

Xiaozhi asked curiously, "How do you know?"

"Listen to what Miss Ji Ke said." Xiao Luo lied.

Xiaozhi said: "Do you also know Miss Ji Ke?"

Xiao Luo said with a smile: "Of course, you know, I also have a fire-breathing dragon, and I tamed it in the fire-breathing dragon valley!"

"What? You subdued the fire-breathing dragon from the fire-breathing dragon valley?" Xiaoxia Xiaogang said in unison.

Seeing the shock on everyone's faces, Xiao Luo asked inexplicably, "What's wrong?"

In the end, Ake said slowly: "I also know about the fire-breathing dragon valley! Miss Ji Ke is the manager there. Logically speaking, it should be a place where only entry and no exit are allowed. If you want to subdue the fire-breathing dragon there You have to be prepared to be besieged by all the fire-breathing dragons. You can actually subdue it unbelievable!"

Xiao Luo curled her lips and said, "Siege them, just besiege them, it's fine if they are not convinced!"

Xiaogang said: " don't know the horror of the fire-breathing dragon valley. It's not something that ordinary people can compete with. Even champions can't say they can conquer them when they get there."

Xiao Luo pointed to her nose and said, "I just did it!"


Xiaoxia asked, "How did you do it?"

"This..." Xiao Luo hesitated for a moment, how Xiao Luo subdued the fire-breathing dragon couldn't be more clear.Pulling the tiger skin of the god of creation, people half push and half give.Otherwise, even the three little Luos probably would have come and gone.

"Don't worry about this, I said this just to remind Xiaozhi that it's best to call the fire-breathing dragon back. Xiao Mao is not so easy to deal with."

Xiao Gang nodded and said: "This is possible, be prepared!"

"Well, I also have this idea, I will contact Miss Ji Ke now!" Xiaozhi said and walked to the videophone next to him.

"Little Luo..."

As soon as Ake opened his mouth, Xiao Luo yawned and said, "Okay, I'm going to rest first, I'm the one who's stuck!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Luo quickly ran back to the room.He knew that Ake was not easy to fool. If he really wanted to investigate to the end, he really couldn't explain it clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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