Chapter 228 Fierce VS Fierce!

"The Hippo King easily defeated Pikachu, and player Xiaozhi only had one elf available. On the other hand, player Xiaoluo still had three elves. Player Xiaozhi was in a big crisis. In this game, whether player Xiaoluo successfully advanced, or Xiaozhi Will the players come back to win? Let us wait and see."

Just as the commentator was mobilizing the atmosphere of the scene, Xiao Zhi had already run onto the field and carried Pikachu down.

Afterwards, Xiaozhi held the last unique high-level elf ball in his hand, and after brewing for a long time, he threw it out forcefully: "Please, alligator."

A white light flashed, and a vigorous crocodile appeared on the field.He has an extremely active personality, jumping up and down as soon as he enters the arena, with a happy smile on his face, as if he doesn't take the game seriously.

This should be the final evolution of the little saw crocodile in the animation.

Xiao Luo looked at this crocodile carefully, and found that there was nothing special about it except that it was slightly larger than the average crocodile.

But Xiao Luo also knew that allowing Xiao Zhi to appear after the fire-breathing dragon as the finale spirit was enough to show that it was stronger than the fire-breathing dragon.And the previous battle against Xiaomao Water Arrow Turtle also proved its strength.

"Crocodile, I'll leave it to you for the next battle, you must not lose!" Xiaozhi said earnestly, revealing his desire for victory.

"Da Rui~"

The crocodile stopped dancing, nodded earnestly to Xiao Luo, and then put on a serious fighting posture to the Hippo King.

"Hippo King, Illusion!"

Xiao Luo took the lead in directing the Hippo King to launch an attack.The Hippo King's eyes were white, looking at the crocodile.

"Big Crocodile, use a grimace!"

"Da Rui~"

The crocodile made an extremely ferocious expression, with a terrifying face in front of the hippopotamus king, the fear rose involuntarily in the hippopotamus king's heart, and the illusion was interrupted because of fear.

"Right now, use the water cannon!"

The crocodile opened its mouth and shot out an extremely thick spiral water column, with a strong sound of piercing the air, and charged towards the hippo king.

"Hippo King, hurry up and use protection!"

Xiao Luo's commanding voice finally brought Hippo King back to his senses, and just as he was about to use his protective trick, the water cannon hit him head-on.The powerful force made the Hippo King, who was caught off guard, fly upside down and fell to the ground.

Suo Xing's Hippo King has water attributes, and his attack is halved, which makes Hippo King stand up quickly.The leisurely look disappeared, replaced by a serious face.

"King Hippo, use fantasy light!"

King Hippo kicked his eyes, and a thin beam of colorful light zigzags and shot towards the crocodile.

"Very crocodile, use a bite attack after avoiding it."

The body of the crocodile squatted instantly and landed on all fours. The phantom light flew over the crocodile's headache and hit the ground behind, producing a violent explosion.

"Da Rui~"

The crocodile yelled fiercely, exerted strength on all fours, and pressed its body against the ground, it rushed towards the Hippo King like a flying arrow.

The crocodile opened its mouth, its teeth were shining white, and its eyes were fierce, it opened its mouth and bit the hippopotamus king.

The Hippo King didn't have time to react, half of his body fell into the big mouth of the crocodile, and he let out an extremely painful cry.

The crocodile fiercely bit the hippopotamus king, stood upright, and then threw the hippopotamus king out forcefully.

There was another cry of pain, and the Hippo King fell to the ground in extreme embarrassment.

Xiao Luo was also stunned in shock, her elves were always aggressive towards others, but she had never seen an opponent's elves so fierce before.

Nima, you need a rhythm against the sky.

"Come back, Hippo King!" Xiao Luo hurriedly took out the poke ball and took it back to Hippo King.

King Hippo is a modest gentleman, so it is obviously inappropriate to deal with this kind of "crazy man".

"Go, Absolu!" Xiao Luo swapped out a poke ball and threw it out.

A white light flashed, and the handsome Absol appeared on the stage again.

"Absol, be careful, the opponent is very strong...very cruel." Xiao Luo carefully reminded.

Absolu was taken aback when he heard that, as if asking Xiao Luo, what does cruelty mean?
However, Absol still put up all his energy and confronted the crocodile cautiously.In its impression, little Luo Ke never had the habit of reminding himself to be careful before fighting.

"Absol, use the shadow ball!"

Absolu opened his mouth and hit the crocodile with a pitch-black energy ball.

"Big crocodile, use the water cannon to attack after avoiding it."

The crocodile turned sideways, and after dodging the shadow ball's attack lightly, it opened its mouth wide, sprayed out a thick spiral water column, and hit Absolu with great power.

"Lightning flash!"

Absolu ran forward chicly, like a group of white horses galloping on the grassland, looking pleasing to the eye.

The white light appeared slowly, and Absolu's speed became faster and faster as the white light appeared. While avoiding the water cannon, he hit the crocodile hard.

Although the crocodile cried out in pain, it still didn't back down, stiffened its body, and forcibly accepted the trick of the flash of lightning.

"Big crocodile, crush it!"

The crocodile's teeth glowed white, and it opened its mouth to bite Absolu.


