Chapter 224 Advancement one after another!

Looking at the babbling elf writhing its butt, Xiao Luo was also a little speechless.

The nonsense tree—the appearance of a grass-type elf, but it has a rock-type body.

As soon as Hu Huashu came out, he showed some fear when he saw the pool.This also made Ah Ruan's expression slightly ugly.

It is the nature of the nonsense tree to be afraid of water, and it is indeed a bit embarrassing for it to fight in such a venue, but it can't do anything to give up the game.

"Nonsense tree, you can do it, come on, don't admit defeat!" Ah Ruan encouraged loudly.

The trainer's encouragement finally made Nonsense Tree take up the courage and put on a fighting stance against the megalodon.

Xiao Liu shook his head, the effect of praying for rain persisted, and the simple rain made Hu Huashu extremely uncomfortable. Coupled with the favorable location, Xiao Luo really couldn't think of any reason why he would lose.

"Megalodon, spray water!" Xiao Luo began to direct the Megalodon to attack.

The water column in the pool bounced up high, and under the guidance of the giant tooth shark, it rushed towards the nonsense tree.

"Nonsense tree, use back fist!"

Hu Huashu straightened his body, and the strange red light covered his whole body.

The jet of water hit the nonsense tree, and after a moment of stalemate, a huge force came from the nonsense tree. The megalodon screamed in pain, and was thrown out by the violent bounce, and fell into the pool, stirring up big waves.

"What a nonsense tree, let's use the rock blade next!" A Ruan took advantage of the victory to pursue after a successful blow.

Two cross-rotating white lights appeared on the body of the nonsense tree, and then turned into sharp stones. With the wave of the nonsense tree, the stones hit the megalodon shark in unison with the sound of breaking through the air.

"Dive into the water to hide!"

Choo Choo Choo……

The sharp stones entered the water, and the megalodon also dived under the pool. As for whether the trick hit or not, Ah Ruan and Xiao Luo didn't know.

After a while, after the water calmed down, the megalodon resurfaced again, staring fiercely at the nonsense tree.On the head of the megalodon, there are obviously some scars, and it is obvious that the rock blade should have partially hit the megalodon.

"Hmph, nonsense tree, do it again, rock blade!"

The intersecting white light appeared again, and sharp stones hit the megalodon shark.

"Megalodon, counterattack, water cannon!" Xiao Luo pointed and commanded.


The megalodon shark screamed angrily, opened its mouth wide, and shot out a thick spiral water column. Under the power of the rainy day, it seemed to have an unstoppable momentum.

The rock blade and the water cannon collided together, and were bounced off by the torrent of water column one by one.Afterwards, the water column rushed towards the frightened Nonsense Tree without stopping.

A scream came from the mouth of the nonsense tree, and the nonsense tree was hit to the ground by a water cannon.

"Nonsense tree, stand up quickly, you can't lose." A Ruan blushed and encouraged him loudly.

Seeing that Hu Huashu was struggling to stand up, Xiao Luo subconsciously wanted to say the word "water cannon".

But looking at Hu Huashu's painful expression, his heart softened for no reason, he swallowed the word "water cannon" in his stomach, and commanded: "High-speed stars!"

This command stunned the megalodon, but it didn't think too much about it. It opened its mouth and sprayed out countless golden stars, carrying bursts of gold powder, and hit the struggling nonsense tree.

There was another scream, and Hu Huashu's body that was still standing still fell down again, and his eyes became spirals.

"Nonsense Tree lost the ability to fight, Megalodon won, so the winner is Xiao Luo from Zhenxin Town!"

Violent cheers erupted on the field, to thank the two players for their wonderful battle and to understand Xiao Luo's victory.

After taking back the megalodon, Xiao Luo left the venue and came to the auditorium to join Ake and others.

"Little Luo, you played really well!"

"It's amazing, you stole the limelight from the winner of the first match."

"Congratulations, Xiao Luo, now you are the first among us to enter the quarterfinals."


After some congratulations and praises, Ake smiled and said to Xiao Luo: "The game was very exciting, completely different from you at the Quartz Conference!"

Xiao Luo was taken aback, and asked, "What's completely different?"

