Chapter 230 A Small Victory!
Lei Gong, how could it be in his hands!
Xiao Luo and Xiao Liu looked at each other in shock, and at the same time a name popped up in their hearts - Team Rocket!

Xiao Liu couldn't help asking Xiao Luo: "Is he from Team Rocket?"

After pondering for a while, Xiao Luo opened his mouth and said, "Even if he is not from the Rockets, he must have something to do with the Rockets."

Xiaoliu asked: "Then what should we do now, should we notify the alliance?"

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "It's not necessary. This is the Silver Conference, where elite trainers gather. If Team Rocket dares to barge in, it's killing itself. It's just a thunderbolt, and it won't make any big waves."

Xiao Liu nodded, stopped talking, and turned his gaze to the two divine beasts on the field again.

Emperor Yan and Lei Gong met and fought against each other in Jinhuang City long ago, and now they are regarded as enemies meeting, and they are extremely jealous.

The two beasts ignored their trainers, roared angrily, stepped on their limbs, and charged forward with their majestic bodies.

The strength did not go up and down, and the two elves bounced back.

As soon as he stabilized his figure, a blood-red flame and a thick electric current shot out at the same time, causing a violent explosion in the center of the field, with billowing air waves and gunpowder smoke filling the air.

The battle between the two beasts was bloody and wild. As beasts of the same rank, their arrogance forced them not to dodge unnecessary attacks from their opponents.This figure is like fire, majestic and majestic;

The flames are blazing, trying to burn the sky; the thunder bursts, seeming to destroy all living beings.The battle field between the two divine beasts collapsed, and the referees and trainers kept away to avoid harming Chi Yu.

This battle lasted longer than the previous five combined.After a long fight, the two elves were victorious, with scars all over their bodies and panting.Even so, he still refused to give in, roaring angrily, and charged forward again with his tired body.

There was another violent collision, this time, the two elves never separated again, head to head, and fell to the ground together, losing the ability to fight.

After the referee repeatedly confirmed that the two elves were not in danger, they stepped onto the sidelines and announced the result of the match.Ake regrets losing.

Although the failure was expected, when it really came, Ake was still a little unacceptable, depressed, and his face was indescribably ugly.

After some comfort from everyone, Ake's face looked a little better.After eating randomly at noon, everyone returned to the arena again, waiting for the match between Xiao Luo and Tian Mu...

"Okay, audience friends, next is the last match of the quarter-finals. Player Xiaoluo from Zhenxin Town will face player Tianmu from Kaji Town. Now, let's invite two players to play!"

Amidst a burst of warm cheers, Xiao Luo and Tian Mu walked onto the field at the same time and stood still in their respective positions.

The wheel that randomly selected the field was set on a snowflake, the field of ice.

After the referee explained the same rules, the game officially began.

Tian Mu had the right to attack first, and Tian Mu threw an elf ball in his hand, and said, "The last game was not finished, this time the winner will be won!"

Xiao Luo curled her lips and said in a blow, "You can't do it!"

Tian Mu was not angry either, and said with a slight smile: "If it's okay, we'll call it later."

Speaking of which, Tian Mu threw out the elf ball in his hand: "Go, Ma Yula!"

White light flashed, a sharp finger and claw shone with cold light, and Ma Yula appeared on the field with a gloomy expression.

On the ice field, Tianmu already had a certain advantage in using ice elves to a certain extent.

This Ma Huanla Xiaoluo was very impressive, with extremely fast speed and fierce attack.In the first battle at the Juniper Gym, he also lost the ability to fight with the Hippo King.

Against Tian Mu, Xiao Luo had also made sufficient preparations before, so it was not surprising to see him take out Ma Huanla first.

Xiao Luo took out the poke ball without any hesitation, and quickly threw it out: "I will leave it to you to deal with."

"Swing fight~"

A white light flashed, and a large lump of soft mud appeared on the field. After he straightened his body, everyone saw those eyes and the huge giant, right?

"Smelly mud?"

In the auditorium, Xiao Liu was surprised and said, "Can the smelly mud beat that Ma Huanla? Xiao Luo is still hiding his strength."

Ake smiled slightly and explained: "This is not hiding his strength, Xiao Luo has plans, you will know if you look carefully."

Have a plan?What do you plan to do?
Xiao Liu turned his eyes to the field suspiciously, wanting to see how Xiao Luo would deal with the astonishingly fast Ma Yula.

