Chapter 229 The Divine Beast Appears!
After a long time, the billowing smoke slowly dissipated, and the crocodile fell limply on its back, its eyes spiraling.

"The big crocodile lost the ability to fight, and the fast dragon won. So the winner is Xiao Luo from Zhenxin Town."

Following the referee's decision, there were bursts of cheers on the field.

Xiaozhi took back the poke ball in great disappointment, forced a smile, and comforted the crocodile's poke ball: "Thank you, you have worked very hard."

After Xiaozhi sadly left the field, Xiao Luo also put away Kuailong and left the field.

The quarter-finals are held in two days, with two games a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

With the end of the first game of the quarterfinals, the audience on the field also left one after another.Xiao Luo came to the elf center, handed the injured elf to Miss Joy, and waited for everyone to arrive at the elf center.

Soon, Ake, Xiao Gang and others came to the elf center.

Seeing Xiao Luo alone, Xiao Xia couldn't help asking: "Where is Xiao Zhi?"

Xiao Luo shrugged helplessly and said, "I don't know either!"

Xiaoxia snorted dissatisfied, and said: "This kid, every time he loses a game, people can't find him. I don't know what he thinks."

Xiao Gang chuckled, and said, "Let him be alone for a while. After all, he must feel bad after losing the game. You don't know him yet, and you will recover soon."

"But he has to tell us at least, it makes us worry every time." Hearing Xiaogang's words, Xiaoxia was still stubborn, but her face looked much better.

Xiao Gang shook his head with a smile. These two are a happy couple, and he has become accustomed to it.

Xiao Gang ignored Xiao Xia, but turned to Xiao Luo and said, "Xiao Luo, congratulations, the game was wonderful!"

Everyone also congratulated Xiao Luo one by one.

After some politeness, in order to celebrate Xiao Luo's victory, Xiao Liu willingly became a fat sheep again, and led everyone to the biggest hotel in Baiyin Town.

"Xiao Luo, you have to be merciful!" On the way to the hotel, Ake deliberately fell behind and said softly to Xiao Luo.

"Ah?! What?" Xiao Luo looked at Ake with a blank expression.

Ake smiled slightly, patted Xiao Luo on the shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, I won't tell Xiao Zhi."

Xiao Luo said: "I really don't show mercy!"

"Hey, didn't you hear what I said?"

Xiao Luo: "..."


In the afternoon, Xiao Luo and others came to the venue early to prepare to watch the game.This time it was Ake against Ye Yue.Ye Yue's strength is also considered good, but compared with Ake, Ye Yue is much inferior to Ake in terms of the strength of the elves and the level of command.In Xiaoluo's view, if there is no accident, Ake's entry into the semi-finals should not be a big problem.

When Ake and Ye Yue stepped onto the stage, Xiaozhi finally reappeared in a hurry: "I'm here, I'm here..."

Seeing Xiaozhi, the surprise on Xiaoxia's face flashed, and she said, "I thought you had returned to Zhenxin Town, why did you show up again?"

Xiaozhi scratched his head in embarrassment, smiled, and explained: "I made you worry. I fell asleep on the hillside and almost missed Ake's game."

Seeing Xiaozhi's appearance, everyone knew that he had recovered from the defeat.

Xiao Gang chuckled and said, "It's just in time, the game has just started."

Xiaozhi nodded, sat down next to Xiaogang, and began to watch Ake's game.

The venue of the competition was chosen to be the Rock Field. At the beginning of the first round, Ake took out a huge fire-breathing dragon, which was not far behind Xiao Luo's.

Facing the fire-breathing dragon, Ye Yue used attributes that were extremely beneficial to Mari Luli. After a fierce fight, Mari Luli lost her fighting ability without causing much damage to the fire-breathing dragon.

In the second round, Ye Yue used the shadow-changing dragon. The strange attack method caused the fire-breathing dragon to suffer a lot of damage, but in the end, the fire-breathing dragon forced out of stealth with the flame vortex that swept the audience, and ended the battle with a jet of flame.

In the third round, Ye Yue took out Hei Lujia to fight, and the fire-breathing dragon fought twice in a row. He was exhausted by Hei Lujia's shadow ball to solve the battle.

Subsequently, Ake used the Gotha Duck to easily defeat Helujia.Ake's three elves lost their ability to fight, and the game entered a halftime break.

As soon as the second half started, Ye Yue sent the flame chicken to play, while Ake used the duck-billed flame dragon. After a fight, the duck-billed flame dragon was defeated by Ye Yue's trump card.

Afterwards, Ake took out the Gotha Duck again, and Ye Yue replaced the Flame Chicken with Suli Pai.But in the end, he still lost to the Gotha Duck and was defeated.