"Fighting style!" Ake said: "You on the Quartz Alliance are completely aggressive, and most of the elves in your hands are also fierce, and they complement each other with you, and let you crush the audience with pride."

"And now, you seem to rely on this to fight!" Ake said and nodded his head.

"Is there? Why didn't I find out!" Xiao Luo scratched the back of her head, a little embarrassed.

Ake said with a smile: "You just pretend, now I'm really curious, how did you train the month before the league!"

Xiao Luo smiled mysteriously and said, "I can't tell you this!"

Ake shrugged and said no more.

It didn't take long for the third match to officially begin, and one of the two against was Xiao Luo who was quite familiar with him, and even admired Ye Yue before he came to this world.In the Silver Conference, the trainer who made Xiao Luo stop in the top eight, the flame chicken in his hand was not only handsome, but also extremely powerful, overwhelming Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon.

Ye Yue's opponent was a somewhat pudgy uncle. The venue of the game was the ice field, and Ye Yue had the right to attack first.

The first elf, Ye Yue used Hei Lujia, and the opponent took out Mari Luli in a targeted manner. Although the attributes were not dominant, after some duels, Hei Lujia still narrowly defeated the opponent with a shadow ball .

In the second round, the opponent used the electric dragon, Ye Yue withdrew Hei Lujia, and sent a big steel snake to fight. The Fire Rock Rat enters the stage.

Ye Yue saw that the opponent used the fire spirit to also take back the big steel snake, and sent the shadow-changing dragon to fight.Ye Yue's shadow-changing dragon was extremely fast, and launched a strange attack while moving at high speed after being invisible. The uncle obviously didn't have a good way to deal with it, and the Fire Rock Rat was completely defeated.

In the third round, Electric Dragon played again, but it was still defeated by Changing Shadow Dragon, and Changing Shadow Dragon also ate a shot of [-] volts, coupled with long-term rapid movement and attack, his physical strength dropped significantly.

In the second half, Ye Yue dispatched Suli Pai, a super spirit, to defeat the opponent's Gala Gala, and at the same time lose the ability to fight along with the opponent's Long Longyan.

In the last round, the opponent took out the cat boss, and the finale was an ordinary elf. This is enough to prove that the cat boss is the trump card in the opponent's hand.After defeating Ye Yue's Changing Shadow Dragon and Hei Lujia successively, the cat boss was defeated by the Big Steel Snake due to his physical strength decline.At the end of the game, Ye Yue also advanced smoothly.


After Ye Yue's match, there was a battle between Xiao Zhi and Xiao Mao. Xiao Luo's strength was more than a notch higher than in the animation. Xiao Mao was also influenced by Xiao Luo, and his strength increased a lot.

At the beginning of the game, the two of them competed with each other with two very powerful elves. Xiaomao's was Nidohou, and Xiaozhi's was Kentaro.

There is not much difference between this round and the animation. Nido then forcibly received the attack of Kentaro's corner collision, a destructive death light, which perfectly resolved the battle.

Then Xiaozhi sent Kirbymon, and Xiaozhi's Kirbymon was powerful. After defeating Nido easily, he defeated Xiaomao's duck-billed fire dragon, and then he was defeated by Xiaomao's giant pincer mantis.

Xiaozhi's third elf sent Heracross, and the two insect-type elves had a big competition. In the end, Xiaozhi was superior. Under his quick wit, Heracross dodged the deadly alloy claw of the giant pincer mantis, with a single shot The million-ton corner kick pulled the game into the second half.

At the beginning of the second half, Xiaozhi dispatched the charizard that evolved in advance and caused some malnutrition to easily deal with Xiaomao's Rumble Rock and Wind Speed ​​Dog.

And Xiaomao's last elf, the initial elf water arrow turtle, did not stage an exciting battle against the fire-breathing dragon like in the animation.Instead, he met the crocodile that Xiaozhi's naughty little saw crocodile eventually evolved into.

There is no doubt about the talent of the little saw crocodile, and its final evolution, the giant crocodile, is also a mess of toughness. It fights head-to-head with the water arrow turtle, and almost keeps pressing it, which makes Xiaomao extremely annoyed.

There were no surprises in the game, the alligator completely defeated Blastoise, and Xiaozhi also successfully advanced to the quarterfinals.

(End of this chapter)

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