Chapter 223 The Top [-] Fight!
The next morning, Xiao Luo and the others got up early, and after a simple breakfast, they rushed to the competition venue to watch the competition.

The first game was Tian Mu against a player named Wu Yuan.

After a provocative introduction from the narrator, the game officially began.

Although the commentator introduced Wu Yuan to be very powerful, but in the real game, he was beaten by Tian Mu.

A Ma Huan pulls out the opponent's strange strength and blue crocodile, and replaces the wind speed dog to easily solve the opponent's third sun elf. The game soon enters the halftime.

At the beginning of the second half, Ma Huanla played again and fought with Wu Yuan's Fat Keding, losing both sides and losing the ability to fight at the same time.In the fourth game, the wind speed dog came to the stage again and defeated Wu Yuan's fifth elf - the two-tailed monster.

Wu Yuan's sixth elf is the crocodile, which should be his initial elf.The wind speed dog was exhausted and was replaced by Tianmu, and Tianmu's third elf finally appeared - the circle bear.

Tianmu's circle bear is extremely strong, a circle larger than ordinary circle bears, and it is also extremely violent and full of power.After a few rounds of fighting, Quanquan Xiong withstood the attack of the Dali crocodile water cannon and defeated it with an arm blow, proving that the real "Dali" is none other than it.

The game officially ended under the referee's announcement, and Tian Mu successfully advanced to the quarterfinals.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing..." Xiao Liu kept admiring.

"I really don't want to be his opponent!" Ake looked bitter.

Only Xiao Luo showed a thoughtful look!

"What's wrong with you?" Ake noticed Xiao Luo's expression and asked aloud.

Xiao Luo hesitated for a while and said, "He should still have some reservations!"

"I still have reservations about this? Is it true?" Xiao Liu looked in disbelief.

Xiao Luo shrugged and said: "I don't think it's true, but I have fought against him, and from the perspective of the battle, he really didn't try his best."

"You perverts!" Xiao Liu scolded through gritted teeth.

Ake smiled and shook his head, showing his helplessness on his face: "Anyway, I have no hope for the champion, so I'll leave it to you to worry about how to deal with him."

Xiao Luo shook his head and said, "I'm not sure of victory either! Forget it, let's take one step at a time. Soldiers will block you, and water will cover you with earth."

At this time, Xia Yi next to Xiao Luo reminded: "Okay, Xiao Luo, the next game is up to you, first go to Ms. Joey's to register for the use of elves."

Xiao Luo nodded: "Well, you are waiting here, I will prepare for the game."

"Come on, don't lose!"

"come on!"

"come on!"


Everyone cheered for him.

Xiao Luo smiled confidently and said, "Don't worry, I will wait for you in the top eight."


After leveling up the elves to be used, Xiao Luo walked into the player-only passage.After waiting inside for about 10 minutes, I heard the commentator mention his name, which was nothing more than introducing his glorious record-the champion of the Quartz Alliance.

Then, the door at the end of the passage opened, and little Luo Shi stepped in.

When they came to the sidelines and stood still, the handsome young man with fiery red hair had already stood there.

"Right now there is a match between Contestant Xiao Luo and Contestant A Ruan! There are six spirits that can be used in the match, until all the spirits on one side lose their ability to fight, the match ends. There is no time limit for the match!"

Then there is a random selection of venues...

With the rotation of the central dial, the light slowly stopped.

"It has appeared. This time the competition venue is the water venue. Let us wait and see what kind of wonderful performance the two contestants will have."

A place of water? !
Xiao Luo was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, and thought to herself: It seems that God takes care of me like this.


The field is opened back and forth, and the spare field slowly rises with it. This kind of field transition is quite spectacular.

"The match starts, and player A Ruan goes first."

"Water field, it's you!" Ah Ruan took out a poke ball and threw it out. "Go, fast-swimming frog!"

A white light flashed, and a vigorous fast-swimming frog appeared on the field. There was an indelible scar on its abdomen, which was very eye-catching.

"This is up to you, go ahead, water elf!"

The poke ball opened in mid-air, and a water elf with a cold expression appeared on the field, sitting cross-legged, with an elegant posture, looking at the fast-swimming frog with empty and emotionless eyes.

"Swim Frog, Say Hi, Use Bubble Light!"

The fast-swimming frog stretched out one hand, continuously shooting out colorful bubbles, and hitting the water elf with a sharp sound of piercing the air.

"Jump into the water and melt!"

The water elf plunged headlong into the pool, and the melting trick was activated, and the water elf disappeared in an instant.

"Hmph, fast-swimming frog, use water wave against the pool."

The fast-swimming frog pulled his hands together, and a blue water polo formed in his hand, hitting it into the pool.The water fluctuations spread, and the water in the pool shook violently.

Xiao Luo chuckled and thought to himself: It's a good idea, but my water elf is not an idiot.

After a while, the water surface was calm again, and the water elf was not forced out by a wave of water.

Ah Ruan frowned: "Swimming frog, be careful."

The fast-swimming frog responded with a vigilant look.

"It's now, a flash of lightning!"

Da da da……

From the side of the fast-swimming frog came the sound of treading water very fast, and a white light was instantly elongated. When the fast-swimming frog noticed this side, the water elf was already close.

The fast-swimming frog let out a cry of pain and was knocked flying.

"Swimming Frog, Fight Back, Bubble Ray!"

Although the water elf cannot be seen, its position can be determined by the water surface it steps on when the water elf is running.

The fast-swimming frog quickly stabilized its figure, and the bubbles that looked at the rehearsal were shot again, and the position officially jumped out of the water.

When the foam light hits, the sound of the object falling into the water is heard again.Apparently the water elf got into the water again.The light from the foam hit the water surface, and there was a bang, stirring up water curtains, but the water elves still disappeared.

"Damn it, force it out of me and use the gas bomb!" Ah Ruan was furious.

Hearing the words, the fast-swimming frog clasped its hands together, and a light blue energy ball was slowly forming.

"Good opportunity, water elf water cannon!"

It takes a very long time to prepare the air-combined bomb, which is enough time for the water elf to launch an attack.

As soon as Xiao Luo's words fell, the water elf jumped out of the water, opened his mouth, and a thick spiral jet of water shot out instantly, hitting the fast-swimming frog.

The fast-swimming frog was unavoidable, was hit perfectly by the powerful water cannon, and advanced all the way until it hit the wall of the venue before stopping.

"Swimming frog, you can't lose, stand up quickly!" Ah Ruan encouraged.

"Fix it, flash of lightning."

Xiao Luo didn't give the chance at all, and when the fast-stroke frog was struggling to stand up, he immediately gave instructions.

A white light flashed across the field, and the water elf hit the fast-swimming frog against the wall again with a blank face.

"The fast-swimming frog loses its ability to fight, and the water elf wins!"

"Come back, fast-swimming frog!" Ah Ruan took back the fast-swimming frog very annoyed.Then, he swapped out a poke ball and threw it out: "Let you hide, come out, Leiqiu!"

The poke ball was opened, and a fat Raichu appeared in front of the water elf. The two red electric sacs on its face gave off traces of lightning, and its long tail kept flicking.

Seeing Lei Qiu, Xiao Luo frowned slightly.But the water elf has a cold face that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, and it has not changed a little because the opponent is an electric type.

(End of this chapter)

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