Chapter 231 Little Lada!
"Come back, Maxuanla!" Tian Mu retracted Maxuanla with a wry smile, and said to Xiao Luo, "I was convinced that I lost this game. I didn't expect that the body of the stinky mud can be used in this way."

Xiao Luo said with a smile: "If there is a short, there must be a long. Every elf is no exception. This world is fair."

Tian Mu nodded and said, "I agree with this very much, just like my elf."

Tian Mu said as he took out the elf ball and threw it out: "It depends on how you deal with it this time. Go, little Lada!"

White light flashed, and a thin little Lada appeared on the field, with bright white mouse teeth, purple skin, and curly tail.This is a very common elf in the Kanto region.

"Little Rada!"

This time it was Xiao Luo's turn to be stunned. He never imagined that Ake would actually use such a spirit in such a rigorous and important competition.

Not only Xiao Luo, but also the audience at the scene erupted into a mess of discussions. If they hadn't seen Tian Mu's strength with their own eyes, they might have already made a sound of sarcasm.


After Little Lada entered the arena, he first took a look at the smelly mud, and then saw that Xiao Luo actually showed an angry face, and yelled at him in a fighting posture.

Seeing Little Lada's appearance, Xiao Luo was puzzled at first, then remembered something, pointed at Little Lada and said in a voiceless voice: "Are you the one that escaped from my hand?"


After hearing Xiao Luo's words, little Lada became even more angry, and grinned at him, eager to rush up and bite him.

Xiao Luo cursed twice, and said to Tian Mu: "Tian Mu, where did you subdue it?"

"It's near Zhenxin Town!"

After hearing Xiao Luo's words, Tian Mu was also in a daze. He never thought that Xiao Lada and Xiao Luo had such a "relationship".

"This should be my elf, the first thing I saw." Xiao Luo looked aggrieved.

"He's mine now!" Tian Mu said with a smile, "Who told you to let it escape?"

"It's not that I'm not strong enough!" Xiao Luo muttered softly.

Later, Xiao Luo asked again: "How long have you tamed it?"

"I subdued it not long after I started traveling. It's my fourth elf!" Tian Mu didn't hide it either.

Xiao Luo's expression changed, and he became serious.

If it really took that long to subdue it, then in terms of the talent of this little Lada, it is absolutely powerful and terrifying at this moment.

"Smelly mud, use the mud wave!" Xiao Luo tentatively directed the smelly mud to launch an attack.

A circle of black mud spread rapidly around the smelly mud.

"Little Rada, angry front teeth!"

Little Radha turned into purple lightning and passed under the mud wave.The rat's teeth were shining brightly, and it bit on the body of Smelly Mud.

The smelly mud let out a painful roar, and his body staggered back uncontrollably.

Xiao Luo showed shock, this speed is really terrifying.And the field of ice doesn't seem to affect it at all.Tian Mu has never let it evolve, it should be to preserve this style of extremely fast fighting.

"Come back, smelly mud!" Xiao Luo took out the poke ball, intending to replace smelly mud.

Although Little Lada and Maxuanla are both elves who excel at speed, the nature of their unique moves is completely different.There may be no problem with Ma Huanla, but with Little Lada, it is estimated that after a few mouthfuls, the stinky mud will be finished.And the smelly mud is really powerless to fight back.

"It's a good idea, little Lada, use pursuit!"

call out!
Just as the recovered light enveloped the smelly mud, little Lada turned into a black shadow and quickly hit the smelly mud. A scream sounded again, and the huge body of the smelly mud collapsed.

"Smelly mud loses the ability to fight, and little Lada wins!"

"Beautiful! Good fight!"

"My God, little Lada can be so powerful!"

"Handsome, come on little Rada!"


All kinds of cheers and applause erupted in the auditorium. Little Rada's performance surprised them and made them all support Tianmu.

Perfect failure!
Xiao Luo took back the stinky mud with an ugly face, the appearance of little Lada had disrupted his original battle plan against Tian Mu.Now, we can only speak in terms of actual strength.

But the one that can firmly suppress this little Lada in my hands...