Ye Yue's fifth elven steel snake finally entered the field with unfavorable attributes, and another fierce battle began.The Big Steel Snake is also the strongest elf in Ye Yue's hands. The Gotha Duck has gone through two battles, suffered a lot of damage, and finally lost to the Big Steel Snake.

Afterwards, Ake's Geng Gui came on the stage and defeated Ake's Big Steel Snake and Flame Chicken one after another, advancing smoothly.

Half of the quarterfinals have been completed.

After the game, Xiao Luo and Ake brought some elves to have some tactical exchanges in the park of Silver Town, while the rest continued to play in Silver Town.

The next day's match did not exceed the expectations of Xiao Luo and others. The three elves of Tianmu swept their opponents and advanced easily.The boy named A Jin was even more terrifying. After a monster defeated the opponent's four elves, he was replaced by him. Then, a wind speed dog came out and defeated the opponent's remaining two elves again without any mercy.

The strength of the two made Xiao Luo and Ake extremely afraid.

With the end of the quarter-finals, the list of the semi-finals was announced. Xiao Luo faced Tian Mu, and A Ke faced A Jin.This result made Ake smile bitterly, instead of facing A Jun, he hoped to face Xiao Luo.

On this day, everyone had no intention of playing and went back to their rooms early.

As the game draws to a close, a tense atmosphere pervades in their small group, especially facing two such formidable opponents.


On the second day, in the words of the commentator, the highly anticipated Final Four finally started.The first game was the match between Ake and the Argentine army.

For the player A Jun, Xiao Luo also briefly investigated.The information is very simple, from Wudou Town, so far, only four spirits have been used, namely Weili, Big Wolf Dog, Wind Speed ​​Dog and Water Arrow Turtle!The strength is strong, and the fighting style is also biased towards the brute force type. Relying on the powerful elves in his hands, he quickly eliminated the opponent.

Facing such an opponent, Ake was also fully prepared, and dispatched Mo Ru'e in the first round of the battle.Regarding Ake, Akin was also cautious and used the big wolfhound to fight.

Although the big wolf dog has a certain advantage in terms of attributes, Mo Ru'e in Ake's hands is even more weird than Geng Gui in his hands.After a duel of strength and resourcefulness, Mo Rue, after paying a huge price, defeated Ake's big wolfhound and won the first battle.

Afterwards, Ake took out the wind speed dog to fight, and when Ake was about to replace Mo Ru'e, he made a quick move and defeated Mo Ru'e before returning to the poke ball.

Facing the Wind Speed ​​Dog, Ake took out the Gotha Duck to fight, but even though the Wind Speed ​​Dog had a very high level and unfavorable attributes, he still defeated the Gotha Duck.

Afterwards, Ake took out the fire-breathing dragon to fight.After a fight between fire and fire, both elves lost the ability to fight.

After the intermission, Ah Jin began to exert his strength and played with strange strength.Ake was ready to take precautions, and after the strange force appeared, he sent Geng Gui to fight.

Fighting-type tricks are ineffective against ghost-type, which is common sense.But it's not without solutions.

After Ajin commanded the strange force to use the trick of seeing through, Ake resolutely commanded Geng Gui to launch a suicide attack. When he lost his combat ability, he used the same trick of fate, and both were defeated.This kind of method made Ah Jin's face darken, which was extremely ugly.

Afterwards, Ake sent out his trump card elf, Bangira, and Akin's fifth elf was a circle bear with an extremely violent personality.

Both sides are powerful elves, and the fight started with brute force, which was extremely fierce, and the audience present were excited and applauded continuously.

After the two elves fought for more than a dozen rounds, both were exhausted, and in the end, the circle bear was slightly better and defeated Bangira at the foot.

Ake withdrew Bangira with an ugly expression, gritted his teeth and took out his last elf——Emperor Yan!
As soon as Yandi appeared on the stage, the audience on the scene exclaimed. To see the battle of the beasts in the alliance competition, this is something that has not been encountered once in many years.

Ah Jin, who saw Emperor Yan, was also taken aback, and then retracted the circle bear whose physical strength was severely exhausted.Just when Ah Jin was about to take out the next elf, a white light suddenly shot out from behind his waist, and an elf automatically appeared in front of Emperor Yan.

As soon as this elf appeared, the scene finally boiled over. Even Xiao Luo and the others couldn't help but exclaimed, showing serious expressions...

(It's something, I'm in my hometown now, and I'll go back tomorrow. This is a chapter with a mobile phone code. That's all I can do today. Let's talk about it when I go back.)
(End of this chapter)

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