"Smelly mud?!"

Seeing the smelly mud, Tian Mu was also stunned.In his opinion, this kind of slow-moving elf was pulled and abused by Ma Huan in minutes, and Xiao Luo's behavior was no different from suicide.

"Little Luo, are you using this elf to deal with my Ma Huanla?" Tian Mu asked, pointing at the smelly mud.

"Look down on it, and you'll regret it."

Tian Mu shook his head with a smile, didn't say much, stretched out his hand to point at the stinky mud, and commanded: "Ma Huanla, Alloy Claw!"

Ma Xuanla's right paw was glowing with white light, and his figure flashed, appearing in front of the smelly mud as if teleported, and with a soft scold, he struck down forcefully.

Bang, boom
The body of the smelly mud was dented by the alloy claws, and then it was ejected forcefully, and the slightly smaller Ma Huan flew out, staggering to the ground.


Seeing this scene, Tian Mu opened his mouth wide in surprise.Xiaoliu in the stands is no exception.

"How come I forgot about the stinky mud trick, now there is a good show." Xiao Liu stared at the two elves on the field with great interest.

"Smelly mud, mud wave!"

The stinky mud made a long sound, and a circle of muddy gray mud appeared around it, spreading rapidly around it in a wavy shape.

"Ma Huanla, use the shadow ball after avoiding it."

Ma Xuanla jumped high, and at the same time put his hands together, a pitch-black energy ball formed in his hands.

"Smelly mud, poisonous gas!"

Facing the incoming shadow ball, Xiao Luo didn't care, and still directed the smelly mud to attack.

Black poisonous mist spewed out from the mouth of the stinky mud and quickly diffused.At the same time, Ma Xuanla's shadow ball also hit the body of the smelly mud, and the smelly mud flew into the air, screaming in pain.

After the shadow ball hit the stinky mud, Ma Huanla fell to the ground helplessly, fell into the poisonous gas, inhaled the gas unavoidably, fell into a poisoned state, and a purple patch appeared on her face.

"Just to make you uncomfortable, it will consume you to death." Xiao Luo was triumphant.

"Damn it, Ma Xunla, let's play the shadow ball again."

Ma Yula once again gathered a shadow ball and hit it towards the smelly mud.

"Smelly mud, mud bomb!"

Smelly mud opened its mouth and spit out several black mud balls, and met the shadow ball with a strong sound of breaking through the air.

With a bang, the two tricks canceled each other out.

"Smelly mud, mud wave!"

A circle of mud spread around again.

"Majula, freeze the light!"

Ma Xuanla opened his mouth and sprayed out several tiny blue fluorescent lights, which hit the mud wave, and the icy breath spread, and the mud wave was frozen into ice cubes, which were fixed on the field in the shape of a fan.

Purple lightning flashed on Ma Yula's body, and the poison broke out.Ma Yula cried out with a painful expression.

Tian Mu's expression was calm, and he commanded again: "Ma Xunla, catch that fan of ice and jump up."

Ma Huanla ran quickly, stepped on the ice fan hard, jumped high, and came to the top of the super smelly mud, making the smelly mud have to look up at it.

"It's now, Ma Yula, use Alloying!"


Ma Xuan let out a long cry, and swooped down at top speed, the alloy claws came from top to bottom, hitting towards the smelly mud.

The whole body of the smelly mud was softened and completely deformed, and Ma Yula almost completely sank into the body of the smelly mud.

A violent rebound erupted, and Ma Xuanla was thrown into the air in a mess, and the smelly mud returned to its original shape.

Xiao Luo opened her mouth and laughed: "Let you fly for a while, smelly mud, right now, use venom to attack."

Smelly Mud opened its mouth and sprayed out a ball of purple liquid, hitting Ma Huanla in the air.

Ma Huanla couldn't dodge, and was hit by the venom, and the purple electric sparks kept flashing. Ma Huanla let out an extremely painful cry and fell heavily to the ground.

"Now, fix it, use mud bombs!"

Smelly mud spit out a few balls of yellow mud with its mouth open, and hit Ma Yula again.

After a bang, Ma Xuanla's body was blown out, and when he landed again, he had spiral eyes and lost his fighting ability.

"Ma Huanla lost the ability to fight, and Smelly Mud won."

The first game, easy win!Xiao Luo smiled very proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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