It seemed to be the only one, after some hesitation, Xiao Luo took out an elf ball and held it in his hand.After thinking about it, he put it back and threw out another elf ball: "Go, Hippo King!"

A white light flashed, and the leisurely Hippo King appeared opposite Little Lada with his hands behind his back.

"No matter what elf you use, bite you first before you speak. Little Radha, angry front teeth!"

call out!
Little Lada once again turned into a purple lightning bolt and charged forward.


King Hippo stretched out his hands, and a green protective cover appeared around him, protecting him inside.

The little Lada hit the protection, and was shocked back by the embarrassment.

"King Hippo, deceive the space!"

"La - all -"

Hippo King raised his hands and let out a long cry, and the whole venue was enveloped in a gray energy space.

"Little Lada, use one hundred thousand volts!"

A yellow electric light flashed from the little Lada, and then, a zigzag electric light quickly hit the Hippo King.Hippo King couldn't dodge in time, and was hit by [-] volts, showing a painful expression.

After the [-] volts passed, the Hippo King had obvious scars. The special attack of the little Lada was not high, and the damage of the [-] volts was limited, and the Hippo King was not knocked down.

"Little Lada, use Lightning Flash!"

"Phantom Light!"

Xiao Luo followed Tian Mu's command and made a sound.

Hippo King's eyes shot out a tiny colored light, which hit him before little Dala used the electric flash.


However, Narada easily dodged it with a small jump, and then turned into a straight white light. Before the Hippo King could react, he rushed up and knocked the Hippo King into the air.

At the same time, the room for deception flashed across the field.

"Very well, little Lada, next use one hundred thousand volts."

"Hmph, Hippo King, illusion!"

King Hippo stood up quickly, his eyes turned pure white, and looked towards little Lada.

The little Lada was extremely clever, and his figure kept moving, which the Hippo King couldn't catch.

Looking at the smiling Tianmu, Xiao Luo secretly said, he knows the trick of deceiving the space very well, and it is impossible to use this trick to gain an advantage.

Xiao Luo gritted her teeth, got angry, and commanded again: "Explode, Hippo King!"

"La - all -"

The Hippo King stood up straight, pointing forward with both hands, his whole body was glowing with blue light.A blue light wave spread out in a circular shape.


Xiao Lada let out a scream, and was violently thrown away by Guangbo.

"It's now, illusion!"

The illusion of the Hippo King continued, and the moment the little Lada was thrown away, he was captured by it.Unable to get up from the ground, little Lada was restrained by the illusion technique and pulled into the air.

Following the hippopotamus king's wave of his hand, little Lada flew straight towards the side wall as if he had been hit hard.

The small body hit the wall of the field and bounced a short distance before landing on the ground screaming in pain.

"Fix it, Phantom Light!"

"Little Rada, get out of the way!"

The phantom light was emitted quickly, and the little Lada, who was struggling to stand up, failed to dodge the attack in the end, and was wrapped in the phantom technique, his body twitched and screamed in pain.

After the illusion, little Lada's body was emitting green smoke, lying on the ground and losing the ability to fight.

"Little Lada lost the ability to fight, and the hippo king won!"

Although he won, Xiao Luo couldn't be happy. The Hippo King's condition is extremely bad at the moment, and he may fall down at any time.

Although the burst of illusion is easy to use, it consumes a lot of energy. Coupled with such a long time of use, it has already caused a lot of damage to the hippopotamus king.

"Come back, little Lada!" Tian Mu's expression was not very good either.Little Dala was defeated by the Hippo King, much beyond its expectation.

"The third one, go, Dunjia!"

White light flashed, and a huge Dunjia appeared on the field, with two tusks raised high, and a long cry resounded throughout the field.Then he lowered his head and stared at the Hippo King with sharp eyes, his forelimbs were constantly moving.

Xiao Luo also retracted the hippopotamus king, replaced it with a poke ball and threw it out: "The Giant Pincer Mantis, it's your turn to play."

The poke ball was opened, and a thin giant pincer mantis appeared.The armor was shiny, and he stared at the armor with the same sharp eyes, showing a trace of murderous aura. He lowered his body slightly, waiting for Xiao Luo's order.


(End of this chapter)

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