Absolu jumped backwards lightly, and after a round of somersaults in the air, he landed gracefully.

"Right now, Absol uses the song of death!"

With a solemn expression, Absolu sang a complicated and beautiful song of death.

"Beautiful thinking, crocodile, water cannon."

A water cannon came in an instant, the singing stopped abruptly, and the powerful water cannon sent Absolu flying straight to the wall of the venue.

After the water cannon disappeared, Absolu fell to the ground with his eyes spiraling.

"Absol lost his ability to fight, and the crocodile won!"

Ake frowned while watching from the auditorium, Xiao Luo made a fatal mistake in this command.

Although as long as Absolu's death song is completed, Xiao Zhi will undoubtedly lose.But without an absolutely worry-free environment, how can you use this time-consuming trick.

Absol's failure made Xiao Luo slightly distracted.In the directing just now, as soon as the death song was uttered, Xiao Luo regretted it.The song of death just came out of the mouth, but I don't know why the shadow ball turned into a song of death when it reached the mouth.

In its plan, the song of perishing is the trick that will ultimately determine the outcome. From Xiao Luo's point of view, it may be because it cares too much about victory, which caused this result!
After shaking his head to wake up a little bit, Xiao Luo took out the poke ball and took Absolu back, then changed out a poke ball and threw it vigorously: "Kuailong, it's time for you to come out."


The elf ball was opened, and a fast dragon with a strong physique and an excited expression appeared opposite the crocodile.

"Quick...quick dragon!"

Little Luo actually has this kind of elf.

Xiaozhi clenched his fists nervously, he couldn't help being nervous when facing this kind of elves called sub-divine beasts.

"Crocodile, use the water cannon!"

The crocodile opened its mouth and fired a water cannon.

"Quick dragon, super fast!"

call out!
Dots of blue fluorescent light flashed, Kuailong dodged the water cannon attack in an instant, and hit the crocodile hard.

"Da Rui~"

The speed of the fast dragon is not comparable to Absolu's lightning flash.

Although the crocodile still resisted fiercely, its body kept retreating, leaving a long and deep scratch on the field.

It wasn't until the crocodile hit the wall on the side of the field that the violent impact was blocked by the strength of the wall.

The crocodile bared its teeth and hugged Kuailong's fat body tightly.

Kuai Longan swung his hand across, and also made a move, hugging the crocodile.

The two elves began to wrestle, with an expression that they would not give up until they knocked down their opponents.

"Big Crocodile, use Crunch!"

After hearing Xiao Luo's command, the crocodile opened its mouth wide, its teeth shining brightly, and bit towards Kuailong's head.

Kuailong tilted his head, avoided the vital point, was bitten by the crocodile on the neck, and let out an angry and painful roar.

"Quick Dragon, [-] Volts!"

Kuailong held back the pain, and the twin horns on his head flickered away.Then, a yellow electric light appeared, enveloping the two elves together.The crocodile couldn't hold back the pain, let go of its mouth, and roared in pain.

After one hundred thousand volts passed, the two elves breathed a little, but did electric sparks flash across the crocodile?


After being attacked by [-] volts, the strength of the crocodile weakened. Kuailong burst out with powerful strength, hugged the crocodile by the waist, swung it twice, and flung the dizzy crocodile violently.

"It's now, destroy the death light!"

Xiao Luo seized the opportunity and directed Kuailong to launch a big trick.


Kuailong's mouth opened wide, and golden light condensed, and then, a red-gold dazzling light shot out from Kuailong's mouth, with a strong destructive aura, and hit the crocodile.

There was a violent explosion, and before the crocodile landed heavily, it was blown away by the shock wave again before it could stand up.

"Come on, alligator, you can't lose, you can't lose!"

Xiaozhi shouted loudly!

"Big... Rui..."

The crocodile was unwilling to fail, struggling with scars all over his body, and slowly stood up.

"Okay, that's it, crocodile, use the dragon claw to attack."

Darui, after standing up, the crocodile rushed up quickly with the strength he didn't know where it came from.The energy of the dragon energy in both hands emerged, forming huge green dragon claws, which hit the immobile Kuailong severely.

A cry of pain came from Kui Along's mouth, and his body couldn't bear the force, so he flew upside down and fell to the ground.

"OK, use the water cannon next!"

The crocodile raised its head, and after brewing for a while, a thick jet of water spewed out from its mouth, hitting the Kuailong who fell to the ground.

"Quick Dragon, hurry up and fly!"


At this time, the side effect of destroying the dead light finally passed, and the Kuailong flapped its wings and flew up quickly, avoiding the attack of the water cannon, and became violently legendary in the air.

"Destroy him completely, Dragon's Charge!"


The dragon energy surged out, forming a huge phantom of the dragon around the fast dragon!

A dragon howl sounded, and the fast dragon swooped down, and the dragon's charge devoured the crocodile.

"Big crocodile, hurry up and avoid it!"

Just as the crocodile was about to dodge, its physical strength was exhausted, and it staggered half-kneeling on the field, and the dragon's charge descended majestically...


There was an explosion that shook the entire venue, the venue shook, and gunpowder smoke filled the air...

(End of this chapter)

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